Egyptian Christian Burned Alive; Father Murdered Also
Christian Post
A young Christian man was suddenly set on fire by a Muslim man in Egypt after a rumor circulated that the Christian man had a relationship with the Muslim man’s sister.
Yasser Ahmed Qasim approached 25-year-old Sabri Shihata and poured gasoline on the Coptic Christian and then set him on fire, reported the Voice of the Copts on Friday. The young Copt tried to put out the fire by throwing himself into a nearby canal, but the burns were too severe and he later died.
UK: Four men jailed sending gear to insurgents fighting UK troops.
BBC News
The four men were arrested after
a lengthy police investigation
Four men from Birmingham have been jailed for terrorism offences.
Mohammed Nadim, 29, Shahid Ali, 34, and Shabir Mohammed, 30, pleaded guilty to sending gear to insurgents fighting UK troops on the Afghan/Pakistan border.
The Egyptian Jesuit Who Inspired the Pope's Ideas on Islam
Pope Benedict XVI meditates as he visits the Blue Mosque in Istanbul on Nov. 30, 2006
Patrick Hertzog / AFP / Getty
Before he was Pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger would hold an annual summer retreat for his former theology students that focused each year on a single theme of acute concern. Three months after his rise to the papacy, Benedict XVI continued the tradition with a closed-door encounter in the Vatican's breezy summer residence, Castel Gandolfo. The topic chosen that first year with him as Pope was Islam, and the keynote speaker was Father Samir Khalil Samir, a soft-spoken, Cairo-born Jesuit and an expert on Muslim history and theology.
قد يبدو موضوع هذا المقال خروج عن الخط العام للقضايا الحقوقية القبطية التى تتصدرإهتمامنا فى هذا الموقع. ولكن فى حقيقة الأمرإن هذا الموضوع يدخل فى صميم عملنا الحقوقى. إن قصورنا فى مجال التعامل مع الرأى المخالف وقبول الآخر كان له التأثير السلبى الكبير علىالعمل القبطى. وفى رأيى أنه إذا إستطعنا أن نتقن هذا الفن فإن هذا من شأنه أن يزيل الكثير من العوائق وأن يعطى عملنا أقوى دفعة نحو الأمام.
ومع أن هذه القضية تهم البشر جميعا ولكن هذا المقال يتناول الموضوع فيما يتعلق بأقباط المهجر على وجه التحديد.
One Law for All, the group that campaigns against the adoption of Islamic law or sharia in the UK, is planning a mass demonstration in the centre of London tomorrow, Saturday. 'We know we have a huge fight ahead and can only win if we do this together.
Female Coptic lawyer gets 6 months imprisonment and 3000 pound fine after being assaulted by Islamist lawyers because she said "I complain to the Atorney-General".
The case is a testimony to bias of the Egyptian police and judiciary against Christians.
In another battle to obtain justice by the 25-year old female Coptic lawyer against the Muslim Brotherhood infested police, lawyers and judges in Abu-Korkas, Upper Egypt, Lawyer Mervet Ragy was handed an unfair 6 months prison sentence and a bail of £3000. She was charged with insulting the prosecutor during her court case by saying "I will complain to the Attorney General” for being treated unfairly.