Islamic charity leaders get 65-year jail terms



A U.S. judge on Wednesday handed down 65-year prison sentences to two founders of a U.S. Islamic charity convicted of illegally funneling $12.4 million to the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

The sentences came some six months after a grand jury convicted the Holy Land Foundation and five of its leaders for conspiracy to support a foreign terrorist organization, money laundering, tax fraud and other charges.

Muslim anger ignites violent new response

The Washington Times

Far-right-wing vigilantes burned a makeshift mosque in Athens over the weekend after Muslim immigrants in Athens attacked police with rocks and bottles over an incident in which a policeman reportedly defaced a Koran.

Bangladesh is 'safe haven for British Islamic terrorists'

Increasing surveillance in Pakistan has prompted fundamentalists to seek new hideaways for training

By Rachel Shields in Dhaka

Security experts have warned that extremists training in Bangladesh could pose a major threat to Britain, adding hat the south-Asian country has become a "safe haven" for terrorists.

Rising numbers of British-born fundamentalists are travelling to Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) for jihadist training, prompting the Bangladeshi government to launch a database to monitor the movements of suspected terrorists.

Egypt Arrests 7 in Bombing of Cairo Bazaar

CAIRO — Egyptian authorities said Saturday that they had arrested seven people connected with a terrorist cell affiliated with Al Qaeda that they said was responsible for bombing a popular tourist site in February, killing a French teenager.

The authorities said the bombing at the Khan al-Khalili bazaar was intended as the start of a campaign of terrorism aimed at destabilizing Egypt through attacks on oil facilities and tourist sites. They said the group, which they identified as the Islamic Army of Palestine, had also planned attacks outside of Egypt, including in France.


Stabbing, Bombing Attacks Strike Near Two Churches in Egypt

Copt leaving sanctuary knifed in Minya; bomb explodes near venerable structure in Cairo.

By Roger Elliott

ISTANBUL, May 22 (Compass Direct News) – In separate attacks in Egypt earlier this month, a Coptic Christian suffered severe stab wounds as he left a worship service in Minya, and a car-bombing outside a venerable church in Cairo disrupted a wedding.

Minneapolis man pleads guilty to aiding al Qaeda


A Minneapolis resident has pleaded guilty to conspiring to provide material support to al Qaeda and faces a prison term of up to 15 years, the U.S. Justice Department said on Wednesday.

Mohammed Abdullah Warsame, a naturalized Canadian citizen of Somali descent, was indicted in January, 2004, charged with one count of conspiracy to provide material support to al Qaeda, which plotted the September attacks.

Terrorists arrested in New York 'attack plot'

BBC News 

New York terror arrests

NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly: 'Public not at risk in police operation'

Four men have been arrested over alleged plots to attack targets in New York, US prosecutors say.

They planned to blow up a synagogue and use Stinger missiles to bring down military planes at an airport north of the city, a statement said.

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood officials face 'terror camp' charges


Cairo, 18 May (AKI) - Thirteen officials from Egypt's banned opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, have been formally charged with terrorism and money laundering in Cairo. According to the Arab daily, al-Hayat, the leaders have been accused of running "secret training camps called 'jihadist camps' where they trained groups of students in armed combat".

'I was groomed for jihad in Britain'

“A lot of people think that terrorists are recruited in special recruiting grounds, but the truth is that it actually goes on in mosques a lot of the time”

Times Online

A Muslim teenager in London gives the first inside account of how extremists are luring recruits

Radical Muslims guilty of firebomb plot on publisher of Prophet Mohammed book

Times Online

Ali Beheshti 

Ali Beheshti set out with "fire-making equipment" to the publisher's home

A radical Muslim who dressed his baby daughter in a hat with “I love al-Qaeda” on it tried to firebomb the home of the publisher of a controversial novel about the Prophet Mohammed.

'Hurling a Stone At a Mosque' Rumor Leads to Attack on Christians in Egypt


As a result of a rumor that a young Christian Copt hurled a stone towards a mosque, thousands of Muslims congregated and attacked Copts and their properties, leaving several injured and arrested.

