Egypt 57 Years Later (2) 

Ashraf Ramelah

The celebration of a false victory invented by Nasser after the stalemate of 1956’s war is a clear indication and key to understand the typical Arab’s mindset. One of the tenets of Islam is to lie to others. Over time, the liar will even accept the lie to be true.

When the Union of Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR) had announced as an ultimatum to France, United Kingdom (UK) and Israel to cease fire, President Dwight D. Eisenhower then the President of the United States (US) had requested to those fighting Egypt to a ceasefire. This was done and surprisingly, Israel found herself possessing more land than before due to the fighting.  This was not even thought of or in any plan.  Israel simply was defending herself against the aggressor of Egypt.  Eventually a quiet agreement was established stating that Israel can have Eliat port and be allowed the right to use the Suez Canal as long as Egypt can pretend it had won.  

Nasser had a vision to become the new "Khalifa" however, he needed to start his own plan of having a Khalifa-like state -- so it would become a true Islamic nation. This would be very complex especially when there were many foreign investors residing and many Egyptians who were of society were Jewish.

Nasser had implemented something that was similar to Nazi Europe -- he would make Egypt Yahudi-free.  No Jews would be permitted to live in Egypt as a regular citizen. Hence in the late 1950s, early 1960s Nasser would force the Jews to leave the country and in a short-time without any help and no time to plan and pack. Then all foreigners (English, Italians, Greeks, etc.) would be forced to leave.

Nasser then decided it's time to make a huge Arab republic -- or a region filled with smaller Arab republics but with Egypt as being the main country.  Egypt would be known as the United Arab Republic (UAR) and its first partner was to be Syria.  A major reason was also because Syria borders along Israel. Nasser communicated with the Syrian leader (Shokri Al-Quwatli) about having an Arab region all united in one goal -- to destroy the infidels.

Nasser would be spending the monies of Egypt in purchasing military supplies from the Soviet bloc countries and deliver them to the Arab guerrillas (terrorists).

However, the relationship between Egypt and Syria would deteriorate at a fast rate. In 1960, Nasser nationalizes the major Egyptian private companies and took away all privately family owned farms so that it would be under the government's ownership.

No one in the west believed of the worse in regards to Nasser. They believed that Nasser was just trying to be a socialist. No one questioned the government's acquisition of the privately owned companies and farms. Nor did anyone question the abuses that were happening to the owners if they should be Coptic, Jewish, European, etc. He took away all land that belonged to the Churches and Synagogues but would not do a thing to Islamic properties owned by Al Azhar . The goal was to wreck any non-Muslim economic power.

Another part was to change the school system that was following a more British-like plan to be more like a Madrassa (Islamic School). The first to be changed was the University of Al Azhar was a religious university.  Under Nasser, this institution would be enlarged to include medicine and engineering, ecc. To this day, it stays as such. No non-Muslim can attend this school.

A child's would be hardly any learning of the ancient Egyptians or the true history of the country.  All children will have to learn only Islamic history and the Koran as a daily study.

Since the end of 1956 war, Nasser was building an army equipped with the latest military technology from the USSR. This was also the beginning of the abuse of Copts which would force many to immigrate out of their homeland with the blessing of the "free officers" and Nasser.  

Less than a decade later in the spring of 1967, Nasser announced that under no circumstance can any ship that flies Israel’s flag be permitted to go through the Suez Canal. By this one announcement, Nasser had broken the ceasefire agreement that was signed at the end of 1956 war.
 Israel did not react right away. At this time, Syria had started to increase the aid to the Arab guerrillas to intensify their attacks against Israel through the Golan Heights. These would be known as the "liberation attacks" - to liberate non-Israelis from the Israelis.
These attacks would devastate the civilian population in the north of Israel.  Israel considered these attacks an act of war especially following Nasser announcement closing the Suez Canal to Israel.
Nasser felt his dream of destroying Israel was to be a reality.

At this time, Nasser requested to Syria to support them and to demand the United Nations (UN) to withdraw all of their "peacekeepers" from all borders of Israel, Egypt and Syria.

Soon, nearly all the Arab nations surrounding Israel would join together to make Nasser's dream a reality!  Millions upon millions of Arab militia are against less than two million Israelis. The surrounded Arabic countries consisted of Lebanon to the north, Jordan and Iraq from the east, Saudi Arabia to the south were standing next Israeli border ready to attack.

At the beginning of June 1967 President Nasser had visited an Egyptian army unit stationed at the border and gave a press conference in which he stated that Israel was too weak to defend herself after the last war of 1956. However, they were incorrect. At 9 o'clock in the morning of Monday, June 5, 1967, the sirens of Cairo starting blasting. War bulletins started to be airing from public radio stations.
The bulletins stated that the liberation of "Palestine" will be ongoing. Israel's plan would be thumped by the invincible Egyptian defense system. In listening to these broadcasts, one could picture the mighty Egyptian army penetrating the Jewish state like a knife in butter.

On Friday, the 9th of June the radio announced that President Nasser would make an important announcement. Had it been the truth, Nasser would be admitting defeat but it was not to be. All monies that were to go for the better of Egypt's economy was spent in buying military weaponry that would be destroyed in less than five hours.  In six days, the mighty Arab militia was destroyed. Defeat was imminent. But not to the Arab mind. Nasser refused to admit defeat.

The economic results were devastated; the Suez Canal's shipping lanes were shut down. But what were worse the Egyptian people had begun to lose faith in their leader and government plus a large number of young men had lost their lives. Many families were grieving over their losses.



Dottore  Architetto Ashraf Ramelah


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