Egypt: no place for Christians or Jews 

Egypt Shuts Down Last Jewish Synagogue


The Anti-Israel crowd likes to pretend that the ethnic cleansing of the Middle East’s Jews was an economic phenomenon. And every few weeks there is a reminder of how precarious the situation is even for the few Jews still remaining, in what was once an Egyptian city with a tremendous Jewish population.

For the first time in 2,000 years, this year there will be no Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services at the Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue in Alexandria.

The synagogue was the last ‘working’ synagogue in Egypt. The Egyptian authorities have banned High Holiday services for ‘security’ reasons.

Levana Zamir, who heads the International Association of Egyptian Jews in Israel, comments: “It seems this is really the end of Jewish life in Egypt. The authorities have found a way to take over the last Jewish bastion, since all the remaining synagogues are already archaeological and tourist sites. It is very sad.”

If even High Holiday services can’t be held in the only synagogue in Egypt, then this is another demonstration that Jewish life in the Muslim world is simply impossible because of Muslim bigotry.

It was that bigotry which forced Jews out of Egypt.

The first Nationality Code was promulgated by Egypt on May 26, 1926. According to this Nationality Code, a person born in Egypt of a ‘foreign’ father, (who himself was also born in Egypt), was entitled to Egyptian nationality only if the foreign father “belonged racially to the majority of the population of a country whose language is Arabic or whose religion is Islam.”

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