
Egyptian Journalism and Anti Semitism

Egypt’s ongoing problem of Anti Semitism seems to be increasing lately. The last example was published just yesterday in El Gomhoria newspaper, which is a government, owned and run newspaper. Mohamed Abu Hadid writes a weekly column in the newspaper that covers nearly one whole page. He usually writes a long article on a topic and after that writes small one line comments on important news of the week. In his article on the 10th of January the comments section included this line that read as follows: “Insisting on confirming its bias, the US Congress has sent to us a member to visit Egypt by the name of Steve Israel”.

First of all it is quite sad that Mr. Mohamed Abu Hadid does not know that individual members of Congress visit countries on their own and are not sent in blocs based on a decision by the government as in other countries. Mr. Steve Israel is a member of Congress and he decided to visit Egypt. Congressman Israel is a member of the House Appropriations Committee and served previously on the House Armed Services Committee. Thus it is only natural that he would decide to pay Egypt a visit, with the growing debate about the AID to Egypt and the accusations on the Tunnels in Sinai. Thus he is not sent by Congress and there is contrary to the writer’s imagination no hidden or official message. It is not an attempt by Congress to prove anything let alone its bias.

More importantly however is the question of why the writer found the visit as a proof of bias or a confirmation of it. Is it perhaps the member’s name? The Congressman’s name is obviously provocative to the writer. Or might it be that the Congressman is indeed Jewish? In both cases why is that provocative? Israel is a biblical name that is used by both Christians and Jews. I personally have an Egyptian Christian friend whose family name is Israel.

Well for Congress to overcome creating such hard feelings and to destroy any claims of its bias I have a suggestion to make to American lawmakers. Do not send us any Jews. Whether they are Congressman, Diplomats or just Tourists just don’t send them. It obviously hurts our honorable writer’s feelings and while we are at it why elect them in the first place. Please people of America do not elect Jews. If you do we will consider it an insult!!!

Posted by Samuel Tadros

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