دون إبداء الأسباب ورغم حصولهم على تأشيرات... السلطات الأمريكية ترحل أربعة رجال دين مصريينبعد احتجازهم 24 ساعة في مطار ميامي
كتب أحمد حسن بكر (المصريون) : بتاريخ 22 - 9 - 2006
رحلت سلطات الهجرة الفيدرالية الأمريكية، أربعة من رجال الدين المصريين كانوا قد احتجزوا منذ الاثنين الماضي في مطار ميامي لمدة 24 ساعة بعد أن منعوا من النوم أو الاتصال بمحامين، من دون أن تقدم أي تفسير لقرار منع دخولهم البلاد أو ترحليهم، رغم سلامة التأشيرات الحاصلين عليها من سفارة الولايات المتحدة بالقاهرة.
VIDEO EXCLUSIVE :: Bernard Lewis Explains The Clash With Islamic FundamentalismPosted by The Editors on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 at 7:55 PM
It is said that a truly brilliant person has the ability to explain complex problems in clear, concise ways that everyone can understand. Bernard Lewis, the most distinguished scholar of Islam in the world, proved that dictum on Monday, September 11th when he spoke at the Hudson Institute's conference on the problems with the U.N.
THE scene was peculiarly British. In an old cricket pavilion adorned with photographs of long-forgotten Essex batsmen, the Home Secretary was making much of being descended from an oil-and-water mix of Irish Catholics and Scottish Presbyterians, and of his ability to think on the dual level of being Scottish and British at the same time.
Although not a religious person myself, I am usually in favor of a revitalization of Christianity in Europe. However, I sometimes have my doubts when I see how many, too many, church leaders consistently end up on the wrong side of issues related to Islam and Muslim immigration.
William Rees-MoggBenedict did give offence — but no great religion should be immune from difficult questions.Journalists should not criticize Pope Benedict XVI for his lecture at Regensburg. He has done only what every sub-editor on the Daily Mail does every day. Confronted with a long and closely written text, he inserted a lively quote to draw attention to the argument. We all do it. Sometimes the quote causes trouble, but more often it opens up an argument that is needed.
A notorious Muslim extremist told a demonstration in London yesterday that the Pope should face execution. Anjem Choudary said those who insulted Islam would be "subject to capital punishment".
Pope Benedict's long mission to confront radical Islam This is not the first time the pontiff has spoken out on the links between fundamentalism and terrorism
John Hooper in Rome Sunday September 17, 2006 Four days into his reign, Pope Benedict called the journalists who had been covering his election to what was billed as a press conference.