CSI ALERT: Syrian Christians Targeted by Islamist Rebels!

Victims of Our Lady of Salvation Church Bombing Oct. 31, 2010 in Baghdad

Dear Friends,



Islamic terrorists drove over half of Iraq's Christians out of their homes following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Now they are targeting Christians of Syria. Syria has now become the center of religious cleansing in the Middle East!


Nearly all of the Christians of the Syrian towns of Qusayr and Homs have been forced to flee their homes. They are increasingly victimized by Syrian rebels supported by the U.S. government and its Islamist allies, especially Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. Other religious minorities in Syria, like the Alawites, have also been targeted for kidnapping and murder by the rebels.

Syria's armed opposition is dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical Islamic groups. The Al Qaida terrorist network is among them. Their goal is to create an Islamic state in Syria. Violent jihad is their means of doing so.

Meanwhile, the UN's Genocide Prevention Adviser warns that, due to religious tensions in Syria, "the risk of further mass atrocity crimes is high."


Please read more about the crisis facing Syria's Christians and other religious minorities in my recent article in the Washington Times.


Our nations's political leaders have harshly condemned the atrocities of the Syrian government - as they should. But they have had much less to say about the religious cleansing carried out by the Islamist insurgency.

Roman Catholic Church in Hama, Syria

Sadly, it is abundantly clear that Syria's Christians cannot count on America's political leaders to defend them.


Where our leaders are silent, we must speak.

I have written to President Obama and Governor Romney about the danger posed to Syria's Christians by the Islamist insurgency there. (You can read my letter here ). Be sure to raise your voice as well.

If you have not already done so, please sign our petition to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, asking them to defend the religious minorities of the Islamic Middle East.


If you have already signed it, forward this e-mail to your friends and family, asking them to sign it as well.


The day of evil is here. What will you do?




Dr. John Eibner


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