Christian murders, torture by Egyptians ignored by Obama, media

By: Jim Kouri

Egypt’s so-called Arab Spring quickly turned into a Christian winter following the political rise of Islamists and increased assaults on Christians and churches. As a result, an estimated 100,000 Christians have fled or are preparing to flee the country, according to a report by International Christian Concerns on Monday.

Calls for Christians to be killed with some of them reportedly crucified on trees are the new reality of the Egyptian government under a Muslim Brotherhood president and a legislature run by not only the Brotherhood but also the extreme Islamist Salafists, according to a separate report by the British human rights group, the Barnabas Fund.

According to the London-based, non-partisan Barnabas group in an alert, Egyptians have witnessed an increase in brutality, mostly against Christians and dissenters, with President Mohammed Morsi emboldening Islamists who were previously constrained by Egypt's now ousted President Hosni Mubarek.

"Sadly, the Obama administration and most of the American news media ignore these latest examples of brutality and oppression in order to avoid criticism for buying into the whole Arab Spring nonsense," said an official from the Israeli National Police, who told the Law Enforcement Examiner that Salafists are active in helping Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

"Instead of taking action to stop the killing and brutalizing of Christians in Muslim nations, the Obama administration points to Egypt as an example of a foreign policy success," said the INP source.

"Why are people surprised that Obama and his minions don't care about Christian persecution? These are the people who removed the term 'God-given' from the Democratic Party's new Platform," said Michael Baker, a Washington political consultant.

This week, according to officials, pamphlets and posters from jihadist organizations are being handed out to Muslims calling on them to “kill or physically attack the enemies of the religion of Allah -- the Christians in all of Egypt’s provinces, whom they denigrate as being "slaves of the Cross."

In fact, according to the INP source, a bounty has been placed on the head's of Christ's followers in order to “achieve Allah’s rights against his enemies."

The anti-Christian pamphlets are linked to the bloodthirsty torture and murder of a Christian store owner, Refaat Eskander, One of the assassins seen fleeing the scene was allegedly wearing the garb of the Salafist Islamic sect.

Barnabas officials also allege that Christians being randomly attacked and injured while arsonists destroy their businesses their homes are ransacked and plundered in the name of Allah.

"Opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood and President Morsi’s Islamist agenda is being brutally suppressed. Several Arabic web sites reported earlier this month that opponents had been crucified naked on trees by Brotherhood supporters, leading to two deaths and dozens of injuries," stated a Barnabas Fund alert.

Some Egyptian news outlets and personnel that are critical of the Brotherhood and the Morsi government have been attacked, censored and closed down. For example, a large group of Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters beat the editor-in-chief of the independent and secular Youm 7 newspaper and damaged its facilities. Meanwhile, jihadists prevented a TV broadcaster from entering the station’s building under threat of death.

Television channels Okasha and Al Fareen were taken off air, despite Morsi’s promise that “no station or media will be shut down in my era." And a Christian-owned private newspaper had its latest editions confiscated by secret police after an Egyptian court -- exercising Sharia law -- ruled that reporters had insulted Morsi and stirred up sectarian discord.

The Muslim Brotherhood announced it has appointed dozens of new editors for major state-owned newspapers.

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