Assyrian International News Agency
Coptic Christians Protect Monastery From Egyptian Army Assault

(AINA) -- Hundreds of Coptic Christians mobilized on Tuesday in front of the Monastery of the Virgin and St. John the Beloved, located on the Desert Road from Cairo to Ismailia. Although the Monastery has the necessary permits, the army had sent a message to the monastery that they would come on the next day, October 25, to demolish its fence, which guards it from unauthorized visits and criminals.


Coptic Church Condemns Attack, Muslims Pelt Funeral Procession With Bricks

(AINA) -- The Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt issued a statement on October 10, expressing horror at the events of yesterday in Maspero, where 24 Copts were killed and over 200 and wounded. The church stressed that the Christian faith rejects violence. The church blasted the government for failing to find solutions to "problems that occur repeatedly and go unpunished." The Church asked all Copts to fast continuously for three days starting tomorrow "in order to have peace in Egypt."


Egyptians Mourn Massacre of Coptic Christians

Orthodox leaders call for three days of fasting, prayer, mourning.

By Wayne King

ISTANBUL, October 10 (Compass Direct News) – Funeral services were held today in Cairo for some of the victims of a military attack against a group of Christian protestors that left 26 dead  and hundreds wounded.

In the wake of what could be the worst act of violence against Egyptian Christians in modern history, leaders of the Coptic Orthodox Church have called for three days of fasting and prayer for divine intervention, along with three days of mourning.


More clashes erupt in Egypt

Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf warned in a televised address that the riots were another setback on the country's already fraught transition to civilian rule after three decades of Mubarak's authoritarian government.

"These events have taken us back several steps," Sharaf said. He blamed foreign meddling for the troubles, claiming it was part of a "dirty conspiracy." Similar explanations for the troubles in Egypt are often heard from the military rulers who took power from Mubarak, perhaps at attempt to deflect accusations that they are bungling the management of the country.


Egyptian Army, Police Kill 35 Coptic Christian Protestors

By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- For the second time in five days military and police forces forcibly dispersed Coptic protesters. 35 Copts were killed today and over 300 injured. The numbers could rise dramatically as many bodies are still unidentified and disfigured beyond recognition. The dead and injured have been transported to the Coptic Hospital in Cairo. Bodies of 4 Copts were found in buildings and taken to the public morgue, reported al-Ahram Daily.


Dozens killed as thousands riot in Cairo's Tahrir Square

Comments105 Comments

At least 23 Egyptian Christians were killed last night as the country's worst religious violence since February's overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, the former president, convulsed the capital Cairo.

Clash between security forces and Coptic Christian demonstrators in Cairo 

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U.K. Radical Islamic Group: Is Assassination of Obama Legal?

By R. Leigh Coleman | Christian Post Reporter

Muslims Against Crusades, a radical Islamic organization, featured a controversial hate message on the front page of its website this week titled, “Is the Assassination of President Obama Legal?”

  • osama bin laden

    (Photo: Reuters / Naseer Ahmed)

    A supporter of the Pakistani religious party Jamiat-e-ulema-e-Islam holds an image of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden during an anti-U.S. rally on the outskirts of Quetta May 6, 2011.

The group is a British-based extremist Islamic group that was founded by Muslim leader Abu Assadullah late last year. The hate message is quickly gaining international attention due to the nature of the question as it implies an actual threat.

Egypt: Attacks against Coptic churches, part of a plan to expel Egypt’s Christians

Asia News 

In Upper Egypt, Salafis attack two churches are in less than three days. A plan hatched in Saudi Arabia would see Egypt come under an Islamic regime without any place for other religions

Cairo – Recent attacks against Coptic churches in Merinab (Aswan) and Elmadmar (Sohag) are part of a strategy promoted by Saudi Arabia to use its petrodollars to bring the country under a radical Islamic regime, sources in Cairo told AsiaNews. The latter are fearful of a mass exodus by Egypt’s minority Christians.

On Sunday in Merinab (Aswan, Upper Egypt), more than 3,000 Muslims, incited by their local imam, set fire to the local Coptic church after they accused Christians of building it without a permit.


Another Church in Egypt Attacked By Muslims

By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- On Monday, October 3, Muslims surrounded St. Mary's Church in the Upper Egyptian village of Elmadmar, Tema district, Sohag province, in an effort to demolish it. The Muslims blocked the road to the church and hurled bricks at the building. Church personnel contacted the authorities. "For the first time, security came and in big numbers," said activist George Bouchra.

None of the assailants were arrested.

Fighting Radical Islam 

Who Is Jalaluddin Haqqani?


So maybe its just that these guys don’t have al-Qaeda’s publicist, but for some reason, the Haqqani network has only just been designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department last week - and who’s heard of them?

Here’s some background on this deadly organization:

The Haqqani Network is an independent insurgent group originating in Afghanistan that is closely allied with the Taliban. Maulvi Jalaluddin Haqqani along with his son Sirajuddin Haqqani lead the Haqqani network, which is based in the Afghanistan–Pakistan border areas. According to US military commanders it is "the most resilient enemy network" and one of the biggest threats to NATO and United States forces in Afghanistan.

