Complaints from radical Muslims shut down documentary

Chad Groening - OneNewsNow article and comment

Hamas supporter 


The producers of an explosive documentary on radical Islam are responding to attacks from an Islamic advocacy group that has ties to terrorism.

The trailer for the documentary titled The Third Jihad opens with these words: "The document states that their work in America is kind of a grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western Civilization from within."

The Third Jihad is produced by the New York City-based Clarion Fund. The video has created a stir since the New York Times reported that the film was shown to nearly 1,500 New York Police Department officers as part of their counter-terrorism training. But the department stopped showing the documentary after the Council on American-Islamic Relations complained about the film. A CAIR spokesman says, "It defiled our faith and misrepresented everything we stood for."

Claire Lopez is a former CIA officer who is now a senior fellow with the
Clarion Fund. She says the truth about CAIR must be told.

"CAIR is the terrorist organization, Hamas, representation in the United States,” Lopez explains. “It is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation/Hamas funding trial of 2008. It's regrettable that the New York Times would run such criticism without delving in to what the film is actually about."

And Lopez says it is also disheartening to see the New York Police Department so easily cave to the criticism from CAIR. She says it did nothing wrong in showing The Third Jihad to its officers.

"Stand up to these thugs,” she declares. “They did a service by letting the NYPD know what the difference is actually between devotional Islam and the kind of Islam that is subservient to Sharia and pursues Jihad."

Lopez says the film's message urges the Muslim community to look within itself to root out the indoctrination that affects a minority of Muslims.

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