HE always extends his hand

by Ed Rizkalla

 “And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”  Luke 1:46-47


Every year tens of thousands from all over the world visit the Sistine Chapel at Rome, Italy to look at its magnificent architecture and the wealth of its artistic treasures, which include several frescos painted by Michelangelo (1475-1564 A.D.). These frescos include his well-known fresco the “Creation of Adam”, which depicts “God” the creator reaching with his hand to his creation “Adam” and granting him life.Indeed the “ONE Triune God” of all creation in his infinite love and tender mercy always extends his hand to mankind in all ages.

After Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s commandment not eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree and thereby brining a sentence of death upon themselves and all mankind, God extended his hand and promised a Savior to save mankind from the power of sin and death. In the fullness of time God extended his hand to mankind and sent his only begotten son “Jesus Christ” to save all mankind for all time from the power of sin and death , “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3.16.


Christians all over the world are observing the Advent season, or the “Short Fasting” (الصيام الصغير) as it is known among the Christians of Egypt, the Copts. As Christians all over the world await to celebrate “Christmas”, the commemoration of the birth of “Jesus Christ”, we join together in unity to praise Him, as we wait with joyful hope for His second coming to judge the living and dead. It is a blessed season of joy and it is indeed heart-warming to listen to the songs and hymns of the advent season. Like other Christians all over the world the Copts observe the advent season with joyous songs, praises, and prayers called “the praises of Choiak” or (تسابيح كيهك) , as this time of the year coincides with the month of Choiak, a.k.a. Kiahk on the Coptic calendar. The praises of Choiak include many hymns to thank God for his salvation and honor the Mother of God, the Theotokos, Virgin Saint Mary.


Unfortunately the Copts in Egypt have been suffering for the past few decades not only from discrimination because of their faith, but also from repeated violent attacks perpetrated by militant Islamic groups and unruly mobs stirred by fanatic demagogues. In fact the past few months in 2009 have witnessed an escalation in mob attacks against the Copts businesses, property, and churches at different locations in Egypt. By way of example, Muslim mobs stirred by fanatics and in apparent collusion with the local authorities went into a rampage in November 2009, and attacked the Copts at Farshout, a town at the province of Qena, in Southern Egypt (1). The local authorities furthermore added insult to injury as they enforced the deportation of Copts from their homes leaving behind their property under the guise of affording them protection (2) (3). The deportation of Copts from their homes, leaving their property behind, simply impoverishes them and makes them an easier prey. A somewhat similar situation occurred earlier in 2009, as the news of the H1N1 Flu degenerated into hysteria, the Egyptian government- the only one in the world- decided to kill all the pigs in the country as a measure counter the spread of H1N1 Flu. This action appealed to the militant Islamic groups and targeted the livelihood of the Copts who owned and or engaged on this enterprise. It is clear that this action failed in protecting Egypt from spread of H1N1 Flu in Egypt, which continues to spread all over the world, it however earned Egypt international  condemnation and tarnished its image abroad.


However, as in all ages, God in his grace, extends his hand to mankind, and sure enough He extended his hand to his beleaguered sons and daughters in Egypt, the Copts. Over the past week or so, God sent the Virgin Saint Mary. She appeared to tens of thousands of Egyptians- Muslims and Copts alike- at a Coptic Orthodox Church named after the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Michael, at the town of al-Warak, Giza, Egypt. Clearly this apparition of the woman who gave birth to Jesus Christ and died about 2000 years ago is incredible and boggles the mind. Some tended to discount and disbelieve the fact, however the apparition has been recorded on video clips and shown on the internet and some TV programs in Egypt (4) (5) (6). A review dated December 16th, 2009 is shown by the Free Copts online (7). It includes the testimony of an interview with an eyewitness, Mr. Hassan Ahmed, a Muslim who photographed a vivid video clip for the apparition and shared it with the news media. He narrated the apparition as he saw the Virgin Mary in the form of a human being of light clad in a white dress and a blue mantel on her shoulders. He further testified to witnessing doves of light flying by night forming a cross formation preceding the apparition of the Virgin Mary. Another witness is Ms. Kawkab who testified to receiving her eyesight after the apparition, after suffering from loss of vision for 6 years. Again the apparition of the mother of God the Virgin Mary to tens of thousands of eye witnesses boggles and defies the mind, but God as in all ages reaches out with his hand to all mankind- Christians and non-Christians alike- to assure them of His TRUTH, love and care.


Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father, came into the world and died on the cross to pay for our sins and free us from sin and death. Jesus Christ is very much alive today and He is the only way and there is none other than him for all mankind. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13.8.  Dear reader, if you have not acknowledged Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please do not tarry, for He has extended his hand to you to grant you life.  


These are blessed days; let us join our hearts and minds in prayer to thank our ONE Triune God of all creation. We pray for the salvation of peoples all over the world, and that God may grant peace to His Church and people in Egypt and Churches and peoples all over the world.


You all have a blessed and Christmas and New Year. The peace of the Lord be with you all.

Irene Passe.



(1) Anba Cyril (Arabic) http://copts-united.com/article.php?I=270&A=10366

 (2) Anba Cyril (Arabic) http://www.copts-united.com/article.php?I=293&A=11370

(3) Egyptian Government Policy of Forced Collective Deportation of Christians, by Mary Abelmassih http://www.copts.com/english/?p=3760#more-3760

(4)  Doves flew over Church at Al-warak, by Samah Abedalati (Arabic) http://www.almasry-alyoum.com/article2.aspx?ArticleID=236879

(5) A TV program by Amro Adib (Arabic and vivid video clip) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVHO-gI3pV8&feature=player_embedded

(6) Several video clips on the Virgin Mary Apparition and other topics, light-dark net (Arabic) http://www.light-dark.net

(7) From the heart of the events- The Virgin Mary ..written by Sherif Ramez (Arabic testimony on video clips and photos from al-warak church on the Virgin Mary Apparition) http://freecopts.net/arabic/2009-06-28-16-57-25/42-rokstories/2007--qq-6-q-q-


Ed Riakalla is a management consultant and freelance writer. He is the founder of Pharos on the Potomac Group (POPG), a non-profit organization at Annandale, VA

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