Haqqani is reported to run his own training camps, to recruit his own foreign fighters, and to seek out financial and logistic support on his own. The New York Times reported in September 2011 that the Haqqanis have set up a "mini-state" in Miranshah with courts, tax offices and madrassas (religious Islamic schools known for teaching radical Islamic rhetoric and even providing military training to would-be terrorists and suicide-bombers), and that the network runs a series of front companies selling automobiles and real estate. They also receive funds from extortion and smuggling operations throughout eastern Afghanistan. In an interview a former Haqqani commander called the extortion "the most important source of funding for the Haqqanis.

On September 22, Admiral Mike Mullen, the retiring chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee. He described the Haqqani network -- now run by Jalaluddin's son Siraj -- as "a veritable arm" of Pakistan's intelligence service. He also accused Haqqani "insurgents" of collaborating with the ISI in scores of high-profile attacks against U.S. and NATO personnel -- including the bloody June 28 attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul and the September 13 assault on the U.S. embassy there.

And exactly how does the Haqqani network fund itself? Funding for paramilitary operations and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) comes from (amongst other sources) Saudi Arabia, interest on "family" bank accounts in the United Arab Emirates and extortion ransom from kidnappings. A recent intelligence report describes how the Haqqanis "portray themselves as deeply religious while making a fortune from the sale and transportation of opium." The organization's success in "taxing" Afghan contractors paid with U.S. tax dollars is legendary. 

Unfortunately, it could be that the Haqqani network will soon become as household a name as al-Qaeda if more is not done now to control them and ultimately eradicate this terror machine. 

So maybe its just that these guys don’t have al-Qaeda’s publicist, but for some reason, the Haqqani network has only just been designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department last week - and who’s heard of them?

Here’s some background on this deadly organization:

The Haqqani Network is an independent insurgent group originating in Afghanistan that is closely allied with the Taliban. Jalaluddin Haqqani along with his son Sirajuddin Haqqani lead the Haqqani network, which is based in the Afghanistan–Pakistan border areas. According to US military commanders it is "the most resilient enemy network" and one of the biggest threats to NATO and United States forces in Afghanistan.


Egypt: Militant Muslim Mob Burns Christian Homes, Businesses and Coptic Church

By Deacon Keith Fournier

Catholic Online (

We have regularly covered the plight of our Coptic Orthodox Christian brethren in Egypt and will continue to do so

We urge our global readership to pray for Coptic Orthodox Christians and for Catholic Christians in Egypt in this critical hour. We must join the growing global pressure on the new government in Egypt in the wake of all of the continuing persecution of Christians in Egypt. If this treatment of Christians is an indication of the attitude of the government of Egypt, the so called "Arab Spring" is a fraud. Authentic freedom recognizes the fundamental human rights of others.


Coptic Orthodox Christian woman in prayer

Coptic Orthodox Christian woman in prayer

CAIRO, Egypt (Catholic Online) - The history of Christianity in Egypt goes as far back as the visit of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. (Matt. 2) To the Christians who live in this historic land, the history of the Christian Church is the history of Egypt. According to Christian Tradition, the Evangelist Mark brought the Gospel to Egypt in 61 A.D. and it has a proud and inspiring Christian heritage.

Muslim Mob Torches Coptic Church in Egypt
By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- After Friday prayers today, a mob of several thousand Muslims from the village of Elmarinab in Edfu, Aswan province, demolished and torched St. George's church, which was being renovated. The mob demolished the dome, walls and columns, then went to the church depot where the lumber to be used for construction was stored and torched it. The fire lasted 2 hours but the attack continued until 7 PM.

In an interview on Coptic TV channel, Father Salib of St. George's Church said "the Imam of one of the village mosques called on the people to take matter in their own hands, he added. Other witnesses named the Imam as Sheikh Sabry.


Man indicted for allegedly plotting attack on Pentagon, U.S. Capitol

By the CNN Wire Staff

U.S. citizen Rezwan Ferdaus was arrested Wednesday for allegedly plotting to attack the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol.

U.S. citizen Rezwan Ferdaus was arrested Wednesday for allegedly plotting to attack the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol.

Boston (CNN) -- A federal grand jury in Boston has indicted a 26-year-old man for allegedly plotting to use model airplanes to attack the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol, the U.S. Department of Justice said Thursday.

Rezwan Ferdaus, a U.S. citizen from Ashland, Massachusetts, was arrested Wednesday. Authorities said he planned to use large, remote-controlled model aircraft filled with C-4 plastic explosive against the targets.


Indonesian church bomber linked to radical Islamic group

ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH A handout picture released by the Indonesian police on September 25, 2011 shows a dead suspected suicide bomber after an explosion in front of a church in Solo, Central Java. REUTERS/Indonesian National Police/Handout/Files


A handout picture released by the Indonesian police on September 25, 2011 shows a dead suspected suicide bomber after an explosion in front of a church in Solo, Central Java.

