Hamdi Zakzouk says Nag Hammadi Masacre was reaction to the rape incident 

church was under "intense pressure from security services" not to
meet with the USCIRF. 



C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 CAIRO 000153


E.O. 12958: DECL: 2020/02/03

REF: CAIRO 140; CAIRO 59; 09 CAIRO 477; 09 CAIRO 1109; 09 CAIRO 453
09 CAIRO 2229

CLASSIFIED BY: Donald Blome, Minister-Counselor for Economic and
Political Affairs, State, ECPO; REASON: 1.4(B), (D) 

¶1.       (SBU)  A delegation from the United States International 
Religious Freedom Commission (USCIRF), 
consisting of three commissioners and three staff members 
led by the USCIRF chairman, visited Cairo 
from January 22 to 26.  The delegation met with the Minister
 of Islamic Endowments, the Grand Imam 
of Al Azhar Mohamed Sayed Tantawi,  a Ministry of Foreign
 Affairs human rights official, t
he quasi-governmental National Council for Human Rights, 
human rights activists, and representatives 
of minority religious communities, Muslim and non-Muslim.  
The delegation, at the request of the GoE, 
agreed to defer travel to Upper Egypt because of ongoing
 tensions following  the Naga Hamadi 
sectarian attack (refs A and B.)  Although the delegation
 made no public statements, it attracted 
intense press attention, mostly critical of the USCIRF's 
"interference" in Egypt's "internal affairs."   
 Minister of Islamic Endowments and  NCHR on Naga Hamadi 
(C)  Discussions with Hamdi Zaqzouq, Minister of Islamic 
Endowments (Awqaf), 
focused on the January 6 killings in Naga Hamadi 
(refs A and B).  According to Zaqzouq, 
the killings were a response to the November rape 
of a Muslim girl by a Coptic man. 
Zaqzouq asserted that such "honor crimes" occur 
regularly and only receive Western media 
attention when both Christians and Muslims are involved.
  Zaqzouq said that "all Muslim leaders" 
criticized the "criminal act" and recounted how he 
travelled to Naga Hamadi after the attack 
to offer condolences to the victims' families.    
¶3.      (C)  Kamal Aboul Magd, V
ice President of the quasi-governmental National 
Council for Human Rights (NCHR), 
told the delegation that it had dispatched a team 
of researchers to Naga Hamadi to investigate.  
Aboul Magd said the NCHR's researchers had completed 
a report which it had delivered to the GoE, 
but had not released publicly.   Without revealing 
the report's contents, 
Aboul Magd said the NCHR's finding would make 
it difficult for the GoE to avoid 
"fully applying" the law in the Naga Hamadi case.    
MFA on Naga Hamadi and Defamation    ¶4.       
(C)  Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister for Human Rights 
 Wael Aboul Magd told the delegation that 
"societal violence" between Muslims and Copts is 
a regular occurrence,
 but Naga Hamadi 
had forced Egyptian society to focus on the problem. 
 As a result of national "outrage," Aboul Magd believes 
the law will be firmly applied.   
Aboul Magd said he remains unsure about the motives for the killings, 
acknowledging that the GoE's initial assertion that 
the killing was in revenge for 
the alleged rape of a Muslim girl in November "doesn't seem to fit." 
 He urged caution, however, in accepting "broader
 conspiracy theories" 
tying the crime to a political rivalry between 
Naga Hamadi's Coptic bishop and a local politician.  Commenting more 
generally on sectarianism, Aboul Magd said that
 Muslim-Christian relations 
have traditionally been "reasonably good," but in
 recent years Egyptian
 society has become "worryingly radicalized" 
with each group taking on 
an "us verses them" mentality.  He said the GoE is concerned 
about this trend and is working to overcome it through its focus 
on Egyptian citizenship
 - not religious affiliation - as the source of rights and duties.  
  ¶5.       (C)  Addressing Egypt's sponsorship of the 
defamation of religions resolution in the United Nations, Aboul 
Magd said Egypt will continue to push the resolution.  
According to Aboul Magd, Egypt's goal is to protect Europe's 
Muslim community and encourage European 
countries to treat "incitement of religious hatred" as a crime. 
 CAIRO 00000153  002 OF 003   Church Leader on Security 
Services Harassment   ¶6.       (C)  At the Qasr al Dubara
 Presbyterian Church, which works with Muslim converts to 
Christianity, Pastor Sameh Mories told the 
delegation that the situation of Muslim converts to Christianity 
is deteriorating.  Although Mories believes President 
Mubarak and the upper-levels 
of the GoE are "very supportive" of religious freedom 
(he noted that Mubarak approved more building permits for churches  than "Sadat, 
