
MB History and Agenda for Beginners


Assad Elepty

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is also known as:

“Hizb al Ikhwan al Muslimeen” - The party of the Muslim Brothers or

“Jamaat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun” - Society of the MB.

MB is a fundamentalist international organization or organizations originating in Egypt. MB goals are the conversion of Muslim countries into states ruled by Sha'aria (Shariah) law, the re-establishment of the Caliphate and ultimately, world dominion.

The MB's ideology, dictates that Islam is a prescription for governance as well as religion, is the prototypical example of Islamisation.

Their slogan, “Goals” are self-explanatory:

"God is our purpose,

The Prophet our leader,

The Qur'an our constitution,

Jihad our way

Dying for God's cause our supreme objective”.

What is Islam?

Before I can explain the MB, it is relevant to put them into context with the precept they desire to propagate, and that is “Islam”.

The overriding objective of the MB is to spread Islam till it dominates and rules the world as taught in the Quran & Haddith.

Islam is an Ideology taught in the Quran, Haddith and Sunna. The Quran is a non chronological mismatch of the Torah, the holy Bible, and Mohammed’s personal teachings.

Muslim people believe Islam is a religion, not unlike Christianity or Judaism.

However this is totally incorrect and is an underlying problem.

Our understanding of “religion” is certainly not the same as that of the Muslim community.

(Many enlightened Muslims ‘at threat of death’ have abandoned the ideology of Islam and converted to other creeds, or become so disenchanted and became atheist.)

The average individual defines or understands religion to broadly mean:

“a private and personal relationship between ones-self and a superior being”.

The superior being is generally referred to as “GOD”.

Most religions generally have traditions, celebrations and symbols that adherents associate too. At the same time, an overriding pretext of “religion” is to respect humanity, life, nature and our planet. Religion strives bring the absolute best out of each individual, too enhance their morals, values and ethics, to teach mutual respect, tolerance and interaction with your fellow man irrespective of their creed, color and race. That is achieved by developing the relationship with their “superior being”, GOD.

Unfortunately, that definition does NOT apply to Islam.

Islam is a stand alone, Stand Out, stealth ideology that transcends into a blend of communism, Nazism and fascist ideology.

Islam discriminates against non Muslims, is racist towards Jews, and despises Christians.

Islam is an all encompassing ideology, “an octopus with many tentacles sold under the pretext of a religion. The quran refers to non Muslims as infidels and kaffirs. It calls for death to the Jews and alleges Christians perverted the Holy Bible.

Islam is an ideology that encompasses “every aspect of ones private, social and public lives, the legal and political system, their dress code and of course what you can eat, “halal”. It prescribes punishments for certain crimes and deems women inferior to men, unfit to govern or rule.   

The issue is these teachings are a mandatory part of Islam. You have no choice, and forget leaving Islam, it is not an option, if you leave Islam you will be declared an apostate.

Islam “tortures, humiliates and kills apostates.

Don’t be shocked, this is real life, I invite you to look at the current Islamic countries in the world.

Look at Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen, even better look at the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN.

Look at the poor Muslim Iranian people living in virtual “Islamic slavery”, fathers and sons are forced to throw the first stones because the wife/mum was accused of adultery, or made an accusation of rape and could not find four male men to support her claim.

Look at the 1000’s of men publicly hung for homosexuality, the women that are arrested, taken into custody and then repeatedly raped and violated by the “MORAL” police.

This behavior by any standard is not consistent with the accepted definition of religion. That barbaric conduct is not preached, practiced or condoned by any other mainstream religion.

Under radical Islam, the perceived sinner is judged, and punished by men enforcing shariah as they interpret it. There is NO ROOM FOR ERROR HERE!! If you are falsely accused or innocent of the crime what will ALLAH think?

I utterly reject the notion or suggestion that Islam is a true religion, in comparison to other religions. Islam goes fathoms beyond a personal relationship between a person and God. Islam is an ideology of imposition, stealth and no freedom of choice and certainly no western style of democracy.

The later is imperative to understanding the agenda, goals, ambitions, truths, aspirations and values of the MB.

Islam in the Middle East has succeeded in conquering all previously Christian lands and now has its eyes set on Europe, America and the west.

The Importance of Jihad

According to the MB, jihad, “holy war against the infidels”, is one of the fundamental elements of Islam.

The term Infidels refers to every non Muslim, and is sometimes used against Muslims that do not adhere to the MB interpretation of Islam.

