Violent Protest at U.S. Embassy in London Over Death of Osama bin Laden

The death of Osama bin Laden is inflaming anti-American sentiment around the world. Al Qaeda has vowed revenge against the United States for the death of their leader. Today protesters have gathered in London to speak out about their anger over the mission that killed Osama bin Laden.

A crowd of hundreds of people have attempted to storm the embassy of the United States in London. One of the signs seen at the violent protest says "Islam will dominate the world." A protester said "It is only a matter of time before another atrocity -- the West is the enemy

Muslim protesters clash with police outside the American Embassy in London

Muslim demonstrators outside the U.S. embassy protest peacefully before they clashed with police


President Obama recently decided to not release the Osama bin Laden death photos. That was the correct decision. Even without them, terrorism supporters around the world are displaying fury at the United States.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have created a new generation of terrorists. Anti-American sentiment is increasing every day in the Middle East. Hopefully soon the wars will be history and our country can have peace again.

Members of the English Defence League met at the U.S. embassy to confront the Muslims during the protests

The death of Osama bin Laden has made our country safer, as he was the mastermind behind terror plots. However, now terrorists have a new reason to hate America. They want revenge for Osama bin Laden's death.

As the tenth anniversary of September 11, 2011 approaches, the United States is on high alert for attacks. However, the CIA has obtained a huge amount of information from the raid on bin Laden's home. Hopefully they will soon be capturing more al Qaeda members and dismantling the leadership of that organization.

Terrorism is a very sad aspect of society. The protests in London are full of young men on the wrong path in life. Osama bin Laden was a negative force in the world. His death is bringing the extremists out into the public to make threats.

Long live peace and justice. The world is a better place without Osama bin Laden making plots to wreak havoc in America.

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