by Ed Rizkalla

Families swarm to the beaches, lakes, and mountains to enjoy the last weeks of the month of August before schools begin. Summer time brings back many fond memories of Egypt- memories of more enlightened times when the people of Egypt regardless of their religious background used to live together in harmony and peace –

its soft sandy beaches, sunny skies, the abundance of its tasty fruits and produce in summer time. When family budget permitted we visited one of the Mediterranean coastal cities such Port Said, Ras al-Bar, and Alexandria. Each had its own distinctive flavor and attraction. Whereas Alexandria- the second largest city in Egypt- offered a wide spectrum of different beaches and a great variety of entertainment, Port Said offered good beaches and a slightly more international flavor specially in the area near its port, and Ras al-Bar offered a quaint feeling of a small town, which gets rebuilt anew every summer. For whatever reasons Ras al-Bar used to hold a special attraction for me, perhaps because of its unique hut-like homes, which were built from reeds.

In Egypt the month of August is known as a time, in which the Copts observe a fasting period of two weeks in honor of the Virgin Saint Mary. Shop owners and vendors at the beach resorts, many of whom were Muslims, used to cater to the special- dietary requirements of Coptic vacationers, who usually would be observing the fasting of Saint Mary. Some Muslims tend to believe in and honor Saint Mary, as they know that God grants many people- Copts and Muslims alike- the gift of miraculous healing from diverse diseases and afflictions through her prayers and intercessions,. In fact some Muslims used to join the Copts in their fasting and celebrating the Feast of Saint Mary on Mesra 16th on the ancient Egyptian/Coptic calendar or August 22nd on the Gregorian calendar.

Apparitions of the Virgin Saint Mary at her Church at Zeiton, Cairo, are common knowledge in Egypt. Muslims and Copts alike have witnessed her apparitions with their own eyes from 1968 through 1970 (1).  Furthermore there were several subsequent apparitions of the Virgin Saint Mary, again witnessed by Muslims and Copts alike, e.g. at the church of Saint Demiana at Papadouplo, Shoubra, Cairo, 1968 through 1991and at the church of Saint Mark at Assuit in 2000 through 2001. Readers not be familiar with the apparitions of Saint Mary in Egypt over the past few decades, may want to visit website (2) (3), which show several photographs taken by different photographers for the apparitions of the Virgin Saint Mary at Zeitoun and other locations.

It is unfathomable for many people in our day and age that a mortal woman who used to walk on this earth and died some 2000 years ago, could come back to the land of the living and seen by many people including not only Christians but also Muslims. Though Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet they do not believe in his divinity. However these repeated signs and apparitions show that Jesus Christ has the power over all the living and dead, life and death, and the seen universe as much as the unseen one. Jesus Christ permitted the apparitions of his mother the Virgin Saint Mary to both Copts and Muslims. There is indeed a God, ONE Triune God, who created all the creation, seen and unseen. He has all authority and power over all his creation. Jesus Christ is of truth, the only begotten son of the Father, and the Savior of all mankind past, present and future. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and there is no one else by whose name mankind can hope for salvation from the power of sin and death.

The Virgin Saint Mary is the mother of God, the Theotokos, who is exalted above all

The Virgin Saint Mary is the mother of God, the Theotokos, who is exalted above all the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. I would like to present a few verses of praise in honor of the Virgin Saint Mary from a Coptic hymn titled “Sasf `ncop” (Shashef en cop) or in English “Seven times”:


<ere ne Maria@ `pcw] `nAdam peniwt@

Hail to you Mary: the salvation of our father Adam

السلام لك يامريم خلاص أبينا أدم

<ere ne Maria@ `;mau `mpima`mvwt@

Hail to you Mary: the mother of the refuge

السلام لك يامريم أم الملجأ

<ere ne Maria@ `p;elyl `nEua@

Hail to you Mary: the joy of Eve

السلام لك يامريم تهليل حواء

<ere ne Maria@ `pounof `nnigenea.

Hail to you Mary: the joy of all generations.

السلام لك يامريم فرح الأجيال

May Christ the Lord grant us all his peace and faithfulness to his Holy name unto the end, through the prayers and intercessions of our Lady the Virgin Saint Mary. You all have a blessed Saint Mary’s Feast.


The peace of the Lord be with you all. Irene Passe.





(*) The title of this article “is borrowed from a book titled “Stromata” by the famous Christian philosopher and writer Clement of Alexandria (c150-215 AD). It simply means miscellanies.


Ed Riakalla is a management consultant and freelance writer. He is the founder of Pharos on the Potomac Group (POPG), a non-profit organization at Annandale, VA.


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