UK: Police complaints over "Undercover Mosque" documentary rejected

Birmingham Post 

Media watchdog Ofcom has rejected complaints by West Midlands Police about a Channel 4 undercover programme that exposed extremism in British mosques.


Lead story - Thursday November 15, 2007


 Mohammed Hegazy battles for religious freedom as HRW report slams country’s abuses.

CAIRO, November 15 (Compass Direct News) – Sick of hiding in a secret apartment in Cairo, Mohammed Ahmed Hegazy risked his life to shop for groceries late one night last week, a cap pulled low over his face.


The Egyptian convert from Islam to Christianity does not normally chance being recognized in public by running errands for himself. Death threats forced Hegazy into hiding in August after he made an unprecedented legal bid to have his national ID card changed to note his conversion.

Women get 'virginity fix' NHS free operations in Muslim-driven trend in UK

Daily Mail 

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Women are being given controversial "virginity repair" operations on the NHS, it emerged last night.


Taxpayers funded 24 hymen replacement operations between 2005 and 2006, official figures revealed.

Saudi punishes gang rape victim with 200 lashes

A court in the ultra-conservative kingdom of Saudi Arabia is punishing a female victim of gang rape with 200 lashes and six months in jail, a newspaper reported on Thursday.

In Hiding, Egyptian Convert Continues Fight for Rights

hegaziMohammed Hegazy battles for religious freedom as HRW report slams country’s abuses.

by Peter Lamprecht

CAIRO, November 15 (Compass Direct News) – Sick of hiding in a secret apartment in Cairo, Mohammed Ahmed Hegazy risked his life to shop for groceries late one night last week, a cap pulled low over his face.

Travel terror security stepped up in UK   

 BBC News  

Security will be stepped up at railway stations, airports and ports as part of government attempts to tackle terrorism, Gordon Brown has announced.

There will be new security barriers, vehicle exclusion zones and blast resistant buildings, but air passengers will be allowed more luggage from 2008.

Egypt forcing converts from Islam, members of Bahai faith to conceal their religion, watchdogs say

Associated Press 

CAIRO, Egypt: Egypt must change its policy of not allowing converts from Islam and members of the Bahai faith to register their religion in official documents, two human rights groups said Monday.

Egypt Jails More Christian Activists from Rights Group

Like colleagues just released, MECA workers accused of ‘defaming Islam.’

by Peter Lamprecht 

CAIRO, November 12 (Compass Direct News) – Just days after two Christian activists from a human rights group were released from jail, Egyptian authorities took three of their colleagues into police custody over the weekend.



Arrest of two new members of the Middle East Christians Association in Egypt 


In the first hours of this morning November 10th, 2007 at 4:00 am two new members of our organization "Middle East Christians Association" were arrested in Egypt, Mr. Wagih Yaakoob the official spokesman of our association and Mr Victor a member.

The New York Sun

 Muslim Rivalry Hits New York Prisons

Staff Reporter of the Sun
November 7, 2007

The rivalry and violence between Sunni and Shiite Muslims isn't just limited to Iraq. It is increasingly found in one place presumed shut off from the influence of faraway sectarian politics: New York's state prisons.


MECA leader and colleague were jailed on spurious charges of ‘insulting Islam.’

Peter Ezzat wearing t-shirt

Peter Ezzat

CAIRO, November 7 (Compass Direct News) – Egyptian police this week released two Christian rights activists detained for three months.

 BBC News

Historic Saudi visit to Vatican

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has met Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican - the first audience by the head of the Roman Catholic Church with a Saudi monarch.

Pope Benedict XVI (left) and King Abdullah at the Vatican

The Vatican described the private meeting as "warm" and said the two men discussed the presence and hard work of Christians in Saudi Arabia.

Minister detained at US airport
Britain's first Muslim minister, Shahid Malik, says he is "deeply disappointed" that he was detained by airport security officials in America.

Feds in Canada revive veil issue
 Harper government bill would force citizens to bare their faces to vote
The Ottawa Sun

The Conservative government revived a controversy focused largely on veiled Muslim women by announcing plans to legally require all voters to show their face before casting a ballot in a federal election.

Muslims, Christians Clash in El-Minya, Egypt


CAIRO — Muslims and Coptic Christians clashed after Friday prayers over a land dispute, leaving 20 injured, security officials said.

Six Egyptians Involved in Publishing Magazine Facing Interrogation

Human rights director among those summoned for questioning by Egyptian Authorities

Advocates For The Persecuted

Cairo, October 22 (Advocates For The Persecuted) – The Egyptian government has issued a summons to six people involved in the one-time publication of a magazine, “Egypt First,” to appear in court for questioning on October 23.


MECA complain to the OHCHR 


DR. AWAD, Chafik HANNA, Hanna Z.


Army forks out for 95 hijabs

thesun      By TOM NEWTON-DUNN

POLITICALLY correct MoD officials are to issue free hijabs to female Muslim troops — while front line soldiers are having to buy their own kit.

Under new service dress regulations, six of the Islamic hijabs will be given to each Muslim servicewoman wanting them.


Ramzi Yousef, Al-Qaeda terrorist 'converts to Christianity' 

THE mastermind of the first terrorist attack on New York's World Trade Centre claims to have converted from Islam to Christianity.

Ramzi Yousef, a self-proclaimed Muslim extremist with past links to al-Qaeda, plotted with others to blow up the twin towers in lower Manhattan. Six people died in the February 26, 1993, bombing.

Bishoy “formerly Mohamed Hegazi” flat contents in Cairo is smashed and burnt down.  

Bishoy “formerly Mohamed Hegazi” the convert to Christianity with his wife now in hiding in Cairo were informed by friends that their flat contents was smashed and it’s contents burnt down in the middle of the street on 11 October.

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