The term “Kaffir” is an Arabic word that literally means “blasphemous” or “blasphemer”.  

Kaffir is often used to describe Muslims that do not adhere to the tenets of Islam, e.g. drink alcohol, or do not pray daily etc.

The organization's ideology, as it appears on its official website, regards "the Prophet Muhammad as its leader and ruler, and jihad as its path."

Jihad has a global strategy beyond self-defence; “it is the unceasing attack on every infidel rule, intended to widen the borders of the Islamic state until all mankind lives under the Islamic flag.”
"The Goals of the MB, leads to explanations of jihad based on the writings of MB founder Hassan al-Banna. Jihad, “is Islam's most important tool in effecting a gradual takeover, beginning with the Muslim countries, moving on to re-establishing the Caliphate over three continents in preparation for a conquest of the West, and finally instituting a global Islamic state”.

The organization's website states:

We want a Muslim individual, a Muslim home, a Muslim people, a Muslim government and state that will lead the Islamic countries and bring into the fold the Muslim Diaspora and the lands robbed from Islam and will then bear the standard of jihad and the call [da'wah] to Allah.  Then the world will happily accept the precepts of Islam.... Imagine a world that replicates Iran?

The problems of conquering the world will only end when the flag of Islam waves and jihad has been proclaimed.
The goal is to establish one Islamic state of united Islamic countries, one nation under one leadership whose mission will be to reinforce adherence to the law of Allah...and the strengthening of the Islamic presence in the world arena....The the establishment of a world Islamic state.
And if prayer is a pillar of the faith, then jihad is its summit...and death in the path of Allah is the summit of aspiration.

The MB does not hide its global aspirations and the violent path it intends to follow to achieve them.

TheMB is meticulous in its step-by-step plan,

First to take over the soul of the individual and then the family,

Then the people in the community,

Then the nation

Finally a union of Islamic nations until the global Islamic state has been realized.

Since the Islamic terrorist attack on 9/11, Islam has been in damage control. A wave of Islamic terrorists world wide with Quran in hand declaring jihad, executing captives, or threatening countries with terrorist attacks to come, then posting on line have shamed Islam.

The result was a world wide scrutiny of “Islam” it has become a global phenomenon.  The MB in a desperate bid to salvage the reputation of Islam attests they are "moderate".

The world wide condemnation of the attack not only shook the Muslim world, it shocked the MB, and it was not something they had contemplated, quashing their short lived celebrations.

Even the backlash from members of the Muslim community shook their foundation and was unexpected.

The MB now to try to distance themselves from radicals like, Al-Qaida, Taliban, and Osama Bin Laden.

This "moderation" is a convenient tact and will gradually vanish as MB achievements increase. As they gain ground the existing situation is replaced by a strict, orthodox Muslim rule whose foreign policy is based on jihad, and rejection of western Democracy.  This is the current situation in Egypt; it is almost a mirror of the 1979 revolution, In Iran the ayatollah made a triumphant return and radically Islamised Iran. Likewise, 1 week to after the Mubarak downfall, the MB brought in the exiled, radical and banned Cleric Yousef Qaradwi to lead the Friday prayers at Tahrir square and address the huge crowd.

They have formed a political party, two of their members involved with the Sadat assassination were released yesterday, and they control vast areas of the poverty stricken in Cairo and almost all of Alexandria. . The evidence is clear and the writing is on the wall, the return of the MB is upon us. This translates to a vast portion of the most uneducated and ill informed in Egyptian society.

Providing “charity” aid has been a very successful strategy for the survival of the MB.
Fundamental to the MB, “jihad is at the centre of the struggle against the United States, the West, Israel, and other infidel regimes.”

The supreme leader of the MB regards Islam as waging "a battle of values and identity" against the forces of "imperialism" and the "Anglo-Saxons" attacking the Arab-Muslim world "on the pretext of spreading democracy, defending minority rights, and opposing what they call terrorism."

He advises Muslims to adopt "the culture of resistance against the invasion," explaining that Allah gave "the occupied, oppressed nations jihad and resistance as a means of achieving freedom." He added that "the culture of resistance to invasion and occupation have intellectual, military, and economic aspects. Experience in Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan have proved that resistance is not imaginary or fictitious or impossible, but rather it is possible when the [Islamic] nation presents a united front and uses its weapons and faith to face an imperialist, whether he comes with arms or inundates us with his ideas, values, or obsolete morality." Akef's successor, Mohammad Badi', maintains the same platform.

