U.K. Radical Islamic Group: Is Assassination of Obama Legal?

By R. Leigh Coleman | Christian Post Reporter

Muslims Against Crusades, a radical Islamic organization, featured a controversial hate message on the front page of its website this week titled, “Is the Assassination of President Obama Legal?”

  • osama bin laden

    (Photo: Reuters / Naseer Ahmed)

    A supporter of the Pakistani religious party Jamiat-e-ulema-e-Islam holds an image of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden during an anti-U.S. rally on the outskirts of Quetta May 6, 2011.

The group is a British-based extremist Islamic group that was founded by Muslim leader Abu Assadullah late last year. The hate message is quickly gaining international attention due to the nature of the question as it implies an actual threat.

Media reports are referring to the notice as “shocking,” “idiotic” and “frightening.”

According to its website, the group believes they are “not obliged to obey the law of the land” in whatever country they happen to be visiting or residing in.

The notice on the Muslims Against Crusades, or MAC, site features graphic art in the shape of a collage with photos depicting President Obama, a masked gunman, Osama bin Laden, Anwara al-Awlaki and what appears to be a laser mark on the president’s forehead.

The hate group’s announcement begins with this statement:


“President Barack Obama is treading on very thin ice. In the space of less than half a year he has proceeded to murder what are probably two of the most influential Muslim men in modern day history: Sheikh Usamah bin Laden and the U.S. citizen Sheikh Anwar al-Awlaki."

Conservative talk show host Todd Andrew Schnitt of the nationally syndicated The Schnitt Show told listeners Wednesday night that anyone has the freedom to object to Obama’s policies, but threats like the one released on MAC’s website is “sickening" and "unbelievable."

“This press release is absolutely obscene and anyone who would threaten the president, his family or anyone in the administration is wrong and this is a crime,” he said.

“These are ugly, ugly people folks.”

The group’s message continues to rant on about “Obama’s war, as assassination takes over as his preferred weapon of choice…”

Then the message sets up the question:

“Are his actions to be taken as an example for other U.S. citizens to imitate? …we would like to introduce a new question into the psyche of the West …‘Is the assassination of President Barack Obama now legal?’ ... if the President of America were to be caught off-guard in Washington or St Louis, would his death be justified given his new criteria in light of his horrific track record against Islam and Muslims and his own confessions?”

The shocking charge concludes with a reference to the “horrors of 1963 against this very evil man?” which referred to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Readers are given two U.K.-based phone numbers at the bottom of the notice. The rest of the MAC website features information on Islam including the topics of jihad, sharia law and anti-West slurs.

“It goes without saying that Muslims Against Crusades is now probably on just about every intelligence community watch-list in the Western world,” Schnitt said.

It is interesting to note here that there was an under-publicized incident in the White House in August allegedly involving an infiltration of the federal government by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood.

A former FBI special agent in Washington told the WorldNetDaily news, “it is worse than some have warned recently.” The agent also confirmed to the news reporter that “at least three operatives of the Egypt-based Brotherhood, whose message is ‘Jihad is our way and death in the cause of Allah is our dream,’ penetrated the Obama administration.”

Another incident involves ABC News, which held a town hall meeting last year aimed at asking experts “Should Americans fear Islam?”

The outlawed Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary was reportedly one of the “experts” asked to the interview/meeting. He told ABC News that “We do believe as Muslims the East and the West will be governed by the Sharia. Indeed we believe that one day the flag of Islam will fly over the White House.”

Choudary also told ABC that “Islam has a solution for all of the problems that mankind faces.”

Another incident last month involved members of MAC and supporters of the English Defense League who caused a scene in the streets of London during the ceremony to honor 67 British victims of 9/11.

Dozens of people were arrested as the extremists clashed outside the U.S. Embassy, reported Metro.

Throughout its history, the White House Complex has been subjected to increasingly frequent and occasionally successful attempts to penetrate its borders by ground and by air.

According to the Public Report of the White House Security Review, the United States Secret Service, with all of its new technology, and the United States Park Police, protect and patrol the White House Complex.

NASAMS (Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System) is used to protect the president and all air space around the White House.

The Kennedy assassination triggered the most extensive changes ever in the Secret Service's approach to presidential protection. The Secret Service recently created a number of new divisions to implement security changes, including the Intelligence Division, the Technical Security Division, and the Liaison Division, according to the security report.

Today's Secret Service is directly responsible for the personal security of the president and the First Family and is called the "Presidential Protective Division."

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