Six killed, dozens injured in Egypt clashes

From Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, For CNN

Egyptian protesters shout slogans during a demonstration against the interim military leadership outside the defense ministry in Cairo

Egyptian protesters shout slogans during a demonstration against the interim military leadership outside the defense ministry in Cairo 

(CNN) -- Assailants targeted protesters demonstrating against the barring of a presidential candidate in Cairo early Wednesday, killing six and leaving scores hurt, the health ministry said.

At least 100 people were injured, said Hisham Sheeha, the deputy minister of health.

It was unclear who the attackers were, but they were dressed in plainclothes, witnesses said.

Protesters camped outside the ministry of defense for a fourth day to voice their anger at the disqualification of Islamist candidate Hazem Abu Ismael from the presidential election set to start May 23. They also want to disband the presidential election commission.


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Abu Ismael was disqualified because of evidence that his late mother had U.S. citizenship. He has denied it, prompting his followers to protest the decision by the election commission.

A day before the attacks, state TV broadcast videos showing protesters chanting against the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.

The epicenter of the violence was around the Noor Salafi Mosque, one of the biggest in Cairo, but clashes continued in several streets.

Residents formed neighborhood watches to protect their streets as gunfire cackled for hours, according to witnesses. The military blocked some highways leading to the ministry and did not interfere in the fighting between protesters and the unidentified attackers.

A cautious calm came at day break as protesters continued their sit-in.

About 10 of the 23 presidential contenders have been disqualified, the head of the election committee said earlier this month.

The May 23-24 vote will be the first presidential election since President Hosni Mubarak's ouster in February 2011. It comes amid rising political tensions as officials work to craft a new constitution and Egyptians await the June 2 verdict in Mubarak's murder trial.

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