Different factions of the MB believe that an Islamic society can be achieved by violent means in the near term, or by education and "preparation" of society and "democratic" takeover. There is not a single Islamic state in the world where NON Muslims are treated equally and never subjected to attack. Everywhere Muslims dominates, there is violence and death, it is what they are taught, “brainwashed” with. As an Aussie I can say “least we forget the Bali Attacks.”

MB Ideology

Al-Banna developed the ideology and the methods of organization and recruitment that were to characterize most radical Islamist groups which may or may not have been inspired by theMB. The ideology includes the following points:

  1. Islam most dominate and not be dominated.
  2. Restoration of the lost caliphate - i'adat al Khalifa al Mafqudah -  is the chief immediate political goal of the Islamist movement. 
  3. Islam is currently inferior to the West because it deserted its roots. It will triumph by returning to its pristine form.
  4. Social revolution and anti-colonial struggle are an integral and major part of the mission of the Islamic revival.
  5. Violent Jihad is a central tenet of Islam and martyrdom in the cause of Allah is highly valued.  Violent Jihad is the greater Jihad, while inner struggle for moral purity is the lesser Jihad.
  6. Islam must aim to take over the entire world and assert its superiority through violent Jihad.
  7. Western civilization is doomed by its decadence and Jewish influence.
  8. Ideas such as democracy and human rights are products of Jewish influence and Western decadence. Society must be ruled by God and not men.
  9. The Jews are particularly vile enemies of Islam. Israel is to be opposed because it is a foreign western implant.  

MB ideology is virulently anti-Semitic, anti-Western and anti-democratic in principle.  It is important to emphasize this last point, in view of the optimistic theories of certain academics which insist that the MB and similar groups would evolve toward democracy because of democratic traditions in Islam. The original MB ideology views all such democratic traditions as heresy, though it might use democratic means to gain power. Al-Banna was succeeded by Sayyid Qutb. The reasoning behind this opposition is explained in Chapter 6 of Sayyid Qutb's book, Milestones: just government is government by God, and not by men. Qutb believed that the best sort of government was a dictatorship based on Sha'aria Muslim law.

MB Method of Organization and Recruitment

Hassan al-Banna was a gifted and instinctive grass roots organizer. The MB quickly used every available tactic to achieve their agenda:

Use of existing religious organizations - Under Al-Banna, the MB initially used mosques to propagate their radical view. For anyone to refute their interpretation of Islam (supported by the haddith and Quran) was to risk been labelled a “kuffir” and retaliation, including death.

Charities and other Muslim organisations. The MB quickly established groups as a legitimate means to quickly establish grass root members. It also gave the MB the opportunity to use the organization as means to spread its ideology while been seemingly charitable..

Soviet style subversion - The MB, like the Soviet “Comintern”, set up special sections for working with different social groups such as peasants, workers and professionals.

Eclectic Facade - Al-Banna and the MB tried to minimize religious and ideological disputes with the religious elites and with local traditions that deviated from Islam, in order to attract the largest number of followers and ensure their welcome in mosques, shrines and Muslim gatherings of all types.

Multi-level structure - The MB created "respectable" networks for charity and Islamic studies at one level. At the same time, it created a paramilitary clandestine wing with a cellular structure like that of the pre-Soviet Bolshevik party. The legitimate activities of the open outer circle, such as charity, could be used to fund the paramilitary activities, and at the same time, the outer circle served as a basis for recruitment into the clandestine group. 

MB under Hassan Banna

Hassan Al-Banna was a teacher and agitator, who used the above methods to grow the popularity of his group. Initially, he had only modest success.

By 1936, after 8 years there were only about 800 members of the MB in and around Cairo and Ismailia, where al-Banna taught.

However, the rise of Nazi Germany, interested in opposing Britani in the Middle East, and the Arab Revolt in Palestine, gave the MB it's big chance.

For Al-Banna and the MB, the Jewish presence in Palestine was another Westernizing colonialist influence that had to be stopped simply because it was Western and the Quran demands Jews be killed.

Al Banna formed a tactical and ideological alliance with the Nazis as well as with Hajj Amin al Hussayni, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a Nazi sympathizer who coopted the leadership of the Palestinian Arab uprising.

