A Christian man stabbed as he leaves a church in Minya Egypt 

From United Copts GB correspondant


قبطي يتلقى طعنات من مسلمين عقب خروجه من الكنيسة بسمالوط !!


United Copts GB learnt from reliable sources that a Christian youth who is an army conscript was subjected to a knife attack on Thursday 30th of April just as he left St Mary church in the village he lives “Dagof” , Samalout district, in Minya province , Egypt which seems to have  a hot bed for Muslim fundamentalists.

The three Muslims youth (Wael Mohammed Hagag, Mohammed Nasr Anwar and Shabaan Sayed Amin) jumped on the Christian young man Girgis Yousry Francis 21y as he was leaving the church suddenly attacked him with knives and sticks. Several stabs resulted in sever internal injuries to his intestine and spleen with massive blood loss. The attack seems to have taken place with out any provocation or apparent reason. Girgis was soon transferred to the district hospital. 

Girgis’s father went to the local police station to report the incident. The Intelligence Services Police officer in charge at the time was not concerned, insulted Girgis’s father Mr. Yousry Francis and kicked his out of the police station. The three perpetrators have been arrested.

What is of grave concern here is the attitude of the police officers towards Christians and the lack of willingness to investigate attacks on Christians. In 2000 21 Christians were murdered in cold blood in Al-Kosheh, Upper Egypt, the police either was complacent or complicit and not a single conviction was secured for the murder of 21 Christians. In the 80s and 90s about 300 Christians were murdered in cold blood by Muslim fundamentalist and less than a handful of convictions against Muslim fundamentalist perpetrators were secured. 

The United Copts GB call upon the Egyptian police to stop bias and to treat all citizens fairly, to investigate the attack on Girgis Yousry and prepare good evidence to court in accordace with the law.

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