Life on Hold for Egyptian Christian Arrested for his Faith
Before his search, Ashraf Thabet did his best to observe Muslim rules, including prayers such as these Cairo Muslims display. 
Before his search, Ashraf Thabet did his best to observe Muslim rules, including prayers such as these Cairo Muslims display.(Photo: Compass)
Unresolved charge of ‘defaming religion’ leaves him in perpetual limbo.
An Egyptian who left Islam to become a Christian and consequently lost his wife, children and business is waiting to see if the government will now take away his freedom for “defaming” Islam.

Guess what Egypt's Muslims do with Christians…

Believers considered second-class citizens in American ally

By Michael Carl


400200 07: Egyptian Coptic Orthodox priests and pilgrims walk in a procession January 26, 2002 through the Christian village of Deir Abu Hennis to commemorate the children martyrs of Bethlehem by Harod shortly after the birth of Christ. The Christian village of Deir Abu Hennis, with a population of 25,000, has been holding this procession since the Middle Ages and is the only village in the world to celebrate the Children Martyrs in such a fashion. In Coptic Orthodox tradition, the village is considered one of the spots where the Holy Family visited. (Photo by Norbert Schiller/Getty Images)


Attacks by Muslims in one of America's Middle East allies, Egypt, on Christians are intensifying, and experts on the centuries-old conflict over Islam's claim to pre-eminence say the violence isn't a surprise. home 

Sudan investigates case of woman seen being flogged on YouTube clip

Only when Footage sparks international condemnation as police laugh and joke as they administer whipping to screaming woman

What a barbarism!!!

Screengrab from a YouTube clip of a woman being lashed in a carpark by police in Sudan.

Sudan's judiciary has launched an investigation into the public flogging of a woman after footage of her being whipped by laughing policemen was posted to the internet.

Muslims in Pakistan Burn, Beat Evangelist Unconscious
Police decline to name suspects in attempted murder.
Muslim villagers opposed to the evangelism of the Rev. Wilson Augustine, 26, burned his face, hand and arm. 
Muslim villagers opposed to the evangelism of the Rev. Wilson Augustine, 26, burned his face, hand and arm.
SARGODHA, Pakistan, December 13 (CDN) — An evangelist is still recovering from burns after six young Muslim men beat him with clubs and belts and set him on fire last month in a village near this Punjab Province city, the Christian told Compass.

Sweden suicide bombings: Luton synonymous with Islamic extremism and racial tension

In the last decade Luton has become synonymous with Islamic extremism and racial tension.

Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly's home in Luton Photo: WILL WINTERCROSS

Two years ago a leaked British intelligence report identified the town as being home to one of the main concentrations of extremists in the country.

It has a long and troubled history. In 2004 two of the most notorious terrorist cells in British history met at the Toddington service station just north of Luton.


Sweden suicide bombings: Luton synonymous with Islamic extremism and racial tension

In the last decade Luton has become synonymous with Islamic extremism and racial tension.

Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly's home in Luton Photo: WILL WINTERCROSS

Two years ago a leaked British intelligence report identified the town as being home to one of the main concentrations of extremists in the country.

It has a long and troubled history. In 2004 two of the most notorious terrorist cells in British history met at the Toddington service station just north of Luton.


Md. man accused of attempted bombing recently converted to Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Hussain

By Maria Glod, Jerry Markon and Tara Bahrampour

A Baltimore construction worker was charged Wednesday with plotting to blow up a military recruiting station in Maryland after the FBI learned of his radical leanings on Facebook, joined his plot and supplied him with a fake car bomb that he tried to detonate, federal officials said.

Antonio Martinez, 21, a U.S. citizen who recently converted to Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Hussain, declared on his Facebook page that he hates "Any 1 who opposes Allah." Those kinds of postings, brought to the FBI's attention, sparked an intensive investigation involving an undercover agent, a secret informant and a chilling plot to kill military personnel in the United States because they were killing Muslims overseas, according to an FBI affidavit filed Wednesday. 

Egyptian Christian Teens Arrested and Charged in Church Incident



In what is viewed as a precedent by right groups, Egyptian state security forces opened fire on November 24 on Christian Copts, killing four, wounding 78, detaining hundreds and charging 170 with grievous charges -- "enough to keep them behind bars for 10-15 years," says Coptic political analyst Magdy Khalil.

Muslim Mob in Egypt Firebombs Christian Homes, Businesses

Rumor of romance with Christian sends hundreds into destructive frenzy.

By Wayne King

CAIRO, Egypt, November 29 (Compass Direct News) – Christians in a small village in southern Egypt are rebuilding their lives and homes after hundreds of Muslims rampaged through their community firebombing houses and businesses over rumors of a romantic relationship between a Christian and a Muslim.

At least 23 homes and numerous businesses, all Christian-owned, were damaged or destroyed in the village of Al-Nawahid in Qena Governorate, 454 kilometers (282 miles) south of Cairo. Five people were injured, two seriously.

