Nato supplies against Islam, Pakistan: clerics



RELIGIOUS leaders have expressed strong concerns over possible restoration of Nato supplies within next few days and said such an act would never be in the interests of Islam and Pakistan as it would be assisting enemies in killing Afghan Muslim brothers.

Defense of Pakistan Council (DPC) said it would re-launch its agitation movement against the rulers for compromising on vital national interests and honour.

Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Syed Munawar Hasan said it would be a foolish decision which the nation would never forgive.

Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Syed Munawar Hasan said if the government stuck to its decision of stopping Nato supplies, the US and Nato would be forced to withdraw from the region. He said by restoring supplies, the rulers would be selling the independence of the country and neighbouring Afghanistan for dollars.

He said this was the best time to teach Washington a lesson and to get rid of the drone attacks otherwise the US would never withdraw from the region.

The US considered this area the nursery for the jihadis and wanted to annihilate it, he added. Syed Munawar Hasan said that the frequent visits of the US officials indicated the US was adopting the policy of carrot and stick against Pakistan.

The meeting of US Commander John Allen, US Deputy Secretary of State Thomson R Nides and US envoy Cameron Munter with Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar in the presence of Army Chief Gen Kiyani and Finance Minister Abdul Hafeez Sheikh showed that the rulers in Islamabad had lost courage.

The mention of 400 million dollars first instalment to be paid within next few days was an indication that a decision to reopen the supplies had been taken. Pakistani government should also stick to the parliament’s resolutions adopted in the light of the National Security Committee recommendations, and refuse to sell the martyrs’ blood. Defense of Pakistan Council Chief Hafiz Muhammad Saeed said any kind of help to the Nato forces involved in inhuman war crimes against innocent Muslim men, women and children was itself aid in those war crimes. Defense of Pakistan Council Chief Hafiz Saeed said Nato supplies must not be restored even if Washington apologised over killings of Pak troops in Salalah, since the blood of Pak soldiers was not so cheap that only a few words could be sufficient to condoning it and allowing the killers of millions of people to get away with their crimes against humanity.

Other leaders of Defense of Pakistan Council-component parties Maulana Abdul Qadri Rupari, Abdul Rehman Makki, JUI-S leader Abdul Qadir Loni, Maulana Ameer Hamza and others said restoring supplies to Nato was no humanitarian issue but massacre of humanity. They asked if the rulers had no sympathy with over one million Muslim people killed and over three million maimed by Nato in Afghanistan. They said the rulers and politicians who restored Nato supplies were now equal partners with Nato, and under the present circumstances the national defence was now the duty of every citizen. They asked Pakistani people to play their role in expelling their enemy America from the country. They said the present regime was implementing the policies of former President Pervez Musharraf and, in fact, committing bigger blunders than he committed.

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