Islamist group pilots “sharia-controlled zone”

Muslims Against Crusades are targeting the London borough of Waltham Forest to be the first “sharia-controlled zone” as part of a new “Islamic Emirates Project”.


This message is being distributed in certain Muslim enclaves.

The announcement comes after the Islamist group released Islamic Prevent, as reported by Operation Nehemiah last week, which called upon Muslims in Britain to create enclaves in major cities where sharia will one day be implemented.

The group said,

As part of our Islamic Emirate Project, Waltham Forest is to be the first borough to be targeted for an intense sharia led campaign, introducing the prospect of Islamic law for the Muslim community to abide by.

Waltham Forest is.... a borough with a marked Islamic fingerprint; Muslim businesses, mosques and Islamic schools emblazon its streets, making a transition into a thriving Islamic emirate, very real and plausible.

The organisation intends to persuade Muslims in Waltham to self-enforce sharia initially with specially designed leaflets and posters that read, “You are entering a Sharia Controlled Zone – Islamic Rules Enforced.”

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