Britain's leading Muslim bodies say they are fighting extremism. In one of our most respected mosques, Sara Hassan came face to face with hardline female preachers of separatism. Here, she reports on the shocking results of her investigation
Sarah Hassan went undercover at the Regent's Park Mosque where she joined the women's circlePhoto: CHANNEL 4
Councillors have been ordered not to eat during town hall meetings while Muslim colleagues fast during the holy month of Ramadan.
All elected members at Left-wing Tower Hamlets Council in East London have been sent an email asking them to follow strict Islamic fasting during September no matter what their faith.
CAIRO - Egyptian police used violence earlier this month to prevent villagers from repairing the only church in their area, a rights group said today, warning of a rise in sectarian tension as a result.
On August 17, "a policeman assigned to guard the Archangel Michael Church in Deshasha (Beni Soueif province south of Cairo) hit three women while they were taking sand into the church to fix the floor which was cracked as result of water collection underneath," the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) said in a statement.
In what appears to be a mass defacement, where several hundred domains take advantage of a shared hosting provider, starting as of this Friday, an Islamic hacker known as nEt^DeViL — this is not the NetDevilz team that hijacked the DNS records of the ICANN and Photobucket in June — managed to successfully hack a couple of hundred Dutch web sites as a hacktivist response to the release of the Fitna film, a controversial film released by Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch parliament in March, 2008.
LAHORE: Protesting lawyers on Thursday were seen holding placards bearing pro-Al Qaeda slogans for the first time since their protests for an independent judiciary began.
Saudi trade officials are warning against what they claim to be cancerous products made in Israel and other countries that are allegedly being smuggled into the kingdom.
BAGHDAD (AFP) - The son of leading Iraqi Sunni Arab politician Adnan al-Dulaimi has been charged with attempted murder after he was caught planting a bomb in a house belonging to a Shiite family, police said Thursday.
Promising student by day, mujahid out to "wipe out infidels" by night
Update on this story. "Model pupil secretly studied ways of wiping out non-Muslims," from Yorkshire Post, August 19:
Britain’s youngest terrorist - a teenager from West Yorkshire - was behind bars today after a guide to death and explosives was found in the schoolboy’s home.
A terror cell caught with details of bomb-making and suicide vests may have been plotting to attack the Queen and members of the Royal family, it can be disclosed.
Clergymen say extremists blame Christian prayers for Muslim leader’s death.
Prayer rally for victims
(Compass Direct News) – Blaming the death of their leader on Christian prayers, an Islamist group that launched a hate campaign in response to an evangelistic event in 2004 is reportedly attacking Christians in this Kwara state capital with renewed virulence, area Christians said.
I confess I had forgotten about the U.N. World Conference against Racism, in Durban, South Africa, on Sept. 8, 2001. It turned so quickly into a racist, anti-Semitic hate-fest that Secretary of State Colin Powell stood up and walked out.