U.K. general doubts eliminating al-Qaida

LONDON, Nov. 14 (UPI)

Afgahn soldiers train in Kabul


The commander of Britain's armed forces says the best the West can hope for is a stalemate with al-Qaida.

Gen. David Richards told the BBC Sunday that it was not possible to destroy an idea such as radical Islam and that it was vital to ensure that good government and development existed to counteract it.


Chilling Report: The Legal, Political and Military Path of Shariah in the United States Today


A tour group at the FBI's Counter-Terrorism Center. Among them is Sheikh Kifah Mustapha, a known agent of Hamas.

Among them is Sheikh Kifah Mustapha, a known agent of Hamas

NEW YORK CITY This past September, the Center for Security Policy issued an abbreviated report titled Shariah - The Threat to America, An Exercise in Competitive Analysis, Report of Team B II. In a press conference today, CSP is releasing the full, unexpurgated study, and will have four of the authors on hand to discuss it. A great summary of both versions can be read here.

Egyptian Security Attempts to Stop Construction of Church

By Mary Abdelmassih

Thousands of Copts staged a sit-in inside and outside the Church of the St. Mary in Talbiya, in the Pyramids area, since the morning of November 11, to protest the storming of the church premises by dozens of security forces to stop construction work and demolish stairs and toilets inside the church, despite the church having obtained the necessary permits.

UK: Muslim protestors disrupt Armistice Day commemoration: "British soldiers burn in hell," "Islam will dominate"

11th Nov muslim protest


Where are the "moderate" Muslims standing with the British and commemorating Armistice Day? "Poppy-burning Muslim protesters mar Armistice Day commemorations as millions fall silent to remember war dead,"

from the Daily Mail


UK: Two Weeks After Radical Islamist is Elected Mayor of London Council, He Places CDs of Sermons by an Extremist Imam in Town Hall… 

Lutfur Rahman council promotes extremist preacher who supports wife-beating

Does a London council support Muslim extremists? (Photo: Getty)

Does a London council sanction the preaching of extremists? (Photo: Getty)

Two weeks after the extremist-backed politician, Lutfur Rahman, became mayor of Tower Hamlets, his council has placed CDs of sermons by an extremist Islamic preacher in its Town Hall.


Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan

CNN's Reza Sayah and journalist Nasir Habib filed this report:

A Christian woman has been sentenced to  death for blasphemy in Pakistan, two police officials told CNN Thursday.

Asia Bibi was convicted of insulting Islam's prophet, Mohammed, while  working in a field with several Muslim women in a village southwest of Lahore.

She told them the Quran was "fake" and made comments about one of  Mohammed's wives and about his health in his final days, the police complaint  against her said.

Egyptian Mulsim Cleric Wagdi Ghoneim: If You Don't Cover Your Mouth When You Yawn, Satan Will Urinate in Your Mouth

Following are excerpts from an address by Egyptian cleric Wagdi Ghoneim, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on August 13, 2010:


Wagdi Ghoneim: Don't spend too long [in the toilet], because this is the house of Satan. [Islamic] etiquette requires that we do not spend too much time inside. Some brothers take newspapers and magazines into the bathroom. This is the house of Satan. Today, some people even take their laptop in with them. They sit with their laptop and begin surfing the Internet.

More attacks on Christians in Baghdad a week after massacre


by Layla Yousif Rahema

Two faithful shot dead in Baghdad. Muslim Imams in Kirkuk condemn the violence against the Church and ask "Iraq's mosaic" be preserved. Agreement on a new government after eight months of political deadlock. Yesterday, the first Mass in the Syro-Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of Salvation after 31 October massacre.

Baghdad (AsiaNews) – Another attack against Christians in Iraq, a week after the massacre in the Syrian Catholic Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad. Two worshipers were killed yesterday, November 7: Louay Daniel Yacoub, 49, was in front of his apartment when strangers shot him dead. Another Christian was killed the same day, but his identity is not yet known. The shootings were referred by local AsiaNews sources, anonymous for security reasons.


Tajikistan calls students home from Egypt in bid to prevent radicalisation

Tajikistan has forcefully repatriated more than 100 students from Egypt in a bid to stop them being drawn into radical Islam.

Al-Azhar University: Tajikistan calls students home from Egypt in bid to prevent radicalisation

The students had been studying illegally at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the world's highest seat of Islamic learning Photo: ALAMY

5:27PM GMT 09 Nov 2010

The students, who had been studying illegally at Cairo's Al-Azhar University, the world's highest seat of Islamic learning, were rounded up by Egyptian authorities on Monday at the request of the Tajik government.

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As deadline for Egypt's Coptic church expires

Qaeda group says Christians "legitimate targets"

Muslims and Christians chant anti-terrorist slogans during a funeral of slain Christians in Baghdad

Muslims and Christians chant anti-terrorist slogans during a funeral of slain Christians in Baghdad

An Iraqi group linked to al-Qaeda declared Christians "legitimate targets" as a deadline expired for Egypt's Coptic church to free women allegedly held after converting to Islam, SITE monitors said Wednesday.


SPECIAL REPORT: The 'DIY jihadists' paid for by us... Roshonara Choudhry supporters are living on benefits

By Sue Reid
Comments (299)

They refuse to apologise for their vile rant at the Old Bailey that made a mockery of our justice system.

