
EgyptAir Subjects Passengers to Islamic Prayer

Stop the aclu 

Let me give you a hypothetical situation.

You board a flight for New York someplace in Europe. The passenger list is a mix of Christians, atheists, muslims and Jews and over the loud speaker comes a prayer while a picture of the Vatican flickers on the overhead screens. Who would complain? The Jews? Most likely not, except for the lapsed Israel hating kind that infest New York, so maybe some of them would. The atheists? Maybe in passing while stating authoritatively that there is no God. I bet they’re gonna feel like fools on judgment day, huh? The muslims? You betcha buddy.

But let Egyptair play a muslim travel prayer while showing a picture of a mosque and all is well in dhimmi land. Nobody, as far as I can tell, lodged one complaint to the airline. Most likely because complaining about all things muslim is almost taboo, especially when you are heading to the nest of vipers called the Middle East.

If an airline tried to play a Christian prayer at the start of a flight the left would be up in arms screaming religious discrimination. The ACLU might even join in that fight by suing the airlines on behalf of an offended muslim passenger. I have been on an offensive roll this week, with posts such as this, this, and this just rolling away from my keyboard like the caterwauling cadence of the muzzie call to supplication rolling through the streets of Dearborn in the morning and I believe I am going to continue that streak with my very own prayer in this post;