By 1938, the MB boasted nearly 200,000 members, with fifty branches in Egypt alone, as well as numerous branches in Jordan and Palestine. The organization established mosques, schools, sport clubs, factories and a welfare service network.

On the eve of World War II there were more than a half million active members registered in more than two thousand branches across the Arab world.

MB Violence & Terrorism following World War II

The MB began to carry out major acts of violence in the 1940s, and was particularly active between 1945 and 1948.

In one week in 1946, four violent attacks were directed at British occupation forces, wounding 128 people.

Brotherhood members were put on trial and found guilty by Judge Ahmed El-Khazindar. Eight months later, the judge was assassinated by two MB members.

As tensions rose in Palestine, in 1947 and 1948, Jewish-owned businesses in Cairo were bombed by the MB.

When Egypt invaded the newly formed state of Israel, the invasion was spearheaded by MB volunteers, who apparently coordinated to some extent with the Egyptian army. Following the failure of the war, the MB grew increasingly strident in criticizing the government.

On December 18, 1948, Prime Minister Mahmoud al-Noqrashi (Noqrashi Pasha) dissolved the MB on the grounds that it had secretly plotted to overthrow the monarchy.

Twenty days later, a young MB member assassinated Noqrashi inside the Interior Ministry building.

Al-Banna tried to dissociate himself from the assassination, asserting or pretending that he had lost control over the group's paramilitary wing. He then betrayed his own and declared that those who had carried out the assassination were "neither brothers nor Muslims".

His denials did not wash; al-Banna was assassinated by Egyptian government agents on February 12, 1949.

After assassination of Noqrashi, his successor Ibrahim Abdel-Hadi, dealt harshly with the MB, putting large numbers of them behind bars. By the time his cabinet fell in July 1949, 4,000MB members were in detention.

The Egyptian government fearful of a mass revolt by Islamists from the Arab world, found it convenient to try to accommodate the MB.

A court exonerated the MB on the charge of plotting to overthrow the monarchy. On April 30, 1951, the ban on the group was rescinded after the radical Wafd Party won the elections.

The MB cooperated with the young officers led by Gamal Abdel Nasser, who overthrew King Farouk of Egypt, but soon fell out with the Pan Arab nationalists.

A decree dissolving political parties in January 1953 did not cover the MB as it was not a political party. However a decree was invoked against the MB by President Gamal Abdel-Nasser, he was previously well acquainted and quickly released they were a threat; he ordered that the group be dissolved. Immediately after the supreme guide, Hassan El-Hodeibi was arrested, along with other leaders and members.

The MB were not going to take it lying down, on 26 October 1954, a MB gunman fired bullets at Nasser as he delivered a speech in Manshiya Square in Alexandria. Nasser was furious, and ordered that thousands of its members be rounded up, some were put on trial. Of these, six were sentenced to death and seven others were sentenced to life imprisonment.

MB under Supreme Guide Sayyid Qutb

Following his return from the United States in 1951, Sayyid Qutb gradually assumed ideological leadership of the MB. Qutb saw fit to develop and refine al-Banna's ideology. While the idea that Muslim rule had to be extended to the west may have been implicit in Banna's beliefs, Qutb made it far more explicit.

He was also more strident in his calls to abrogate all Muslim jurisprudence and return to a somewhat hypothetical pristine state of Islam that existed in the very first years. Qutb's struggle was strongly against colonial oppression, and the rule of non Muslim man.

He decreed that all governments that did not follow his ideology were in a state of Jahiliya, “the darkness and ignorance” that according to Islam, pervaded the Arabian peninsula before the advent of Islam.

He systematized opposition to current Muslim regimes by proclaiming that all rule of man contrary to the Quran is oppression. Man can only be free, according to Qutb, by returning to a society where laws are extracted directly from the word of God as explained in the Quran.

Qutb also originated or expanded upon the idea and practice of Takfir, branding other Muslims, and particularly state regimes, as “Kaffirs”, “like the infidels”, and thus legitimizing Jihad against the Muslim states.

The popularity of this idea may have been encouraged by the suffering of the group at the hands of the Nasser’s regime. Realising they were again becoming a growing threat

In August of 1965, Nasser charged “that the MB had set up an armed organisation to seize power by force” and another wave of arrests followed. Hundreds of members were again rounded up.

In 1966 three MB leaders - Sayed Qutb, Youssef Hawwash and Abdel-Fattah Ismail - were sentenced to death and executed for plotting against Nasser. More than 300 others were condemned to various prison terms.

