Muslim Radicals Kill 17 Christians, Attack Two Churches in Kenyan


Washington, D.C. (July1, 2012) –International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that that suspected members of the Islamic radical group, Al-Shabaab, attacked two churches and killed 17 Christians in Garissa, Kenya today. The attacks took place during the Sunday morning worship services of the churches.

“Many people were injured and rushed to Garissa Provincial hospital. More people might die as they undergo treatment,” said Pastor Ibrahim Magunyi of the East Africa Pentecostal Church who has confirmed the incident to ICC.


The Islamists killed two policemen guarding the African Inland Church before entering the church. Then they threw grenades at the Christian worshipers and shot at them, killing 15 members of the church. In an apparently coordinated attack, the Islamists also threw grenades at the town’s Roman Catholic Church.

ICC’s Regional Manager for Africa, Jonathan Racho, said, “We have written previously of Al-Shabaab's infiltration of Kenya and are extremely saddened by these killings of the Christian worshipers. The actions of the Islamists show their complete disregard for human life. We urge Kenyan authorities to apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice. Kenyan authorities must understand that they are sitting on a powder keg (especially in Eastleigh and in towns near the border with Somalia) and go after Al-Shabaab or all their citizens, not just Christians will be subject to attacks.”


Please call Kenyan embassy in your country and ask the Kenyan officials to protect its citizens from further Islamic attacks and bring the perpetrators of the church attacks to justice

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