"Radical Islamist" shot, wounded after firing at U.S. embassy in Sarajevo


He was a member, according to this story, of a Tiny Minority of Extremists in Bosnia -- in this case, the Wahhabis. "Islamist shot dead after firing at US embassy in Sarajevo," from Agence France-Presse, October 28:

A gunman opened fire at the US embassy in Sarajevo Friday before being taken out by a sniper, Bosnian radio reported, identifying the attacker as a radical Islamist.


"A man, member of the Wahhabi (branch of Islam), aged around 40, shot at the US embassy with a Kalashnikov rifle," Bosnian national radio said.

Embassy spokeswoman Sanja Pejcinovic would not go into details.

"We can confirm there has been an incident in front of the embassy. The building is closed and we are waiting for the police to seal off the area," she told AFP.

Bosnia is home to a small minority of followers of Wahhabism, a strict and ultra-conservative brand of Islam which is dominant in Saudi Arabia.

During Bosnia's 1992-1995 war between its Croats, Muslims and Serbs, a large number of volunteers from Muslim nations flocked to the Balkan country to take up arms.

Many of these Muslim fighters stayed on after the conflict and obtained Bosnian citizenship. Some in the mostly moderate Bosnian Muslim community have converted to the more radical Islam preached by several ex-mujahedeen.

Reuters photo.

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