State TV: At least 10 killed, 186 wounded in clashes at Cairo church

Egyptians gather as firefighters extinguish a blaze at a church following clashes at another church between Muslims and Christians in Cairo on Sunday.

Egyptians gather as firefighters extinguish a blaze at a church following clashes at another church between Muslims and Christians in Cairo on Sunday.


  • NEW: State TV: Death toll climbs to 10 in clashes at Cairo church
  • NEW: At least 186 people are wounded in the clashes, news agency says
  • Egypt's prime minister calls emergency Cabinet meeting over church attack
  • Clashes erupt over rumor of a woman held against her will, official says

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- At least 10 people were killed and 186 wounded in sectarian clashes outside a Cairo church, an incident officials say began over rumors that a Christian woman who converted to Islam was being held there against her will.


Egypt PM cancels Gulf visit after sectarian strife

"Prime Minister Sharaf has called for an emergency meeting of the cabinet to discuss the regrettable events in Imbaba," Ahmed al-Saman, a cabinet spokesman told the official MENA news agency.

Sharaf "has decided to postpone his visit to Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates" which had been scheduled for Sunday, state TV reported.

The death toll from clashes between Muslims and Christians in the Egyptian capital Cairo has risen to 10, state TV said on Sunday.

Toll in Egypt church attack rises to 10


St Mary church burning 

Mobs set two churches on fire in western Cairo during clashes between Muslims and Christians triggered by rumors of an interfaith romance that left 10 dead in some of the worst sectarian violence since the ouster of the president in a popular uprising.

Egypt's prime minister canceled his visit to the Gulf on Sunday, and called for an emergency Cabinet meeting to discuss the violence, according to the state news agency.


Violent clashes outside U.S. Embassy after hundreds of UK Muslims stage mock funeral for 'murdered' Bin Laden

Violent clashes broke out around the world today as thousands of supporters of Osama bin Laden took to the streets to protest at the Al-Qaeda leader's death.

While many protests took place across the Muslim world, the most extraordinary took place in London, where hundreds of supporters gathered at the U.S. embassy to stage a mock 'funeral service' for the slain terror leader.

The violence erupted just days after the city - often dubbed London-istan because of its reputation for Islamic extremism  - was branded a major recruiting ground for Al Qaeda.


Muslim protesters clash with police outside the American Embassy in London



Violent Protest at U.S. Embassy in London Over Death of Osama bin Laden

The death of Osama bin Laden is inflaming anti-American sentiment around the world. Al Qaeda has vowed revenge against the United States for the death of their leader. Today protesters have gathered in London to speak out about their anger over the mission that killed Osama bin Laden.

A crowd of hundreds of people have attempted to storm the embassy of the United States in London. One of the signs seen at the violent protest says "Islam will dominate the world." A protester said "It is only a matter of time before another atrocity -- the West is the enemy

Muslim protesters clash with police outside the American Embassy in London


Christians Under Attack From Anti-Government Protesters in Syria

By Alison Matheson|Christian Post Correspondent

Christian communities across Syria have been attacked by anti-government protesters in recent weeks.

International Christian Concern says that protesters are being led by hard-line Islamists and that Christians have come under pressure to either join in protests demanding the resignation of President Bashir Assad, or else leave the country.


'Fight, kill and die': Four Muslims tried to recruit undercover police as part of holy war, court hears

By Daily Mail Reporter

Harris Farooqi arriving at Manchester Crown Court today

Harris Farooqi arriving at Manchester Crown Court today

A former Taliban fighter tried to recruit undercover police officers to 'fight, kill and die' in a holy war in Afghanistan, a court heard today.


Osama lived in Haripur before moving to Abbottabad

By Ismail Khan | From the Newspaper


Amal, according to officials familiar with the investigations, said that before moving to his sprawling compound in Bilal Town, Abbottabad, towards the end of 2005, Osama bin Laden had lived with his family in Chak Shah Mohammad Khan, a village in the nearby district of Haripur, for nearly two and a half years. - Photo by AP

PESHAWAR: Investigators engaged in piecing together the life of Osama bin Laden since his dramatic escape from Afghanistan’s Tora Bora mountains have discovered the Al Qaeda chief had been living in Pakistan’s urban centres longer than they had thought.

They have also discovered that contrary to a widely held belief that the 54-year-old Al Qaeda leader required dialysis to treat his chronic kidney ailment, OBL was hale and hearty. The startling claims, according to two officials interviewed for this report, were made by Osama bin Laden’s 29-year-old Yemeni widow, one of the three widows in Pakistani custody.


Experts examine bin Laden trove

A view of Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan (AP) 

A view of Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan (AP)

Computer files, DVDs and documents that US commandos took from Osama bin Laden's Pakistani hideout were starting to be examined by electronics experts in the hope they will hold clues to other al Qaida leaders.


Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden dead - Barack Obama

Osama Bin Laden 

Bin Laden was top of the US "most wanted" list



Osama Bin Laden dead

Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden has been killed by US forces in Pakistan, President Barack Obama has said.

Bin Laden was killed in a ground operation outside Islamabad based on US intelligence, the first lead for which emerged last August.

Mr Obama said after "a firefight", US forces took possession of his body.


Osama bin Laden killed: remaining al-Qaeda leaders

Now that Osama bin Laden has been killed, al-Qaeda will need a new head. Here are some of the contenders:

Osama bin Laden killed

Ayman al-Zawahiri was bin Laden's deputy Photo: AP

AYMAN AL-ZAWAHIRI Ayman al-Zawahiri, a 59-year-old Egyptian, was named by the US in April 2009 as al-Qaeda's chief commander, its operational and strategic leader, with Osama Bin Laden stepping back to be the organisation's ideological figurehead.

