Religious Discrimination Lawsuit Filed Against Diocese Of Allentown

Woman Claims She Was Fired For Being A Muslim

ALLENTOWN, Pa. -- The Diocese of Allentown has found itself the target of a lawsuit that claims a woman was fired for being a Muslim.

Omayma Arafa filed the federal lawsuit against the Diocese in May.

The lawsuit states Arafa, who is a Muslim from Egypt, had no problems as an employee of the Diocese until August 2008, when her supervisor changed.

In the lawsuit, Arafa said her new supervisor, a Monsignor, was not respectful of her religion. She said during Ramada in 2008 he forced her to take a lunch break, even though all she could do was sit at her desk and do nothing since she could not eat.

Arafa said she was fired because the Diocese claimed they could hire an outside company for cheaper than keeping her employed. She claimed since she was a part-time employee who was not offered benefits, the outside company could cost the Diocese much more than her salary.

Arafa also claims she was never offered health insurance, but two other part-time employees, who were not Muslim, were.

She also said the Diocese eventually gave her responsibilities to a younger, non-Muslim male.

Arafa is seeking back pay and damages in the lawsuit.

Attorney Dave Steckel, who represents the Diocese, said he is still reviewing the complaint and declined to comment.

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