Egyptian Security Used Live Ammunition on Christian Coptic Protesters, 4 Killed

By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- Christian Copts worldwide were shocked and enraged at the use of live ammunition by Egyptian state security forces against unarmed Coptic protesters, causing the death of three Coptic young men. A four-year old child suffocated from tear gas thrown inside the chapel. Rights groups inside and outside of Egybpt have condemned the use of excessive violence by security forces and the use of live ammunition against Coptic demonstrators.
Egyptian Christians Clash With State Security Forces Over Church Construction

(AINA) -- Clashes broke out between Christian protesters and Egyptian security forces over the construction of St. Mary and St. Michael church in Talbiya, within the Omraniya neighborhood of Giza, resulting in the killing of two Copts, hundreds of injuries and the arrest of more than 200 Copts. home 

Egyptian Coptic Christians revolt over halted church-building

One person dead and 30 injured in Cairo after hundreds smash cars and windows in protest at police decision

Coptic Christian youths protest Egyptian Coptic Christians protest against a halt in the construction of a church in Giza. Photograph: Mohamed Omar/EPA

Egypt NGOs slam investigations with Coptic protesters

<p>Riot police arrest a protestor during the violent clashes that erupted between Coptic Christians and riot police over the construction of the Church of the Archangel and the Virgin in al-Omranya, Giza, 24 November, 2010. Scores of disgruntled Copts protested against an order to halt construction work on the church which was completely surrounded by security forces. The clashes resulted in the death of a Coptic student and the injury of several others who were transferred to the Um al-Masreyeen General Hospital. The clashes have been receiving much attention from local and international human rights organizations.</p>

Several NGOs have slammed the prosecution’s investigations into Wednesday's clashes between security forces and Coptic rioters. The violence came as thousands of Copts protested a decision by the Giza authorities to halt construction at a local church.

A statement released on Thursday by six organizations accused the general prosecution of infringing on defendants’ rights during interrogations.

Violent protest in Cairo over church building, (now a second man is dead in hospital)

Policemen hurl stones from heights at Coptic demonstrators

omrania demo

Video, please double click to watch 

One person is dead and some 30 injured after clashes in Cairo over the construction of a church building.

Hundreds of Christians fought running battles with riot police after authorities stopped the expansion of the building.

The Orthodox Coptic Christians maintain they had an official permit.

But authorities say permission was given for the expansion of a cultural centre and not something that resembles a church.

One young female demonstrator said: “They have the right to build their mosques and everything else, but we don’t have the right. And this is our country. We were born here. We should have the right to build in our country.”

In Muslim-majority Egypt, Christians make up 10 percent of the population, and

Christian demonstrations on this scale are rare.

See full size image 


Police and Christians clash in Egypt over church

Christian demonstrators throw stones at police in Cairo - 24 November 2010  

Large protests from Egypt's Christian community are rare 

Police in Egypt have clashed with hundreds of Coptic Christians over the construction of a new church.

One protester was killed and dozens of people were injured as police fired tear gas and the Christians threw stones and petrol bombs.
Christian Copts, Egyptian Security Standoff Over Church Construction

(AINA) -- A Standoff took place on November 22 between Copts and security forces, which stormed the Church of St. Mary and St. Michael, in Talbiya, Giza to stop the construction of the church. It was the second time in less than 10 days that security forces stormed the church premises to seal it off.


Sharia lessons for pupils aged six: BBC uncovers 'weekend schools' that teach pupils how to hack off thieves' hands

By James Slack 

Pupils asked to list the 'reprehensible' qualities of Jews

Around 5,000 children attend a network of 40 schools

Diagrams show children how to hack off hands and feet

Children in Britain are being taught brutal Sharia law punishments, including how
to hack off a criminal’s hand or foot.

So-called ‘weekend schools’ for Muslim pupils as young as six also teach that the penalty for gay sex is execution and that ‘Zionists’ are plotting to take over the world for the Jews. 

One set textbook challenges youngsters to list the ‘reprehensible’ qualities of Jews.


Investigation: A BBC Panorama programme has found that around 40 weekend schools are teaching Sharia law to British children as young as six (file picture)

Investigation: A BBC Panorama programme has found that around 40 weekend schools are teaching Sharia law to British children as young as six (file picture)


Saudi school lessons in UK concern government

Saudi text book  

One text book details the Sharia punishment for thieves

The government says it will not tolerate anti-Semitic and homophobic lessons being taught to Muslim children in the UK.

BBC Panorama found that more than 40 Saudi Students' Schools and Clubs are teaching the official Saudi national curriculum to about 5,000 pupils.

One text book shows how the hands and feet of thieves are chopped off.

 (AINA) -- Police authorities in the Egyptian village rampaged by a Muslim mob on November 15, torching some 22 Coptic houses, came to the conclusion that the fires came about haphazardly as an "act of fate." The Bishop of Nag Hammadi, Anba Kyrillos, rejected the police explanations of the cause of the fires, saying "An act of fate caused 22 houses to be torched? An act of fate also caused torching of shops, a storage house and a large number livestock not near each other?" He added that the two Coptic-owned fields and irrigation machinery were torched one day later, "so was this also an act of fate?"

Muslims Torch Christian Homes in Egypt

Coptic Christians in the Upper Egyptian village of el-Nowahed, Abu-Tesht, in Qena Province, were victims of an attack by a Muslim mob of nearly one thousand on Monday, November 15. The attack started at nearly 10:00 pm on Monday evening and lasted until the early hours of Tuesday morning.

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