Egypt Christian activists held for 'insulting Islam'

Middle East Times 

CAIRO --  Two Coptic Christian rights activists have been arrested in Egypt for allegedly insulting Prophet Mohammed on a British-based Web site, their lawyer and a judicial source said Thursday.

Egypt Detains Christian Rights Advocates  

Group leader helped Christian convert, who has new lawyer for conversion case.

by Peter Lamprecht 

ISTANBUL, August 9 (Compass Direct News) – Egyptian police detained the head of a Christian rights group yesterday after he held a high-publicity, online chat session with a controversial Muslim convert to Christianity, the group’s international leader said.

Egyptian convert wants official recognition  

IOL By Jonathan Wright 

Cairo - An Egyptian man has asked the Egyptian courts to recognise his conversion from Islam to Christianity and instruct the government to change the details on his identity documents, his lawyer said on Monday.

Egyptian Convert in Hiding after Lawyer Backs Out

Attorney for former Muslim seeking Christian ID leaves amid threats, national uproar.

by Peter Lamprecht

ISTANBUL, August 8 (Compass Direct News) – An Egyptian convert to Christianity who filed suit for his conversion to be officially recognized is in hiding after his attorney announced he would withdraw from the case yesterday.

UK: TV interviews jihadist who advocates British Muslims should take up arms 

Apology for a TV channel


Presumably as part of its continuing campaign to remain the most controversial television channel in Britain, Channel 4 last night broadcast an interview with a jihadi sympathiser who explicitly advocates the taking up of arms by British Muslims.

School teacher told kids to write 'Allah is God' in Wakefield, UK


ANGRY parents have blasted a teacher for telling ten-year-olds to copy a Muslim prayer saying “There is no God but Allah”.

Muslim Sues Egypt for the Right to Convert to Christianity

Christian’s attorney facing death threats from Egyptian security police.

by Peter Lamprecht 

ISTANBUL, August 6 (Compass Direct News) – A Muslim convert to Christianity filed suit against Egypt last week for refusing to legally recognize his change of religion, sparking a reactionary lawsuit by Muslim clerics and death threats against his lawyer.

Homes tied to charity searched, Detroit 

No one arrested in FBI probe into Islamic organizations

The Detroit News 

Federal agents searched the homes of two men connected with an Islamic charity that was raided in Dearborn last month, records filed in federal court in Detroit show.

Muslim fury as 'Jihad The Musical' comes to the UK

Dialy Mail 

International terrorism and the threat to Britain from Al-Qaeda would probably be deemed by most as unlikely subject matter for a musical.

About the USAID  
This is the original report mentioned in the Arabic Egyptian press. If anything,it proves that they are all lying. There is no mention whatsoever of allocating part of the aid to the Christian Copts. Once again the Egyptian press proved how reliable and trustworthy they are.
اكاذيب الصحافة المصرية عن تأثير الأقباط السلبى على المعونة الأمريكية

Muslim terrorists being picked on in British prisons, says lawyer

Daily Mail 

The London lawyer representing the injured "dirty bomber" Dhiren Barot has warned that terrorist convicts are being targeted by other inmates in Britain's jails.

ACLJ and ECLJ Fight for Egyptian Christian's Human Rights


American Center for Law and Justice 


Today the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), along with its European affiliate the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), asked a federal district court in Pennsylvania to protect the human rights of a Coptic Christian from Egypt who is likely to face torture and possible death if he is returned to his native country.  The ACLJ and the ECLJ, which has special consultative status with the United Nations (UN), filed an amicus brief with the district court on behalf of Sameh Sami S. Khouzam.

'We are Christian,' boys tell Muslims
Told to take conversion test for Islam or lose education

Two young boys ordered to take a school test that would result in their conversion to Islam wrote, "I am Christian," on the exam papers, knowing in advance that could very well spell the end of their educations. Now a U.S.-based organization is lobbying for international pressure on Egypt to quit forcing Christians into such no-win situations.

Second Korean hostage found dead

 BBC News 

South Korea has confirmed that a second hostage has been killed by the Taleban in central Afghanistan.

Bush and Brown vow co-operation

 BBC News 

US President George W Bush and UK PM Gordon Brown have held their first formal talks, renewing pledges to fight terrorism and seek progress in Iraq.

Bush and Brown's first summit

Abu Hamza upset by prison life.


All is not well with the one eye'd warrior of holy jihad, it would appear that the great jihad warrior is well crying like a little girl over his treatment. Like all jihadists he is just a gutless sniveling coward at heart.

San Diego School Stops Scheduling Class Time For Muslim Prayer

10 News 
A San Diego school that drew international attention for setting aside time for Muslim students to pray in the classroom will no longer do so, it was reported Friday.

Sheikh delays plane over women seating

Second Life 

BBC News 

MILAN (Reuters) - A Qatar sheikh held up a British Airways flight at Milan’s Linate airport for nearly three hours after discovering three of his female relatives had been seated next to men they did not know.

Eleven killed in Red Mosque blast

 BBC News 

At least eleven people have been killed in a suspected suicide bombing near Pakistan's Red Mosque, following clashes between Islamists and police.

watch Violence at Red Mosque


"Ever changing.....Hope this is final position" 

Egypt mufti reaffirms Muslim freedom of faith choice

July 26, 2007

CAIRO --  Egypt's top religious advisor, Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa, reaffirmed his belief Thursday that Muslims could choose their own religion after the local press carried apparently conflicting statements.

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