MB Since Qutb

Following Nasser's death in 1970 and Anwar As-Sadat's rise to power he foolishly ordered that jailed MB members be released. As a result radical Groups began to splinter off from the MB.

The Al-Takfir Wal Hijra - a group that views society as infidel and advocates withdrawal from it announced its appearance by kidnapping and killing a cabinet minister and launching an attack on the Technical Military Academy.

The mainstream MB in fear of another crackdown immediately renounced violence.

Sadat hedged his bets; he declared the MB remains illegal, at the same time it was also tolerated by the government. The MB became a useful tool, used as a counter-balance to leftist forces that Sadat also considered as a threat to his regime.

In 1976, the group was allowed to publish a monthly magazine,” Al-Dawa” which continued until it was shut down by Sadat shortly before his assassination in October 1981.

After the Camp David Peace accord was signed with Israel, 1981, the MB used members of another MB offshoot, “the Egyptian Islamic Jihad” to organise members serving in the army to assassinate Egyptian President Anwar as Sadat during a military parade in 1981.

The assassination was followed by widespread suppression of all Islamic groups sprouting from the MB.

The MB fearful of the pending Mubarak crackdown “publicly stated they had turned away from violence”. Mubarak quickly established a ruthless security force and ruled the country under “state of emergency” laws.

The MB were under tremendous pressure and unable to continue a violent Jihad within Egypt. They quickly released they could utilise “democratic methods” to remain alive in Egypt. The MB did not renounce violence, it was temporarily suspended.

The MB then became more active in civil society, winning control of several student unions and professional syndicates, and contesting parliamentary elections under stand-in party names. It is now the single largest opposition group in the Egyptian parliament. 

Jihad as sold to non mulsims.

A basic tenet of the movement is holy war, Jihad in the sense of Jihad bel Seif, “struggle by the sword”.

Jihad means "struggle" literally, and refers to a holy struggle or holy war. 

It is true the minority Muslims that reject the notion of a holy war “believe that it refers primarily to an inner spiritual struggle.”

Others believe that Jihad in the sense of war should be waged only against idolaters or only against those who threaten Islam. (Ironically this does not apply to Muslims that harm Islam when they commit terror acts in the name of Islam)

Al-Banna however, was quite explicit in stating that Jihad was to be waged as a holy duty ("fard") to subdue any society that did not submit to Islam.

Likewise Sayyed Qutb was explicit that Jihad was not a defensive war, but a staged struggle to "liberate" all mankind, it is an offensive assault, hence the Islamic terrorist organisations.

MB and Quran (Koran)

While the MB propagates an extremist and radical violent interpretation of Islam, they elect to ignore other teachings in the Quran. For example the Quran actually forbids the imposition of its belief by force, as is clear from the verse, "There is no compulsion in religion"(2:256).

The MB selectively relies on other suras of the Quran to annihilate all those political and material powers which stand between people and Islam. The MB ideology is the apex of hypocrisy and ignorance as it, “it forces one people to bow before another people and prevent them from accepting the sovereignty of God.”

This ideology renders Allah redundant and useless, and prevents people from developing a true spiritual and private relationship with the non existent Allah. Under Islam and Shariah, the deterrent is “what will happen if I get caught?” Islamic Courts are notoriously discriminatory against women and non Muslims, where normal rules of defence are non existent.

The MB considers the real servitude to Islam is following laws devised, interpreted, and enforced according to their ideology. They do not believe servitude, judgment and punishment is reserved for God alone.

The MB totally rejects “Atheism”, there is no room for atheists in Islam, you are lowest of all and Death is the solution for you.

The MB also emphatically argues that anyone who serves someone other than God is outside God's religion. Their Prophet Mohammed stated that, according to Shariah, 'to obey' is 'to worship Allah'.

The MB takes this to mean, “When the Jews and Christians 'disobeyed' Mohammed and Allah, they became like idol worshipers, “infidels” and “kaffirs”. Depending on what country you are in, Jews and Christians may be allowed to “live”, as Dihimi, second class citizen with no rights and must pay a “Jyza”.  We all know of the systematic genocide of Middle Eastern Christians and Jews.

The MB has produced English versions of the Quran, with many suras omitted and have encouraged every effort to stifle debate and scrutiny of Islam and the Quran.   

