Minnesota Muslim pleads guilty to joining jihad terrorists in Somalia

USA Today 

A third man has pleaded guilty to terrorism-related charges for fighting with Islamist militants in Somalia.

Kamal Hassan of Minnesota admitted in federal court today that he had been trained by and fought with al-Shabab. He confessed that he had lied to the FBI when he said he had gone to Yemen after his training. Hassan also acknowledged he had concealed the identities of people he associated with in Minnesota and Somalia.

Two weeks ago, a Minnesota Somali man pleaded guilty to a terror-related charge for traveling to Somalia to fight with the militants.


Minnesota Public Radio has a timeline and photos of the 20 young men who disappeared from the Minneapolis area to fight in Somalia.

A prominent Minneapolis Somali community leader said he believes the recruitment of local Somali Americans for jihad in their homeland has slowed or stopped, the Minneapolis Star Tribune writes.

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