The incident, which took place on Wednesday, May 13, 2009,in the area of Saft El-Labn, Giza, resulted in the injury of 14 people from both sides. The police arrested 20 Copts, including 6 women, and 7 Muslims, and security imposed a curfew on the region.

"Brave" Taliban men shaving beards to flee 
KOTA: Taliban fighters are shaving off their beards and trying to flee from a Pakistani army offensive in their Swat bastion, the military said on Friday.
Clashes had erupted in various parts of the region, the military said on Friday, adding it was achieving successes. It also appealed to civilians to identify Taliban fighters trying to flee.

Egyptian Christian Kidnapped, Pressured to Convert to Islam
On May, 6 2009, in broad daylight, four bearded Muslim men broke into the home of a Coptic Christian family in Alexandria, armed with swords, sticks and knives, assaulted their son, bundled him into an unregistered car waiting in front of the house and disappeared. The terrorized neighbors were fearful and did not stop them, according to an appeal received by the Middle East Christian Association.

Pakistani men 'part of al-Qaeda network planning attacks in Britain'


Ten Pakistani men released without charge after an investigation into an alleged plot to bomb shopping centres in Manchester were part of an al-Qaeda network planning attacks in Britain and should be deported, a tribunal has heard.

The men were arrested on April 8 after former Assistant Commissioner Bob Quick entered Downing Street with details of the operation against the men visible under his arm.

Londonstan News: The hospital that banned paintings of churches

Daily Mail

It was supposed to be a kind gesture to brighten up a hospital for patients.

But a council managed to enrage local artists when it asked them to contribute their paintings to hang in wards.

In an unsolicited letter, Havering council in East London made it clear it would accept pictures of any subject - except churches.

St Paul's Cathedral: Images of this iconic London church would not have been permitted at the Queen's Hospital at Romford

St Paul's Cathedral: Images of this iconic London church would not have been permitted at the Queen's Hospital at Romford

Egypt's pigs: What a waste 

Islamisation Watch 

Egypt cleanses itself of its pig population - god they believe is on their side. Not a single pig or confirmed human infection. A process that they estimate will take 6 months.

Is it wise to kill the capital’s rubbish-ridding pigs?

Muslim dentist 'refused to treat female patients unless they wore Islamic dress'

Omer Butt allegedly said it was duty to ensure Muslim women wore the hijab at his NHS dental clinic in Bury, Lancashire

Strict: Omer Butt allegedly said it was duty to ensure Muslim women wore the hijab at his NHS dental clinic

A Muslim dentist refused to treat patients unless they wore traditional Islamic dress, it was alleged today.

Omer Butt, 32, ordered women to put on head scarves or he would not register them or their families at his NHS-funded clinic, it was claimed.

Muslim extremists plot escape from prison


A high-security prison has been put on alert after intelligence reports that a group of Muslim extremists were plotting to escape.

The gym at HMP Wakefield, West Yorkshire, has been turned into a makeshift mosque so prison staff can keep a better eye on inmates after the chapel, usually used for group prayer, was deemed too 'high-risk'.

Iraqi in Denmark recruited suicide bombers

Denmark unable to deport him on "humanitarian grounds"


COPENHAGEN - Danish intelligence agency PET suspects a 42-year-old Iraqi man living in Denmark of being the chief Northern European recruiter for suicide bombers for Iraq, Danish newspaper Politiken said Sunday.

PET has for more than a year tried to expel Amer Saeed from Denmark under special anti-terror legislation on the grounds that he poses a threat to the Scandinavian country’s national security, Politiken said.

A Christian man stabbed as he leaves a church in Minya Egypt 

From United Copts GB correspondant


قبطي يتلقى طعنات من مسلمين عقب خروجه من الكنيسة بسمالوط !!


United Copts GB learnt from reliable sources that a Christian youth who is an army conscript was subjected to a knife attack on Thursday 30th of April just as he left St Mary church in the village he lives “Dagof” , Samalout district, in Minya province , Egypt which seems to have  a hot bed for Muslim fundamentalists.

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