Credit: Reuters/Indonesian National Police/Handout/Files

By Karima Anjani

JAKARTA (Reuters) - A suicide bomber who blew himself up in a church in Indonesia's Java island has links to a group founded by a leading radical Islamic cleric jailed this year for supporting a jihad training camp, authorities said on Tuesday.

DNA evidence showed Sunday's attack at the Bethel Injil Protestant church that wounded 27 people was carried out by Ahmad Yosepa Hayat, one of the most-wanted fugitives from a group behind a similar blast at a police mosque in April.


Egyptian Christian Girl Banned From School For Not Wearing a Veil

By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- A Christian girl was prevented for over a week from entering her school in Beni Mazar, Minya province, because she refused to wear a veil. "The school management described her as 'flaunt' for not covering her hair," said Coptic activist Nader Shoukry, who uncovered the story.

"Coptic students were forced to obey for fear of the school management's threats," said Mr. Wagdy Halfa, the attorney for the girl, "except for 14-year-old Ferial Sorial Habib, whose family refused this decision because it is inconsistent with religious freedom and a blatant Islamization of education."

Ferial was prevented from entering her school by the social worker, Ms. Ola Abdel Fattah, for eight consecutive days.


100,000 Christians Have Left Egypt Since March: Report

By Mary Abdelmassih (AINA)

The Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organizations (EUHRO) published a report today on emigration of Christians from Egypt, saying that nearly 100,000 Christians have emigrated since March 2011. The report, which was sent to the Egyptian cabinet and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), warned that this emigration has been prompted by the escalating intimidation and attacks on Christians by Islamists.

"Copts are not emigrating abroad voluntarily," said Naguib Gabriell, the director EUHRO, "they are coerced into that by threats and intimidation by hard line Salafists, and the lack of protection they are getting from the Egyptian regime."

Barnabas Aid: hope and support for the persecuted church 

Paris Muslims ignore praying in street ban


Hundreds of Muslims took to the streets in Paris to pray at the weekend, ignoring a new government ban on outdoor prayer.


French interior minister Claude Guéant
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Wikimedia Commons

The announcement of the ban follows the regular overflowing of Muslim prayers on to the streets in the suburbs of Paris. The authorities have been criticised for not enforcing France’s strict laws requiring public space to be secular.

Last week officials pledged that the ban would be enforced with immediate effect. However, 200 Muslims defied the ban and prayed in the streets of la Goutte d’Or neighbourhood.

Barnabas Aid: hope and support for the persecuted church 

Christian man accused of blasphemy dies in Pakistan prison


A young Christian man imprisoned in Pakistan on false accusations of blasphemy has died after he fell ill and failed to receive proper medical care.

Aslam Masih (30) passed away on 9 September, having been unwell with various diseases, including tuberculosis and dengue fever, for a number of months.


Aslam Masih died of dengue fever

He was visited by a team from CLAAS, a Pakistani Christian legal organisation supported by Barnabas Aid, on 25 July. They said he had a high fever, was unable to stand and was struggling to breathe. Aslam was receiving basic treatment in the jail hospital but needed more specialised care.

Many of those charged spend months or years in custody while their cases are considered. Aasia Bibi has been languishing in jail since she was accused of making derogatory remarks about Muhammad in 2009. She is on death row and may have to wait years before an appeal of her case is heard.


Egypt to ask British foreign ministry for info on Alex church bombing
CAIRO: The attorney general of the Higher State Security Prosecution called on Egypt’s foreign ministry to coordinate with its British counterpart to obtain information on the bombing of Al-Qeddesine Church in Alexandria.

A memo was sent at the behest of Prosecutor General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud following his meeting with Coptic lawyer Mamdouh Ramzy, who had filed a complaint accusing former interior minister Habib El-Adly of orchestrating the bombing based

on information from the British intelligence revealed by a British diplomat.
“I met with the prosecutor general to inquire about the delay in the investigations into my complaint, which was based on statements by a British diplomat that implicate El-Adly in the church bombings through armed militias comprising police officers and former prisoners,” Ramzy told Daily News Egypt.


Six men and a woman held as police 'smash terror plot to bomb Britain'

  • Men detained following raids in Birmingham's Moseley, Sparkbrook, Sparkhill, Ward End and Balsall Heath
  • Woman, 22, arrested in Saltley on suspicion of failing to disclose information contrary to the Terrorism Act 2000
  • One of the addresses searched by police today is registered to Mohammed Irfan - previously jailed for his part in plotting to kidnap a Muslim British soldier and behead him live on the internet

By Andy Dolan and James Slack

Police forensic officers cover a car in Birmingham following the arrests of six men in Birmingham as part of a large intelligence-led counter-terrorism operation 

Police and security officials believe they have smashed a plot by home-grown terrorists to kill hundreds in an Al Qaeda-inspired attack on Britain.

One of 14 homes raided by officers yesterday belongs to a convicted terrorist involved in a conspiracy to capture and behead a British soldier.

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