Nasser and the kings combined"), he thinks Egypt's security 
services are becoming increasingly powerful and hostile to Muslim converts 
to Christianity.  Mories lamented that "five years ago, converts
 to Christianity were persecuted by their families; now the police are 
turning converts over to their families." Mories said that as
 a church that baptizes Muslims, Qasr al Dubara is under constant 
police scrutiny, and he complained that three U.S. religious 
leaders who have had contact with the church had 
recently been denied entry into Egypt by the GoE.    ¶7.   
    (C)  At the Qasr al Dubara Church, the delegation 
met with Muslim convert to Christianity XXXXXXXXXXXX, 
who unsuccessfully sued the GoE to compel it to 
recognize his conversion (refs C and D).  XXXXXXXXXXXX, 
accompanied by XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, complained 
of harassment and threats from his family and society 
arising from his conversion.  
A USCIRF delegation member told poloff that XXXXXXXXXXXX
 pulled him aside after the meeting to 
request unspecified U.S. Government assistance.   
 Baha'is, Jehovah Witnesses and Quranists    ¶8.       (
C)  The delegation met with representatives of Egypt's Baha'i,
 Jehovah Witnesses and Quranists.  E
gyptian Baha'i leadership said that while the GoE  
continues to issue identification documents to unmarried Baha'is 
( "over 120" birth certificates and "30 to 40" national identification
 cards) in compliance with a judicial decision 
(ref E), the GoE has not issued documents to any married Baha'is
 as the GoE does not recognize Baha'i marriage.  
Jehovah Witness leadership complained of a December 2009  
Administrative Court decision refusing to allow the
 Jehovah Witness  community to register as a legal entity.  
Jehovah Witness leadership said the judge based his 
decision largely on Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda's 2005 
statement that the Jehovah Witnesses are not Christians.  
The Jehovah Witnesses also complained of ongoing security
 service surveillance and threats. Quranist 
(a small heterodox Islamic group (ref F)) community members
 complained of on-going GoE harassment - 
including travel bans - and societal hostility, especially from 
the Muslim Brotherhood.    
Sheikh Tantawi on Naga Hamadi, Baha'is    ¶9.       
 (C)  Sheikh Tantawi, the head of Al Azhar, 
met twice with the delegation.  He condemned the Naga 
Hamadi attack which he attributed  to 
"extremist" thinking.  Tantawi said that in Al Azhar's view,
 there is no distinction between Muslims and 
Christians; all are Egyptians with the same rights and responsibilities.  
On Baha'is, Tantawi argued that there is a 
distinction, and defended labeling Baha'is  "apostates" if they
 had left Islam.  Tantwai said, however,
 that "apostasy" should be used only as a legal term and 
acknowledged the danger that "extremists" 
could receive the wrong message from the word.    Coptic 
Orthodox Church Declines to Meet with Delegation    
¶10.   (C)  Pope Shenouda, the leader of the Coptic 
Orthodox Church, declined to meet with the delegation.  
In public statements, Shenouda attributed  his refusal to the Church's 
"rejection of foreign interference in Egypt's internal affairs."  
Separately, a Coptic Church official told poloff 
and the delegation that the  CAIRO 00000153  003 OF 003  
 church was under "intense pressure from security s
ervices" not to meet with the USCIRF.  The official also said
 that the Church feared it would be blamed by the GoE if it 
met with the delegation and the USCIRF subsequently 
downgraded Egypt in its annual report from a 
"watch list"  country to a "country of particular concern."  
 Intense Press Interest   ¶11.   (SBU) 
The visit generated intense press coverage, much of it 
focused on the timing in the aftermath of the
 Naga Hamadi attack and highlighting Pope Shenouda's 
refusal to meet the delegation. Both pro-government 
and opposition party press accused the USCIRF of "interference
 in Egyptian internal affairs" and called the timing of the visit "suspicious."  
Commentaries in the pro-government press were generally
 negative with references to the 
"evil committee" visiting Egypt to prepare "charges of sectarianism."  
Some independent commentators were more nuanced; analysts
 in independent newspapers wrote that 
"the usual Egyptian response of none of your business is a 
primitive attitude," and if religious freedom 
"is an internal affair, then we must start immediately by 
reforming our internal affairs."    ¶12.   
(U)  The USCIRF delegation did not clear this message. SCOBEY

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