The Spread of Radical Islam

Share By Matthew Heimbach.

The rising tide of Islam has come to a new high water mark. The extremist group Muslims Against the Crusades or (MAC) has officially declared that within the United Kingdom they are establishing three fully autonomous Islamic states that are under Sharia law, not the laws of England.

This is the same group that protested England's Remembrance Day. This holiday is the United Kingdoms version of Veterans day where the red poppy is used to signify the blood that was sacrificed by the men and women who have served in the armed forces. During the this years Remembrance Day, Muslims shouted "British soldiers burn in hell" and "British soldiers – murderers, British soldiers – rapists, British soldiers – terrorists." during a moment of silence to commemorate veterans while burning poppies in front of crowds of veterans and their families.

A whopping fifty pound fine was levied against the extremists while the only organized groups standing against the spread of Islam in England are called fascists and purposefully kept out of the mainstream by government elites and the media.

And now on the anniversary of the 7/7 bombings that took place six years ago in London where fifty two people were killed and over 700 were hurt by Muslim extremists, the United Kingdom is faced with a growing organization of Muslims who publicly proclaim the desire to destroy the Western world and bring about a Caliphate.

A Caliphate in the modern era is the goal of many Islamic groups ranging from al-Qaeda to the Muslim Brotherhood. It calls for the establishment of a unified Muslim world that enforces Islamic law across the land. In Indonesia earlier this year over 100,000 people attended a Caliphate Conference while on July 9th in the heart of London the group Hizb ut-Tahrir or "Party of Liberation" is holding a massive Caliphate conference to strategize for the destruction of our entire way of life.

The website of Muslims Against the Crusades declares that the plan for three Sharia law towns to exist is a “radical, but very realistic step in the heart of Western Europe, that will inshaa'allah (God willing), pave the way for the worldwide domination of Islam”.

Groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood have been praised by the international media following the regime change in Egypt over the past few months. They have been called moderates and a fresh face in the political system of the Middle East. The motto of the organization clearly tells us how moderate they are  “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” And if you weren't convinced at how moderate they are then just take a look at their insignia. Two crossed swords with the verse Sura 8:60, “And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war to terrorize the enemy of Allah and your enemy.”

The Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb ut-Tahrir, and Muslims Against the Crusades all have the same goal but are taking slightly different paths to achieve the goal of Islamic domination over the Western world. Our media has fallen hook line and sinker for the largest weapon available to these Islamic warriors. The prophet Muhammad gave his followers Taqiyya which allows for followers to lie and deceive non believers to protect and advance Islam. Through deception and omission those pushing for blanket Islamic rule have a great deal of leeway to promote their cause.

This is why nations such as Saudi Arabia can claim to be moderate when in fact persecution of Christians and non Muslims is rampant. Any public manifestation of any religion other than Islam can be punished by fines, jail, or death. Honor killing by Islamic families has become rampant not only in the Middle East but in Europe and America. Women who break Sharia law or try to convert to Christianity are often killed to prevent dishonor from coming to their families.

In Saudi Arabia Islamic law is rigidly enforced. Fifteen young girls attending school were thrown back into a burning building by the Saudi mutaween or religious police for fleeing a blaze without wearing the proper attire. One witness said he saw three policemen "beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya".

This is the same country that is filling American mosques with hate filled jihadist propaganda. The results of this have already been felt on the streets of the United States. The Fort Hood shooter screamed "Allahu Akbar" before opening fire and killing thirteen and wounding thirty. The Fort Dix attack plot where Islamic terrorists planned to kill servicemen. The murder of a soldier in Little Rock Arkansas by a Muslim and everyone remembers the attempted bombing of a passenger plane on Christmas in 2009.

These are not isolated incidents of a few religious fanatics. It is a well funded and exceedingly well organized network pushing for Islamic domination over Christianity and the entire Western world. It is time Westerners wake up to the danger facing us and organize to resist the destruction of our entire way of life. The enemy is not only on a foreign shore far away from home. As was said by the US born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki   "I could not reconcile between living in the U.S. and being a Muslim, and I eventually came to the conclusion that jihad against America is binding upon myself just as it is binding on every other Muslim".

The threat is here America, what do you plan to do about it?

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