Religious Discrimination Lawsuit Filed Against Diocese Of Allentown

Woman Claims She Was Fired For Being A Muslim

ALLENTOWN, Pa. -- The Diocese of Allentown has found itself the target of a lawsuit that claims a woman was fired for being a Muslim.

Omayma Arafa filed the federal lawsuit against the Diocese in May.

The lawsuit states Arafa, who is a Muslim from Egypt, had no problems as an employee of the Diocese until August 2008, when her supervisor changed. 

Nepali women victims of prostitution and slavery in Arab countries

by Kalpit Parajuli

Kathmandu (AsiaNews) - Hundreds of Nepalese women who emigrate to Arab countries in search of better jobs and wages, are unaccounted for. According to husbands and relatives they become victims of prostitution and slavery. The migrants who manage to return, show signs of physical exhaustion, injuries, psychological damage and are often infected with AIDS. To resolve this tragic situation, the Government of Nepal wants to block migration to Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan where most cases are registered. In 2010, 242 women emigrated for work and were never heard of again.

Islamic extremists kill five in northern Nigeria

Islamic extremists kill five in northern Nigeria









 A church was among the targets of Islamic militants who killed five people in attacks in the north-eastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri on Tuesday.

Two passers-by were killed when a bomb thrown at St Patrick’s church missed the target and landed back on the street where it detonated.

Several bombs were set off at police stations in Gwange and Dandal before the attackers were locked into a gun battle with police.

 Al-Qaeda No.2 vows jihad in bin Laden eulogy

AYMAN al Zawahiri, al Qaeda's long-time number two, vowed in a video eulogy to Usama bin Laden to pursue his jihad against the West, warning, "the man who terrified America in his life will continue to terrify it after his death".

The video message, titled "The Noble Knight Dismounted", was posted on jihadist online forums overnight, AFP reported, citing the SITE intelligence group.


Unfaithful wives should be put to death

 Visalia Times-Delta

Aren't we having fun?

Aren't we living in an advanced and civilized country?

If you noticed, the last few weeks, there has been nothing on television except the subject of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver.

Plus many, many more in the history of mankind, in recent years.

First, it was [Bill] Clinton, then it was Tiger Woods, now it is Arnold and Maria Shriver. As I heard, their daughter already had changed her last name to Shriver.

While media are busy ruining many people's lives, let's review some facts.

JG Logo 

FPI Tries to Break Into Alcohol Shop

 Garut. About 500 members of the hard-line Islamic Defenders Front attempted to force their way into a shop selling alcohol in Garut district, West Java, over the weekend.  

“Our target is [to limit] the spread of alcohol and prostitution in Garut,” said Roni Fatahilah, a field coordinator for the group known as the FPI.


Call to Ban Bible Under Pakistan's Elastic Blasphemy Laws

Adam and Eve sans fig leaves, Lot getting drunk, Jesus stopping a stoning . . . This is all too much for Muslims represented in Pakistan's parliament by the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam party. They view Bible stories such as these to be "pornographic" slurs against the biblical figures whom they claim as their holy prophets. They are now demanding that the country ban the Bible because of such "blasphemy" and exact a "punishment." There seems no limit to what could be considered an offense against Islam under Pakistan's notorious blasphemy laws.

Egyptian Cleric Mazen Al-Sarsawi: We Ask a Person Nicely to Convert, But If He Refuses and Does Not Pay the Jizya Tax, We Fight Him

Mazen Al-Sarsawi: "That is how these lowlifes have always acted in all their wars. What did America do when it won the war in Vietnam? It dropped an atomic bomb, causing total destruction. They did not spare anyone. That is the epitome of treachery, ignobility, baseness, and contempt, not to mention what it is doing in Iraq and in Afghanistan, and what the Jews are doing in Palestine…

EnerPub: Energy Publisher

Pakistani Muslims demand a ban on the Bible

The Islamic party of Pakistan, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, has filed an appeal to the Supreme Court of Pakistan and launched a campaign asking to ban the circulation of the Bible, described as a "pornographic " and "blasphemous book". This is a new attack against the Christian community in Pakistan, frightened by the attacks and threats suffered after the death of Bin Laden, already under attack due to the damaging effects of the blasphemy law, with the consequence of death penalty to those who insult the Koran or the Prophet Muhammad. The radical group Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, with its headquarters in Karachi, launched the campaign at a public conference.

 ABC News


New Al Qaeda Video: American Muslims Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People

In a new video message released on the internet Friday, American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn calls on Muslims living in America to carry out deadly one-man terrorist acts using fully automatic weapons purchased at gun shows, and to target major institutions and public figures.

"What are you waiting for?" asks Gadahn in English, and then adds that jihadis shouldn't worry about getting caught, since so many have been released. "Over these past few years, I've seen the release of many, many Mujahideen whom I had never even dreamed would regain their freedom."


Woman Stabs 2 Outside Bloomington Library

BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (WCCO) — Two people were stabbed in a seemingly random attack at a Twin Cities library.

After the incident Wednesday night at the Oxboro Library in Bloomington, 35-year-old Samira Abdalla Salim was arrested.

Salim was no stranger to the Oxboro Library. She had a reputation for handing out the Koran and talking religion outside the building.

