Muslims want back their stolen land, JI captive says

Agence France-Presse 

STOLEN Muslim land drives the hatred of Indonesia-based extremist network Jemaah Islamiah for the west, the group's jailed military boss told CNN in an interview broadcast today.

Egyptian Copts Appeal Religious Identity Ruling

Interior minister demands execution of Christian ‘apostates.’

by Barbara G. Baker

ISTANBUL, June 25 (Compass Direct News) – Egypt’s Supreme Administrative Court heard a final appeal last week for 45 Coptic Christian citizens who were denied their attempt to legally reclaim their Christian identities after officially converting to Islam.

 Seventh terror suspect disappears

BBC News 

A seventh terror suspect has absconded while under a control order, the Home Office has confirmed.

Seventh terror suspect disappears in UK

Khaleej times 

LONDON - Britain’s interior ministry faced fresh embarrassment Thursday after a seventh terror suspect disappeared despite being under strict supervision.

Muslim world inflamed by Rushdie knighthood

Sir Salman Rushdie celebrates his 60th birthday today in familiar circumstances: he is once again the subject of death threats across the Islamic world.

Egypt Detains Six After Clashes Between Muslims And Christians

By BosNewsLife News Center

CAIRO, EGYPT (BosNewsLife)— At least 13 people were reportedly injured and six people detained in Egypt Saturday, June 16, following clashes between Coptic Christians and Muslims near the historic city of Luxor.

Rushdie knighted in honours list  

 BBC News 

Salman Rushdie, who went into hiding under threat of death after an Iranian fatwa, has been knighted by the Queen.

His book The Satanic Verses offended Muslims worldwide and a bounty was placed on his head in 1989.

Special units to crack down on honour killing. Police and prosecutors target 'hotspots'

The Guardian 

Dedicated teams of senior prosecutors are to be deployed in the UK's honour killing hotspots in the wake of the failings exposed this week by the case of a young Kurdish woman murdered by her family.

Muslims under attack  at South Woodford Muslim Community Centre

MUSLIMS are being pelted with eggs and stones in anti-Islamic attacks on the South Woodford Muslim Community Centre seven years after it was destroyed in a petrol bomb attack.

Violence during Egyptian voting

 BBC News

One man has been killed in election violence in Egypt, a few hours after the first round voting for the upper chamber of parliament got under way.

Girl, 11, rescued from marriage 

 BBC News 

An 11-year-old girl has been rescued from a forced marriage, the Home Office has said.

Minister Baroness Scotland said the girl, who was born in Britain, was taken to Bangladesh at the age of six to care for her disabled mother.


Cabbie banned for guide dog bar 

BBC News 

A cab driver who refused to let a blind customer bring her guide dog into his car has been disqualified from driving. Liakath Ali, 21, shouted "no dog" at Paula Thomas, of London, leaving her distraught as she tried to enter the taxi, Westminster magistrates heard.   

DNA loophole hinders terror police, says Reid


Police are prevented by law from taking fingerprints and DNA from terrorist suspects on control orders, John Reid, the outgoing Home Secretary, admitted yesterday.

Saudi prince 'received arms cash'

 BBC News 



A Saudi prince who negotiated a £40bn arms deal between Britain and Saudi Arabia received secret payments for over a decade, a BBC probe has found.




 شاهدالخبر بالعربية  BBC TV           

Islam Presents Life-Death Challenge in Chad's Hospitals 


In Africa, some Muslims interpret Islam's teachings to mean a husband has almost total control over his wife - including her health care. Even in cases when a procedure might save a woman's life, health-care workers will often wait for a man's approval to proceed. Phuong Tran visits a hospital in the Central African country of Chad, and has this report for VOA.

Saudi official says non-Muslims can worship -- in private  


Non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia are free to practise their religion in the ultra-conservative Gulf kingdom but must do so in private, the head of a government watchdog told AFP on Monday.

Muhammad is No 2 in boy's names in UK 

Muhammad is now second only to Jack as the most popular name for baby boys in Britain and is likely to rise to No 1 by next year, a study by The Times has found. The name, if all 14 different spellings are included, was shared by 5,991 newborn boys last year, beating Thomas into third place, followed by Joshua and Oliver.

Al-Ahram Weekly Online

120,000 Servants to Saudi Arabia

Female domestic help are to be exported to the Gulf country, stirring a public outcry, reports Reem Leila
The Egyptian Ministry of Labour Force and Migration (MLFM) has signed a unique deal with the Saudi Industrial and Commercial Chamber to send 12,000 female domestic maids every year, for nearly 10 years, to serve in Saudi homes.

France sets purge quotas for illegal immigrants

Multiple wives often misunderstood, Muslims say

Fosters on Line  

While the practice is not legal in the United States, polygamy is accepted in some parts of the world and permitted under certain circumstances in some religions, including Islam.

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