Police arrest 31 at demonstration against Islamic fundamentalism


By Daily Mail Reporter

A man with a Union Jack flag is attacked after the protest sparked violence 

More than 30 people were arrested today after disorder broke out during a demonstration billed as a protest against Islamic fundamentalism.


A total of 31 people were detained in Birmingham city centre during the event, which is believed to have been organised on social networking sites.

A West Midlands Police spokesman said the arrests were made at various locations during the protest and a counter-demonstration organised by the Unite Against Fascism group.

A protester lies injured following the demonstration in central Birmingham today

A protester lies injured following the demonstration in central Birmingham today 

A man with a Union Jack flag is attacked after the protest sparked violence


The spokesman also confirmed that a car had been damaged during what she described as 'sporadic' outbreaks of disorder in the city centre.

Witnesses said scores of officers were involved in policing the rival protests, which had gathered near Birmingham's Bullring shopping complex.

One shopper, who declined to be named, said broken banners were left scattered on the ground outside the Bullring following the disorder.


A man with a Union Jack flag is attacked after the protest sparked violence

The clashes saw 31 people arrested

Police had vowed to deal robustly with anyone acting outside the law at the protests.

Police believe the anti-fundamentalist rally was organised by groups calling themselves the English and Welsh Defence League and Casuals United, which is said to have emerged after British soldiers were abused by Islamic radicals at a homecoming parade in Luton.


Men are attacked as the demonstration span out of control

Men are attacked as the demonstration span out of control


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