Al-Zawahiri is reportedly a qualified surgeon and the grandson of the imam of one of Egypt's most important mosques. But he has devoted his life to Islamic theology, history, and jihad. Osama Bin Laden's chosen biographer has referred to him as the "real brains" of al-Qaeda.

He is thought to be hiding along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

The FOX Nation 

60+ Churches Burned in Nigerian Muslim Stronghold 

By Ethan Cole 


More than 60 churches were burned and thousands of Christian-owned homes destroyed in Nigeria's predominantly Muslim north after the recent election of incumbent Christian president Goodluck Jonathan, according to the Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors.


Egypt Named to US List of 14 Religious Freedom Violators

Coptic Christians gather in Rome,  to demand religious freedom and protection following a New Year's church attack in Egypt that killed 21 worshippers (File Photo)

Photo: AP

Coptic Christians gather in Rome, to demand religious freedom and protection following a New Year's church attack in Egypt that killed 21 worshippers (File Photo)

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has named 14 countries as the world's worst violators of religious freedom, placing Egypt on the list for the first time.

Collective Punishment of Egyptian Christians For Death of Two Muslims
By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- After the death of two Muslims on April 18 sectarian violence broke out in the southern Egyptian town of Abu Qurqas El Balad, in Minya Governorate, 260 KM south of Cairo. One Christian Copt was killed, an old woman was thrown out of her second floor balcony and ten Copts were hospitalized. Coptic homes, shops, businesses, fields and livestock were plundered and torched.

Sadly, I've been proved right. Britain IS a centre of terror. Tragically, our rulers can't see the truth

By Melanie Phillips 

So now we are all finally able to see just why Britain’s capital came to be known contemptuously as ‘Londonistan’.

Some five years ago, I wrote a book by that name which laid out the extent to which Britain had become the global hub of Islamic terrorism outside the Muslim world itself.

So bad was this phenomenon that the French secret service, which had tried in vain to alert Britain to the dangers, dubbed it ‘Londonistan’ in a sarcastic reference to the flow into London of Muslim extremists who had been radicalised in Afghanistan.


Terror: Preachers like Abu Hamza helped spread the hated in London - and little was done to stop it

Terror: Preachers like Abu Hamza helped spread the hated in London - and little was done to stop it


Rising Religious Tension Sparks Fear In Egyptian City

speakerListen to the Story

Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson/NPR

April 21, 2011

Many who took part in Egypt's popular uprising hoped it would lead to improved relations between the country's Muslims and the Christian minority.

But in some Egyptian cities, residents say religious tensions are worse than ever. One of the hotspots is the southern Egyptian city of Qena, where there have been several attacks on Christians by Islamist extremists.


Egyptian Convert Flees Potential Dangers in Syria

Maher El-Gohary and daughter apply for asylum in France.

By Wayne King


ISTANBUL, April 21 (Compass Direct News) – A father and daughter who fled Egypt to Syria after spending two and a half years in hiding for becoming Christians have arrived in France and yesterday applied for asylum there, human rights advocates said.

Maher Ahmad El-Mo’otahssem Bellah El-Gohary, 58, had become the target of Islamic ill will in Egypt after he tried to change the religious affiliation on his national identification card from Muslim to Christian. He and his daughter, 17-year-old Dina Mo’otahssem, arrived in Paris from Syria on March 30 after having fled to Damascus on Feb. 22 in the wake of the revolution in Egypt that deposed then-President Hosni Mubarak.

Killing of Italian activist highlights challenges Hamas faced: analysts



Palestinians carry a mock coffin during a protest against the killing of Italian peace activist Vittorio Arrigoni in Gaza City April 15, 2011. The Islamic Hamas movement on Friday vowed to arrest all suspects involved in the kidnapping and killing of Arrigoni in the Gaza Strip under its control. (Xinhua/Ashraf Mohammed) 

by Fares Akram

GAZA, April 17 (Xinhua) -- The kidnapping and killing of a pro- Palestinian Italian activist in the Gaza Strip days ago shed light on challenges faced by Hamas on dealing with the radical groups in the enclave, said analysts.

Vittorio Arrigoni, 36, was found dead in a house a few hours after Al-Tawheed and Al-Jihad (monotheism and holy war), a radical Al-Qaida-inspired group, said in a video that it has abducted the activist.


Radial Islamist groups gaining stranglehold in Egypt

The rapid spread of Muslim political parties ahead of September's parliamentary elections has strengthened fears that Egyptian democracy will be dominated by radical Islamic movements.


Radial Islamist groups gaining stranglehold in Egypt

Mohammed Badie, the Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual leader, last week predicted the group's candidates would win 75 per cent of the seats it contested Photo: AFP/GETTY

The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest Islamic movement and the founder of Hamas, has set up a network of political parties around the country that eclipse the following of the middle class activists that overthrew the regime. On the extreme fringe of the Brotherhood, Islamic groups linked to al-Qeada are organising from the mosques to fill the vacuum left by the collapse of the dictatorship.

Reuters Africa 

Christian governor named in S.Egypt, protests flare

By Dina Zayed and Mohamed Abdellah

CAIRO (Reuters) - Muslims in southern Egypt protested for a third day on Sunday over the appointment of a Christian governor, saying his predecessor, also a Christian, had failed to solve their problems.

Thousands rallied outside the governor's office in Qena and prevented employees from entering, blocked highways leading to the town and sat on a railway line into the province demanding that the appointment of Emad Mikhail be reversed.

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