Egypt: Islamic supremacists stab man to death for walking with woman

 Ah, the glories of the new, democratic "Arab Spring" Egypt! "Suez knifing stirs fears of 'moral' policing in Egypt," from Ahram Online, July 3 (thanks to David):

Twenty-year-old engineering student Ahmed Said was stabbed to death on Sunday in the Egyptian canal city of Suez – allegedly by bearded men – while walking with his fiancée.
According to eyewitnesses, Said was attacked by three men with long beards and dressed in galabiyas – attire generally associated with religious Muslims – while walking with his fiancée near the centrally-located Arbeen Square.
"They shouted at him, demanding to know his relationship with the woman he was with," Said's father said in video testimony currently circulating on social-media networks. "And Said replied that it was none of their business."
Provoked by Said's reaction, one of the men then reportedly stabbed him between his legs. The young man was then taken to Suez Hospital for treatment before being transferred to a hospital in nearby Ismailiya where he eventually succumbed to his injuries.
The victim's brother told Ahram Online that it was not the first time for such an incident to occur in Suez.
"Another man was attacked earlier for refusing to divulge details of his relationship with the woman he was with, who turned out to be his wife," he said....


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