The FOX Nation 

60+ Churches Burned in Nigerian Muslim Stronghold 

By Ethan Cole 


More than 60 churches were burned and thousands of Christian-owned homes destroyed in Nigeria's predominantly Muslim north after the recent election of incumbent Christian president Goodluck Jonathan, according to the Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors.

Riots broke out Monday after the preliminary results of Saturday's vote were announced. Jonathan, who was sworn in as president in May 2010, was announced president over his Muslim opponent Muhammadu Buhari.

"Last year there were more martyrs in Nigeria - approximately 2,000 Christians killed in the northern part - than in any other country in the world," said Open Doors USA President/CEO Carl Moeller. "Nigeria is such a key country in the spread of Christianity all over Africa."

"Please join me in prayer for the Christians there, especially for those in the north," he added.

Muslims complained that the vote tallies were rigged, but independent observers described the election as the fairest in decades. 

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