Experts examine bin Laden trove

A view of Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan (AP) 

A view of Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan (AP)

Computer files, DVDs and documents that US commandos took from Osama bin Laden's Pakistani hideout were starting to be examined by electronics experts in the hope they will hold clues to other al Qaida leaders.

The Navy Seals who staged the raid also took phone numbers concealed on bin Laden's person that could provide new leads.

The CIA has set up a task force to review the material from the highest level of al Qaida's leadership, providing a rare opportunity for US intelligence. When a mid-level terrorist is captured, his bosses know exactly what information might be compromised and can change plans. When the boss is taken, everything might be compromised but nobody knows for sure.

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A key issue for President Barack Obama, meanwhile, is whether to release graphic images of bin Laden's corpse. Doing so could dispel doubts that bin Laden is dead. The worry, though, is that it would feed anti-US sentiment.

CIA Director Leon Panetta said at least one photo is likely to be released.

Bin Laden's hideout was in the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad, the same city where Indonesian terror suspect Umar Patek was arrested in January.

Indonesian officials said Patek, who is suspected in the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people, was in Pakistan to meet bin Laden when he was arrested. But a senior US counter-terrorism source that Patek's visit to Abbottabad appeared to be coincidental.

Five people were killed in the raid, officials said: bin Laden; his son; his most trusted courier, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti; and al-Kuwaiti's wife and brother. The latest White House account leaves open the question of whether there was any gunfire from bin Laden's defenders in his room before the commandos shot him.

Mr Obama prepared to visit New York City's ground zero to mark the end to one of history's most intense manhunts and to remember anew the victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks at the hands of bin Laden's organisation. He invited former President George W. Bush, who once famously said he wanted bin Laden "dead or alive," to join him, but he declined.

The White House says President Obama's trip will include a private meeting with family members of the victims, a meeting with emergency workers that will be open to some news coverage, and a wreath-laying at the September 11 memorial.

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