The mere fact that there has not been widespread public uproar over Muslim rape gangs and the coverup and minimizing of their atrocities by the highest officials in Britain indicates the apathy within British society in the face of failed leadership.
Qari Abdul Rauf has been on the loose, free to continue his abuse of innocent people, as British officials continue to implement measures on how not to appear “Islamophobic” instead of keeping their young women safe.
“WHY IS HE STILL HERE? Rochdale grooming ringleader shops in town where he abused children SIX YEARS after he was supposed to be deported,” by Richard Moriarty and Ryan Sabey, The Sun, April 4, 2021:
هل للوطن حقوقا مستقلة تطغى على حقوق المواطن وتلغيها؟
فى عام 2016 اعلن الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسى امام الرئيس الفرنسى فرانسوا هولاند انه "لا يمكن قياس حقوق الانسان فى مصر حسب المعايير الأوروبية". وهو قول صادق فحقوق الانسان فى مصر لا يمكن قياسها بل ولا يمكن حتى مقارنتها بالمعايير الأوروبية.
هذا رغم ان الانسان هو الانسان فى كل مكان. والحقوق الانسانية هى حقوق عالمية وليست حقوق محلية تختلف من مكان لمكان. ومصر قد التزمت بمراعاتها مثلها مثل فرنسا. واى دولة من حقها التدخل فى سياسات اى دولة اخرى حماية لحقوق الانسان. فحقوق الانسان لم تعد شأنا داخليا لدولة بالذات ولكنها شأن عالمى يخص الدول جميعها بل يلزمها بالتدخل لحماية حقوق الانسان وإلا يكون هناك خرق للمواثيق الدولية.
The Prime Minister spoke with the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi this evening.
The leaders welcomed the strength of the UK and Egypt’s relationship and the breadth of areas on which there was good cooperation, including trade and investment, education and defence and security.
كانت نقطة فاصلة يوم أن تحول الشارع المصرى فى مصر نحو الوهابية فارتدت المراة العباية الخليجة( رمزا لالتزامها) ، وارتدى الرجل الجلابية البيضاء وحمل السواك ( رمزا لاستقامته) !
انتشرت الثقافة البدوية فى الشارع المصرى وسائر المجتمع فسعى الناس لحفظ دعاء دخول الحمام ودعاء التحصين من الوباء ، واستقبلت دار الافتاء ملايين الفتاوى عن نجاسة الكلب و آداب الجماع وحرمة الموسيقى والتماثيل والغناء !
انتقل الالتزام من الجوهر الى المظهر حين اصبحت (الطرحة) هى المشروع القومى لمصر وانتقل مركز الايمان من القلب الى الشعر !
On Sunday, the Swiss voters have almost backed a ban on wearing full-face coverings in public places. The decision has been hailed by the supporters as a defensive wall against radical Islam. But the decision has been branded as one of the discriminatory ones by the opponents.
Geneva: Switzerland votes Sunday on whether to ban full facial coverings in public places, despite women in Islamic full-face veils being an exceptionally rare sight in Swiss streets.
Polls indicate a slim majority support the move, in a vote that comes after years of debate following similar bans in other European countries -- and in some Muslim-majority states.
"I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called...." ~ Ephesians 4:1ESV
PAKISTAN: Two Christians Charged with Blasphemy
Sources: International Christian Concern, Pakistan Christian Post, Agenzia Fides
Accused Haroon Ayub Masih (back) and attorney Aneeqa Maria (right). Photo: The Voice Society via Morning Star News
Two Christian men were reading the Bible aloud at a public park in Lahore, Pakistan, on February 13th when they were confronted by opposing Muslims. According to reports, Haroon Ayub Masih and his friend Salamat Mansha Masih were approached by Haroon Ahmad and his friends, who told the evangelical believers to stop what they were doing. Haroon Ayub and Salamat then offered them a Christian book titled, Water of Life.