Pakistani Minority Rights Defender Said To Be Victim of Islamists

Muslim who posed as Christian then converted, married woman opposed Joseph Francis’ efforts.

By Edward Ross

LOS ANGELES, July 23 (Compass Direct News) – Pakistani minority rights defender Joseph Francis has been unjustly jailed by Islamists and others who oppose his work on behalf of Christians, according to the legal aid organization Francis directs.

Taliban suicide bombers dressed in burkas hit cities


Taliban suicide bombers dressed in burkas killed six people in eastern Afghanistan when they stormed government buildings and a military base.

Gardez: Taliban suicide bombers dressed in burkas

Gardez: Afghan army soldiers keep watch after waves of attacks by the Taliban in Gardez, southeast of Kabul Photo: REUTERS

The attacks in Gardez and Jalalabad came amid a surge in violence ahead of presidential and provincial elections on Aug 20.


Convert from Islam Shot Dead in Somalia

Islamic extremist rebel group hunts down underground church leader.

By Simba Tian

NAIROBI, Kenya, July 20 (Compass Direct News) – Muslim extremists early this morning killed a Christian convert in Mahadday Weyne, Somalia, 100 kilometers (62 miles) north of Mogadishu.


At Ezbet Basilious, Minya:Where victims are turned into suspects 

Tereza Kamal - Nader Shukry - Photos by Emad Nassif


The hamlet of Ezbet Basilious in Beni-Mazar, Minya, Upper Egypt is home to some 4000 inhabitants, a third of whom are Copts. Last Saturday, fire erupted in the village church leaving it in ruins, upon which the security forces surrounded the village and conducted an investigation.

Egyptian Security Refuses to Return Abducted Christian Coptic Girl


Two incidents of abduction of Coptic girls to force them to convert to Islam took place within one week in Upper Egypt. In both cases the Egyptian security predictably played a key role in the outcome of the cases.

Rania Asaad was returned to her family, while Irene Labib is still missing, in spite of pleas from human rights organizations to the security authorities to end this Coptic family's misfortune.

Pope in 'freedom' blast at Islam

Defending religious liberty: Pope Benedict XVI

The Pope has again risked provoking the wrath of the Islamic world, by criticising its treatment of Christians.

Benedict XVI attacked Muslim nations where Christians are either persecuted or given the status of second-class citizens under the Shariah Islamic law.

Home terrorists emerge as Indonesia main bomb suspects

By John Aglionby in Jakarta

Financial Times

Home-grown Islamist terrorists, probably with ties to Jemaah Islamiah, the al-Qaeda-linked group, were the prime suspects for yesterday's bombing of two luxurious hotels in the Indonesian capital.


Police Collusion Suspected in Attack on Church in Minya, Egypt

Strangely, officers arrest Copts; roof collapses after Muslim suspects set fire to church building.

By Roger Elliott

ISTANBUL, July 17 (Compass Direct News) – Villagers in Ezbet Basillious, Minya suspect local police in Egypt of corruption and collusion after two Copts were arrested for an arson attack on their own house church on Saturday (July 11).

Jail for 'suicide vest' student


Click on the photo to watch video

A student has been jailed for a minimum of 10 years for plotting to blow himself up using his own "suicide vest" and home-made explosives.

Isa Ibrahim, from Bristol, was convicted at Winchester Crown Court of making explosives with intent and preparing terrorist acts in April 2008.

Coptic Church Security Thwarts Apparent Attack By Veiled Woman


A veiled woman wearing a Hijab entered the Coptic Church of St. Demiana and St. Mercurios in Shubra, Cairo, a couple of weeks ago, carrying two big kitchen knives, a pair of scissors, a heavy solid brass kitchen club for pulping and grinding, a rope and anaesthetic drugs in her bag, just as the children's weekly Religion classes ended.

Sudan women 'flogged for wearing trousers'

British Broadcasting Corporation


Several Sudanese women have been flogged as a punishment for dressing "indecently", according to a local journalist who was arrested with them.

Muslims Set Church Ablaze But Egyptian Security Implicates a Christian Copts
In a continuation of the ongoing wave of arson attacks on Coptic places of worship, the Church of St. Abaskharion Kellini, in the village of Ezbet Bassilious, Beni Mazar, was burnt down at noon on July 11 by Muslim village inhabitants. No one was injured.


Somali Muslims behead seven people for being "Christians" and "spies"


MOGADISHU - Somalia's hardline Islamist rebels beheaded seven people on Friday for being "Christians" and "spies" in the latest imposition of strict sharia, Islamic law, by the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab group, witnesses said.

Three jailed for publisher arson

BBC News 

(L-R) Abbas Taj, Ali Beheshti and Abrar Mirza

Taj had claimed to have "no idea" about the plot

Three men have been jailed for an arson attack at the home of a publisher days before his novel about the Prophet Muhammad was due to be published.

Martin Rynja's home in Islington, north London, was targeted on 27 September last year.

Islamic charity fire 'deliberate'

British Broadcasting Corporation



The Glasgow branch of Islamic Relief has been badly damaged by a fire which police say was started deliberately.

Emergency services were called to the shop in Albert Drive, Pollokshields at about 0525 BST on Thursday.

Further attacks on Christians in Nazlet Girgis, today and burning of Christians crops 

United Copts GB sources 

Further attacks on Christians in Nazlet Girgis village took place today.  

Nazlet Girgis is not far from Nazlet Boshra where an attack on Christian’s homes and properties took place on Sunday 21 June 2009 by a large group of the Muslim inhabitants of the village following a visit by a small group of Christians who work in Cairo and visit their families in the village on monthly basis attempted to visit the local priest at home. 

Egypt: impunity fuels persecution

The terrible consequence of forced ’reconciliation’ in the absence of truth or justice

By Elizabeth Kendal

Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin (RLPB) 011
Special to ASSIST News Service

AUSTRALIA (ANS) -- Since early 2007 the Egyptian government has been appeasing Muslim fundamentalists by settling matters of sectarian conflict out of court in line with Islamic Sharia law. That prohibits Christians from bringing evidence against Muslims. The government brokers 'reconciliation' sessions where the Christians are forced to drop all the charges they are making (arson, looting, assault, kidnap, robbery, criminal damage, rioting, torture, rape, murder) in exchange for Muslim guarantees of 'peace'.

Christian Homes Burned in Egypt After Death of Muslim Man


Another incident of a Muslim mob attacking, torching and looting Coptic Christian homes and shops took place today in the village of Meet El-Korashy, Meet Ghamr, after a Muslim young man died following a fight with a Coptic shopkeeper. State Security cordoned off the whole village and placed it under curfew. The Shopkeeper and his family were arrested and charged with murder.

Pakistan Christians Detained For “Blasphemy”, “Robbery” 

BosNewsLife Asia Service

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Two Pakistani Christians remained detained Thursday, June 25, on false charges of "blasphemy" and "robbery", advocacy groups said.


Village Christians in Hiding after Clash in Egypt

Violence erupts on mere suspicion of a prayer meeting.

By Damaris Kremida

ISTANBUL, June 25 (Compass Direct News) – Nearly 1,000 Coptic Christians are hiding in their homes after clashes erupted Sunday (June 21) between them and their village’s majority-Muslim population over the use of a three-story building belonging to the Coptic Church.

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