
From the conference in Chicago, United Copts GB statement


Why we call for Radical Muslims to be excluded

from the political process.  

First, quoting from Victor Davis Hanson article “Traitors to the enlightenment” he said: ”The first Western Enlightenment of the Greek fifth-century B.C. was the beginning of an attempt to bring to the human experience empiricism, self-criticism, irony, and tolerance in thinking. The second European Enlightenment of the late 18th century followed from the earlier spirit of the Renaissance the Enlightenment nevertheless established the Western blueprint for a humane and ordered society.

Now all that hard-won effort of some 2,500 years is at risk”, Now we can see the Radical Islamic ideology has infiltrated Europe; the pampered and frightened Western public is caving in to barbarism. Caving in comes under so many disguises and names, you hear of Islamo-fascism, political correctness....etc. In Europe write a novel deemed critical of the Prophet Mohammed , as did Salman Rushdie, and face years of ostracism and death threats — in the heart of Europe not less. Compose a film, as did Theo Van Gogh, and find your throat cut in “liberal” Holland. Or better yet, sketch a cartoon in postmodern Denmark, and then go into hiding. — in the heart of Europe not less. Compose a film, as did Theo Van Gogh, and find your throat cut in “liberal” Holland. Or better yet, sketch a cartoon in postmodern Denmark, and then go into hiding. — in the heart of Europe not less. Compose a film, as did Theo Van Gogh, and find your throat cut in “liberal” Holland. Or better yet, sketch a cartoon in postmodern Denmark, and then go into hiding.


— in the heart of Europe not less. Compose a film, as did Theo Van Gogh, and find your throat cut in “liberal” Holland. Or better yet, sketch a cartoon in postmodern Denmark, and then go into hiding. — in the heart of Europe not less. Compose a film, as did Theo Van Gogh, and find your throat cut in “liberal” Holland. Or better yet, sketch a cartoon in postmodern Denmark, and then go into hiding. — in the heart of Europe not less. Compose a film, as did Theo Van Gogh, and find your throat cut in “liberal” Holland. Or better yet, sketch a cartoon in postmodern Denmark, and then go into hiding.

— in the heart of Europe not less. Compose a film, as did Theo Van Gogh, and find your throat cut in “liberal” Holland. Or better yet, sketch a cartoon in postmodern Denmark, and then go into hiding. 

— in the heart of Europe not less. Compose a film, as did Theo Van Gogh, and find your throat cut in “liberal” Holland. Or better yet, sketch a cartoon in postmodern Denmark, and then go into hiding.  We knew it right from the beginning, we, the Christian minority in the Middle East, who suffered the resurgence of Radical Islam in Egypt from the seventies onward, which is now a global phenomenon. Should the West lean a lesson from what happened to Middle East Christian minorities? Yes it should.  Radical Islam we now understand is a fascist, supremacist, coercive ideology, bent on changing the world by fear and intimidation to dominate the world, it does not believe in the elemental freedoms, the equality of mankind or democracy.  When Mohammed Ahmed Hegazi converted to Christianity in Cairo in August this year, what happened? Muslim scholars openly asked for his execution. Radical Islam is the greatest threat to personal safety and political freedom in the world in the 21st centaury.   Now in spite of the continual attempts at polishing Radical Islam by well organized and well financed organisations, and they are so many, but they all have their roots in, and originate from the Muslim Brotherhood ideology, it is obvious that the Muslim Brotherhood agenda, in spite of all rhetoric, has not moved an iota since its inception following the fall of the Ottoman empire. Muslim Brotherhood was established in Egypt in 1928 by Hassan El-Bana in Ismailia to revive the idea of Islamic Khalifa.  The principles of Muslim Brothers remains, as per “Milestones” book by Sayed Qutb aspiring to Building the Muslim individual, the Muslim family, the Muslim society, the Muslim state, the Khalifa, and eventually Mastering the world with Islam.  

The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood remains Allah is our objective. The messenger is our leader. Quran is our law. Jihad is our way. And Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope with the Quran and two swords as the emblem.

As stated in the organization’s charter and on its website, the Muslim Brotherhood seeks to install an Islamic empire ruled under Sharia Law and a Caliphate across the Muslim world and ultimately the entire world, through stages designed to “Islamisize,” incrementally, targeted nations. We can witness this very action taking place in Europe today.   The Muslim Brotherhood has succeeded in setting up numerous US front groups since the 1990s that should be regarded as hostile and a threat to the United States, according to Stephen Coughlin, a lawyer and military intelligence specialist on the Pentagon Joint Staff.  

In a September 2007 memorandum, Coughlin explains that many US Muslim aid and civil rights groups viewed as moderate by the Justice Department and other government agencies are linked to the pro-jihadi Muslim Brotherhood. The groups are also engaged in influence and deception operations designed to mask their activities and the overriding goal of their organization that being the advancement of Islamofascists doctrine within the United States, all is done by deception.

 In "Ikhwan in America Plan” a document written by Muslim Brothers in America and made of 20 points it says, “The process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process.' The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." 

In a TV interview I took part in, with Sameh Fawzi a few months ago; when I asked Esam El-Erian, defined as a senior leader in the Muslim Brotherhood and also he is a master of deception by trade the questions:

Is Muslim Brothers going to apply Sharia if they seize power or not? 

Is Jihad part of their manifesto to spread Islam or not? “See motto”

 Are Christians equal citizens or Dhimmies? And Sameh asked him what he thinks of their Mufti

Sheikh Abdulla El-Khatib fatwa when he said openly in El-Da’awa magazine that Christians should be expelled from the army and churches should not be allowed to be built in cities which were taken by fight like Alexandria?

Are we equal in rights to get to leadership positions? What is called in Islamic jurisprudence “Welayat?”

 Do Christian mothers have right to
custody of her minor children when the father converts to Islam?   Are Muslims under Muslim Brotherhood rule allowed to convert to Christianity according to article 18 of the International declaration of Human rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other international covenants?  Mr. Esam El-Eryan answers were as expected ambigious, full of rhetoric, never answered the points about custody and freedom of religion. 

I feel that now is the right time to intensify our efforts to expose the real darkness inside Radical Islam agenda to the whole world. As Baroness Cox said in the first issue of United Copts Magazine “Your experience should therefore be invaluable in helping us all to understand and to withstand Radical Islam. Radical Islam is no longer Coptic concern but GLOBAL CONCERN,

There should be no democracy for the enemies of democracy, and democracy should not be used as a slipper to barbarism to gain power through democracy which will never be used again, I go further and say that there should be no freedom to the enemies of freedom, Radical Islamic group members should be put behind bars and countries who allow them to play politics should receive harsh sanctions.  

It is time now for the Free World to see the imminent power of darkness and the real danger of Radical Islam which is much nearer than ever, it is our duty having experienced Radical Islam first hand to warn and to explain. I wish you success in our honorable endeavors. And thank you.