Islam flexes its muscles... and Ms Kelly is surprised?
16:49pm 12th September 2006
The Mail on Sunday
The real menace to this country does not come from terrorist bombs, which a calm, resolute people can cope with. It comes from the liberal elite's decision to appease Islam. The louder the Blairites talk about the 'threat to our way of life' from Muslim extremists, the more they themselves increase that threat.
WHEN will the Muslims of Britain stand up to be counted? When will they declare, loud and clear, with no qualifications or quibbles about Britain's foreign policy, that Islamic terrorism is WRONG?
Most of all, when will the Muslim community in this country accept an absolute, undeniable, total truth: that Islamic terrorism is THEIR problem? THEY own it. And it is THEIR duty to face it and eradicate it.
Muslim fury after bikini model claimed to be Pakistan's entry
A prize winning bikini contest model who claimed she was the Pakistani representative has sparked outrage in the predominantly muslim country.
Stunning Mariyah Moten, 22, won the 'Best in Media' title - for being the most photographed and interviewed contestant - at the pageant in the Chinese resort of Beihai.
Mother on terror charges for failing to report husband's alleged jihad plans
A young mother appeared in court yesterday charged with terrorism-related offences.
Bouchra El-Hor, 23, is charged with concealing information and failing to disclose information in relation to her cleric husband Yassin Nassari's alleged preparations for Jihad.
اثارت مقولة جورج بوش الاسبوع الماضى ان الإسلام السياسي هو نظام فاشستى حفيظة حزب المسلمين المتعاطفين مع جماعات الإسلام السياسي وهم كثرة
, ونود هنا ان نتعرف علي مدي صدق هذه المقولة.تعريف دائرة المعارف البريطانية, قاموس اكسفود و قاموس مريام وبستر للنظام الفاشستى متشابه الي حد بعيد وترجمته :
" الفاشية هي فلسفة سياسية او حركة او نظام سياسي يقوم علي تعظيم فكر احادي متطرف في مجتمع ما, يضطهد اى فكر مخالف و لا يقبل التعددية يضطهد الاقليات ولايعترف بالديموقراطية ولا بالمساواة و يكون الحاكم دكتاتوريا".
مصر: لماذا يتغافل الأمن المصري عن "ميليشيا" الإخوان؟
بقلم / عادل درويش
مرت في الشهرالماضي في مصر وقائع لم يقابلها للأسف رد فعل يناسب خطورتها مما يطرح التساؤلات حولجدية المشتغلين بالسياسة في البلاد، وغفلتهم عما يدبر لتهديد سلامة الأمة المصريةوأمنها.