Organization of the MB

Various organizations with the same or similar ideology have evolved from the MB. Different schools of Islam have created their own terror organisations. Iraq as an example has seen hideous attacks between Sunni and Shia Muslims.  Even in the fanciful world cleansed of all non Muslims, there would be perpetual violence between the different Islamic sects struggling for supremacy and global domination.

The MB is comprised of mostly Sunni Jihadist groups. Lebanon is another example where Hezbollah (shia) are at odds with the Sunni Muslim population and often attack each other. These conflicts are currently minor and insignificant in comparison to the struggle against non Muslims.

The MB currently has branches in over 80 countries all over the world. The movement is flexible enough to allow working under the "Ikhwan" brand name. They are free to use other names, and work according to every country's circumstances. (Source: MulsimMB home page)

Indeed, the MB and its derivatives have branched out to numerous countries, in some cases transmuting to a slightly different, generally more virulent ideology.  It had a very strong representation in Gaza.

Yasser Arafat sprang from a family background in the MB of Gaza and more importantly, Hamas was founded Palestinian members of the MB. The principle innovation of the Hamas was the focus of Jihadist ideology on Palestine.

The MB is in one way or another responsible for most of the Sunni terrorist fundamentalist groups. "New" groups formed either when the original group was suppressed or it was necessary to take another name, or because of personal difference or minor or major differences in tactics or theology, or by merger with other similar groups.

The most famous such group today is probably Al-Qaeda, which resulted from a merger of Osama Bin Laden's followers with those of Egyptian MB activist Ayman Zawahiri and other groups.

 All radical Islamic Groups and terrorist organisations can be directly traced to the MB.

Central group such as Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and their derivative organizations are "inspired" by the documented teachings of the MB.  As noted, the Egyptian MB Group is accepted as the mother of all MB branches and cellular Islamic organizations.

The MB home page, ” states the following under the heading "Organization"

Today the MB “Al-Ikhwan” has branches in over 80 countries all over the world.

The movement is flexible enough to allow working under the "Ikhwan" name, under other names, or working according to every country's circumstances. However, all Ikhwan groups, in all countries are characterized by the following with respect to their method

1- Following the Salaf: Rejecting any action or principle which contradicts the Quran or Sunna, and inviting people to nothing but them both.

2- Establishing the Sunna: Working -as much as possible- to spread the Sunna in every aspect of life. (This is the internal Islamic struggle against Shia)

3- Increasing the Iman: By concentrating on the purity of hearts, loving Muslims in the sake of Allah, and remembrance (plus being away of any Sufi mistakes).

4- Political Activism: By putting political programs for "Islamising" government in different countries (after realistic studies), and establishing these programs thru the convenient ways which do not conflict with Islam.

5- Stressing Physical Health: By forming sports clubs and committing members to regular exercises.

6- Enriching Islamic Scientific Study: By enhancing the knowledge of members and others about Islam. Members with "Shari'a" major have special study programs.

7- Establishing a Sound Economic Infrastructure: By supporting and/or sponsoring any Islamic project and facing its problems.

8- Fostering Social ties: By maintaining MB links among the members of the Islamic society world wide.

What is noteworthy of the above is that it gives almost no hint of organization, but is rather a potpourri of percept’s and goals and principles. It known that some MB funding has come from supporters in Saudi Arabia, Europe, Asia, and the United States under the guise of Islamic Charities. The Holy Land Foundation was established to finance terror groups.

MB in North America

 The MB has also been established in North America since the 1960s. Below is part of a document published by the MB:                                                                                             
“The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. (Source: United States of America v. Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development et al, No. 3:04-CR-240-G, United States District Court for the Northern Division of Texas, Dallas Division, Gov't exhibit: Government Exhibit 003-0085; 3:04-CR-240-G; U.S. v. HLF, et al. p.21.             
(The above document came to light as evidence in the case of the Holy Land Foundation).
Some MB institutions founded in the United States are: the Muslim Students Union, the Muslim Students Association, CAIR (council of American relations). They all spread their ideology under the protection of existing democracy they seek to destroy, using activities under the guise of civil rights groups & charitable foundations. CAIR is the same group behind the ground Zero Mosque. The MB considers the conquest of America will spell the demise of Israel, Europe and every other non Muslim country, suffice to note: China has never been specifically mentioned by the MB. India is currently under attack from Islamists and neighbors like Pakistan. China will not play the appeasement card that has stifled western democracies. At the end of the day, it may very well be China that deals with them.                                                  
Assad Elepty