The FOX Nation 

Muslims Stone Teen to Death for Entering Beauty Pageant 


A would-be teen beauty queen was stoned to death after her participation in a Ukranian pageant reportedly infuriated local Muslim youths.

Katya Koren, 19, was targeted by three fellow teens who said her seventh-place finish in the beauty contest was a violation of Muslim laws, according to British newspaper reports.

Egyptian Military Court Prosecutes Only Christians in Muslim Church Attacks
(AINA) --
 A Military court in Egypt has sentenced three Christian Copts to 5-years imprisonment on charges of possession of firearms and pocket knives. The Court released all other Muslims and Copts arrested following clashes on May 19 over the re-opening of St. Mary and St. Abraham churches in Ain Shams West (AINA 5-24-2011). Copts Emad Ayyad and Ayman Youssef Halim were convicted of carrying firearms. Emad Ayyam's son, Ayad Emad Ayad, was convicted of carrying a pocket knife.
Muslims Attack Christian Protesters in Egypt,  Over 100 Injured
By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- Muslims attacked Coptic Christian protesters at Maspero thrice on Saturday, killing one and injuring over 100. The first attack occurred near midnight when two bearded Muslims wearing Salafist attire attempted to enter the rally via an entrance that was not guarded by security but by the Christian youth who were checking all persons at the entrance. One or both of the Muslims opened fire with guns. One escaped and the other was apprehended by the Christian youth and subsequently handed over to the police. His identity papers showed that he was called Ramadan Abdallah, graduate of al-Azhar high school.

Muslims Attack Christian Protesters in Egypt,  Over 100 Injured
By Mary Abdelmassih
(AINA) --
Muslims attacked Coptic Christian protesters at Maspero thrice on Saturday, killing one and injuring over 100. The first attack occurred near midnight when two bearded Muslims wearing Salafist attire attempted to enter the rally via an entrance that was not guarded by security but by the Christian youth who were checking all persons at the entrance. One or both of the Muslims opened fire with guns. One escaped and the other was apprehended by the Christian youth and subsequently handed over to the police. His identity papers showed that he was called Ramadan Abdallah, graduate of al-Azhar high school.

Tower Hamlets Taliban: Death threats to women who don't wear veils. Gays attacked in the streets. And all in a borough at the heart of Britain's capital...

His promise to turn last month’s Royal Wedding into a ‘nightmare’ may not have materialised — but that won’t stop Richard Dart from peddling his views about Britain’s monarchy online.

‘Prince William, Prince Harry and the Queen of England are guilty of funding and supporting the terrorist attacks that take place in Muslim lands,’ he says adamantly in an internet video broadcast.

A Briton from Dorset who converted to Islam in 2009 and renamed himself Salahuddin (the son of teachers), Dart is one of several extremist Muslim preachers operating in the Tower Hamlets area of East London. 

This vocal minority, who are causing increasing concern in the area, have lent this corner of the capital a new nickname — the Islamic republic of Tower Hamlets.


The Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets: Veiled women pictured in the London borough which has seen a rise in extremism

The Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets: Veiled women pictured in the London borough which has seen a rise in extremism

12 Dead in Attack on Egyptian Christian Churches

Muslim Fanatics Urged to Reject Violence

IMBABA, Egypt, MAY 10, 2011 (

Attacks on several Christian churches over the weekend in Imbaba left 12 dead and up to 200 injured.

Aid to the Church in Need reported that the violence erupted on Saturday after 500 Selafist Muslim extremists amassed outside the Coptic Orthodox Church of St. Mina claiming that Christian leaders were detaining a woman who wanted to convert to Islam.


Islamic Extremists Attack Churches in Cairo, Egypt

As chaos grows, Christians increasingly vulnerable.

By Wayne King

CAIRO, Egypt, May 9 (Compass Direct News) – At least 12 people were killed and more than 200 were wounded when members of a conservative Muslim movement attacked two churches and surrounding Christian-owned homes and businesses in a poor section of Cairo on Saturday (May 7).


12 dead in Egypt as Christians and Muslims clash

CAIRO — Clashes between Muslims and Coptic Christians in a Cairo suburb left 12 people dead, dozens wounded and a church charred in one of the most serious outbreaks of violence Egypt’s interim rulers have faced since taking power in February.

The unrest began Saturday night in the Imbaba district northwest of Cairo, as a mob of hard-line Muslims attacked the Virgin Mary church. A separate group of youths also attacked an apartment building several blocks away, residents said.


Egyptian Copts, reeling from violence, want protection

From Mohamed Fadel Fahmy and Ian Lee, For CNN

Firefighters extinguish a blaze at a church following clashes between Muslims and Christians in Cairo, Egypt on May 8, 2011.

Firefighters extinguish a blaze at a church following clashes between Muslims and Christians in Cairo, Egypt on May 8, 2011.

Cairo (CNN) -- Muslim-Christian sectarian violence intensified in Egypt this weekend, spurring an emergency meeting of the Cabinet and public exhortations from Coptic Christians for international protection.

At least 12 people were killed and 232 others were wounded in sectarian clashes outside a Cairo church, according to state TV. Officials said violence began over rumors that a Christian woman who converted to Islam was being held at the church against her will.

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