Nor are they repentant over ­supporting the radical Muslim woman on trial there for trying to kill an MP in a knife attack.

As 21-year-old London University student Roshonara Choudhry was sentenced to life on Wednesday, they cursed the judge from the public gallery and hurled abuse at a terrified female juror wearing a Muslim headscarf, screaming ‘Shame on you, sister’.


Insults: Mohammed Shamsuddin, 34, said 'the majority of Muslims sympathise with our Sister Roshonara' - the woman who tried to kill Stephen Timms

Insults: Mohammed Shamsuddin, 34, said 'the majority of Muslims sympathise with our Sister Roshonara' - the woman who tried to kill Stephen Timms

The three agitators were then bundled out of court where, incredibly, were allowed to continue their poisonous rant. With faces twisted in fury, they waved banners saying ‘Islam will dominate the World’, yelled ‘British soldiers must die’, and screamed that the knifed Labour MP, Stephen Timms, should be killed.

Family Security Matter

Britain: Groveling Alone

Melanie Phillips

Angela Merkel has got the point. Multiculturalism has failed, she states flatly, as she surveys western Europe going down under the tide of radical Islam. Rather than liberal society creating the utopia of harmonious cultural pluralism, it is being swallowed whole by the giant predator whose voracious mouth it encourages, in the spirit of tolerance, to open ever wider in the unshakeable belief of western liberals that the jaws about to snap shut around their necks are actually stretched wide in a smile.

My brother and the deadly lure of al-Shabab jihad

By Jenny Cuffe

Among Britain's Somali community there are alarming rumours about the number of young men heading to Somalia to fight with the Islamist militia al-Shabab.

But when we asked to meet someone who has gone or knows someone who has gone, we were met with blank faces.

Curse the judge, shout fanatics as the Muslim girl who knifed MP smiles as she gets life

By Michael Seamark

A judge was subjected to a tirade of abuse in his own courtroom yesterday as he jailed an Al Qaeda-inspired Muslim woman for attempting to assassinate an MP.

Islamist protesters harangued Mr Justice Cooke from the public gallery at the Old Bailey, shouting ‘Allahu akbar’ (‘God is great’), ‘British go to hell’ and ‘Curse the judge’.


The moment Muslim student inspired by Al Qaeda ink bomber pulled a knife on an MP before stabbing him as 'punishment' for voting for the Iraq war

Student radicalised after watching online sermons by Anwar al-Awlaki

Choudhary has been found guilty of trying to murder Labour MP Stephen Timms. Today it can be revealed she had a hit list of politicians

Roshonara Choudhry

This is the dramatic moment a student prepares to plunge a knife into Labour MP Stephen Timms during a visit to his constituency surgery.

Egypt, Coptic Church reject al-Qaeda threats


Alexandrian church officials, along with Egypt’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit, rejected on Monday a statement by an al-Qaeda-linked group responsible for Sunday’s attack on a Catholic church in central Baghdad.
In the statement, the militants gave the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church 48 hours to “release Muslim women detained in churches” in Egypt.
Spokesperson for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, Hossam Zaki, on Monday said Egypt condemns such warnings.


Egypt refuses to pay heed to Qaeda demands 

Egypt refused yesterday to react to demands over two Coptic women rumoured to have converted to Islam made by an Al Qaeda group in Iraq that claimed a deadly hostage-taking in a Baghdad church.

SITE monitoring group said the Islamic State of Iraq, an Al Qaeda branch which claimed Sunday’s attack that left 46 Christians dead, gave Egypt’s Coptic Church 48 hours to release the two women or it would attack Christians across the region.

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Qaeda claims capture of Iraq Christians, warns Egypt

52 killed, 67 injured in Baghdad church hostage drama

Iraqi Christians attend a Christmas day mass at Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad (File)
BAGHDAD (Agencies)

Fifty-two hostages and police were killed on Sunday when Iraqi and U.S. forces raided a Baghdad church to free more than 100 Iraqi Catholics held by al-Qaeda-linked gunmen, a deputy interior minister said.

Lieutenant General Hussein Kamal said on Monday that 67 people were wounded during the raid of the church in central Baghdad by gunmen demanding the release of al-Qaeda prisoners in Iraq and Egypt.


Al-Qaeda claims Iraqi Christians captured, warns Egypt Copts

Iraqi security forces and wellwishers surround an Iraqi youth after his release from a hostage situation in an Iraqi church.

Iraqi security forces and wellwishers surround an Iraqi youth after his release from a hostage situation in an Iraqi church.

BAGHDAD: An Al-Qaeda group claimed its fighters had captured Christians in Iraq and gave the Coptic church in Egypt a 48-hour deadline to release alleged female captives, the SITE monitoring group said Monday.


Foreign couple mocked as “infidels” and “swine” throughout resort’s ‘wedding ceremony’

By Azra Naseem 



“You are swine” and “the children that you bear from this marriage will all be bastard swine,” a tourist couple renewing their marriage vows in the Maldives were told in a ‘traditional Maldivian’ ceremony conducted in Dhivehi at Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort.

“Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel – and we have reason to believe –an atheist, who does not even believe in an infidel religion,” the ‘celebrant’ tells the couple, who appear completely unaware of the humiliation they are being subjected to.

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