United Copts of Great Britain welcomes the Coptic Assembly
and look forward to productive co-operation.
Also United Copts of Great Britain welcomes productive co-operation with all other main stream Coptic organisations
which have similar objectives to ours.
There is a new voice speaking in defense of
the rights of Egyptian Copts
The Coptic Assembly of America
In partnership with the respected Washington, D.C. human rights organization,the Leadership Council for Human Rights CAA’s Objectives:
vMobilize Copts to be powerful advocates in America
v Provide easy voter registration
v Provide easy access to Senators and Representatives
v Cooperate with other human rights organizations
v Provide a unified voice for America’s 600,000 Copts
v Engage youth and women in the movement Visit our dynamic website www.copticassembly.org:
v Read news stories and commentary
v Click to send letters about Coptic issues directly to your Senators and Representatives
v Learn about Coptic history and culture
v Volunteer your time to help CAA grow stronger
v Click to register to vote