Saudi imam who called Jews "scum, rats, pigs, monkeys" speaks in London -- Geert Wilders still barred


Geert Wilders, an international champion of free speech, is barred from Britain, but a Jew-hating Islamic supremacist is just fine with UK authorities. Absurd Britannia Alert: "Anti-Semitic Saudi chief imam feted in London: Senior cleric of Mecca's Grand Mosque speaks at East London Mosque," from Peter Tatchell, Green Party parliamentary candidate for Oxford East, August 4 (thanks to Pamela):

Despite his sectarian, racist incitements that Jews are "scum...rats...pigs and monkeys," the chief cleric of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Sheikh Abdul Rahman al Sudais, has been welcomed and invited to preach at the East London mosque in Whitechapel tonight, Tuesday evening, 4 August 2009.

Al-Sudais, who has close ties to the Saudi elite, has also insulted Christians and Hindus, referring disparagingly to Christians as "cross-worshippers" and Hindus as "idol worshippers".

He has been banned from Canada for his anti-Semitism.

The chairman of the East London mosque is Muhammad Abdul Bari. He is also the leader of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB).

Although the MCB has condemned anti-Semitism, it has previously declined to criticise the anti-Semitism of al-Sudais and has continued to support him despite his anti-Jewish tirade.

"Al-Sudais has stoked religious sectarianism and anti-Jewish racism. He has never expressed any regret," said human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell, who is urging the East London mosque and the MCB to publicly condemn al-Sudais's "shameful prejudice."

"As a condition for him being allowed to preach, the East London mosque and MCB should insist that al-Sudais apologise for his anti-Semitism and publicly state his opposition to hatred, discrimination and violence against Jewish people.

"The East London mosque received $US1m from the Saudis towards its new London Muslim Centre. The mosque's links to Saudi Arabia go back many years, according to the BBC.

"I don't understand why the Home Secretary is allowing al-Sudais into Britain, given that similar hate preachers have been banned. Is it because of the close business links between the British and Saudi establishments? " queried Mr Tatchell.

"Al-Sudais was appointed imam of the Grand Mosque by the royal leaders of the pro-western Saudi dictatorship. His continuing tenure as chief imam is a damning indictment of the Saudi regime's toleration of anti-Semitism.

"I am surprised that the Jewish community in Britain has not kicked up a big fuss about him coming to Britain," said Mr Tatchell....

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