Further attacks on Christians in Nazlet Girgis, today and burning of Christians crops 

United Copts GB sources 

Further attacks on Christians in Nazlet Girgis village took place today.  

Nazlet Girgis is not far from Nazlet Boshra where an attack on Christian’s homes and properties took place on Sunday 21 June 2009 by a large group of the Muslim inhabitants of the village following a visit by a small group of Christians who work in Cairo and visit their families in the village on monthly basis attempted to visit the local priest at home. 

The police had applied an embargo on visitors to the priest of more than two at a time for fear off conducting Christian prayers in the priest home which would result in upsetting the Muslim families in the village.  

The attack which took place today in Nazlet Girgis resulted in burning of crops in the fields belong to four Christian families, two houses and the local priest car were also set a light. 

The attack was premeditated and unprovoked. It took place against innocent Coptic Christian families and seems to be a fall out from the 21 June incident. 

So far 17 Coptic youth and the local priest have been arrested for no obvious reason as it is obvious they are the victims of the attack.

The arrest of innocent Christians is normal Egyptian police exercise to counterbalance the arrest of some of the Muslim perpetrators.  

The Egyptian police for the past a few years tends to press the Christians to hold a reconciliation session after each attack on their lives or property thus the perpetrators can avoid persecution (the Egyptian police does not usually investigate/persecute attacks on Christians lives or property)

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