Women Under Sharia Law, Part 1: Two Pakistani Women Blamed For Blasphemy and Beaten

by Paul Cooper

Every week new articles come out from left-leaning journalists about how great Sharia law is and how we have nothing to fear.  Yet we at NewsReal have written on many sad cases of how children are treated under Sharia all over the world.  You don’t hear the whole story of the dangers of Islamic law unless you see how it affects women.  This past week in Pakistan, for example, two women were falsely accused of blasphemy and almost beaten to death.

In the East Lahore locality of Pakistan an argument broke out between two sisters-in-law on January 11th.  The dispute was between Amina, a Muslim, and her sister-in-law Zahira, a Christian.  Reportedly the conflict had nothing to do with religion.   However, the following day, Amina ran out into the street screaming that Zahira had blasphemed the (so-called) prophet Mohammad.  Soon after a group of men led by Muhammad Sameer, a member of a violent Islamic religious organization, forced their way into the house and started beating Zahira and her mother.

Both Zahira and her mother are Christians and had been the only two in the house.  The two women were beaten severely, forced to wear necklaces of shoes (a sign of shame), and made to ride around on donkeys to bring further shame and warn others.  The women begged for mercy but were shown none.

‘We tried our best to get her to confess her crime,’ Sameer told the press.

Neither woman admitted any blasphemy.  Regardless, Sameer even had his own wife beat the women and showed a sickening pride in his wife’s effectiveness.

She beat Zahira more than anyone else. Her hand is so swollen that she hasn’t been able to make rotis (bread) since the day of the incident. I’ve been getting my meals from a restaurant. – Sameer

The Christian women were rescued by an NGO worker who got them away from the area.  He heard of the beating and convinced the mob to stop the violence.  Not one of the attackers admitted to hearing the women actually blaspheme Mohammad or Islam.  Sadly, the NGO worker had to ask the mob not to involve the police.  He understood that in this land of Sharia, the victims would have been the criminals.  Those who beat the innocent women are considered heroes of the faith.

Sadly such stories are common in many Islamic regions. Yet news agency, women’s groups, and human rights organizations continue to turn a deaf ear. Despite their indifference, some of us are listening and committed to getting the word out on the true dangers of Sharia law.

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