
Mahdi Akef and Ignorance

Liberal Wall Blog 

Mahdi Akef, the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, gave a statement to Ikhwan Online, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Arabic Website regarding the Muslim Brotherhood’s Political Platform and the banning of Christians and Women from running for President.

This issue of banning Christians and Women has sparked a lot of debate and needs a full review, but that is not my interest in this article.

What interests me however is the justification that Mahdi Akef gave for this decision. In an attempt to justify this decision, Mahdi Akef used the US as an example. He said that, and I quote, America itself refuses that its Presidency is taken by a Protestant or a Catholic. As John Kennedy, who was a Catholic was killed and he was the only non Evangelical President of the US.

Yes ladies and gentleman, No Protestant President!!!

The Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood does not know what Protestant is or obviously Evangelical.

This is no surprise from Mahdi Akef. The guy is obviously old and we can not expect from him to know such basic information. What is surprising however is that this statement was given on the 6th of November, 9 days ago and during those 9 days members of the Muslim Brotherhood Political Bureau, Guidance Council and many Muslim Brotherhood members have read this statement and no one noticed the obvious ignorance.

If Mahdi Akef does not know what Protestant is, doesn’t anyone in the Muslim Brotherhood know?