For immediate use

24 January 2013

The Coptic Orthodox Church UK

Media and Communications Office


On the eve of the second anniversary of the January 2011 uprising in Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of The Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom issued a statement (via commenting on the recent escalation of violence against Christians, and calling for direct intervention by the Government of Egypt, leading to social cohesion, saying:


‘Considering the significant sacrifice that has been presented over the past two years, even leading to the loss of life, it is time for Egypt to emerge out of the pattern of discriminatory practice, and take on its new identity of a promised democracy that the January 2011 uprising sought to establish.’

Making reference to attacks on three churches in Egypt within the past two weeks, Bishop Angaelos said:


‘We call for proper investigation into any acts of violence against individuals, groups, or communities, and the protection of places of worship, to ensure that there are no further attacks of this kind.’


Read the full statement via or click here




For more information please contact:


Angela Mikhail

Media and Communications Officer

The Coptic Orthodox Church UK


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020 7193 7076

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