Islamists claim killing of Russian priest saying he "insulted Islam"

MOSCOW — An Islamist militant group based in Russia's North Caucases has claimed the killing last month of an Orthodox priest who was an outspoken critic of Islam.

Who is Farouk Abdul Mutallab?

The aeroplane failed attempted bomber was UK student and has links to Egypt, Yemen and Dubai. 

By Adewale Adeoye

PHOTO Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, was charged Dec. 26, 2009, with attempting to destroy a Detroit-bound plane and with placing a destructive device on board. 

The mastermind of the near terrorist attack is 23-year -old Farouk Abdul Mutallab. He had his secondary education in Togo. After his secondary education, he proceeded to the University of London, where between 2005 and 2008, he studied Mechanical Engineering.

Man Attempts to Set Off Explosives on Detroit-Bound Airplane

Suspect in attempted bombing of Detroit flight had visa to attend "religious ceremony

Suspect Claims al Qaeda Terrorism Link, but FBI, Investigators Are Suspicious

Federal officials and police are interviewing a Nigerian man, who allegedly tried to "explode" a powdery substance aboard a Northwest flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, injuring himself and two other passengers, law enforcement officials said.

UK: British court jails Albanian Muslim on terrorist charges


A British court jailed an Albanian Muslim for seven years after weapons and Hezbollah manuals were found in his home.

Krena Lusha, 30, from Derby in southeastern England, was sentenced Tuesday after being convicted on terrorist charges, the Jewish Chronicle reported.

A thousand Islamic extremists, including women and children, storm a Church near Jakarta

Asia News by Mathias Hariyadi

The building was near completion and was to be used for Christmas Mass. Local Catholics are afraid that more attacks could take place during the festive season. Police and local authorities urge Catholics to celebrate the service anyway.

Jakarta (AsiaNews) – Last night a crowd of angry Muslims, including women and children, attacked the Church of Saint Albert, in Bekasi Regency, about 30 kilometres east of Jakarta. The situation is now under control but the local Catholic community is afraid of an escalation before Christmas.

BREAKING NEWS: Pakistan Muslim Employers Poison And Kill Christians, Police Say 

By Jawad Mazhar,  Worthy News Special Correspondent reporting from Pakistan

Worthy News)-- A Christian sanitation worker was struggling for his life Wednesday, December 16, in a hospital of Pakistan's Punjab province after two Christian co-workers already died because Muslim employers apparently poisoned them, police and family confirmed.


Complaints of Bias Can Go Both Ways in Egypt

On a side street in the far northeast Cairo suburb of Ain Shams, the door of a five-story former underwear factory is padlocked.

This is, or was supposed to be, the St. Mary and Anba Abraam Coptic Christian Church. The police closed it Nov. 24, 2008, when Muslims rioted against its consecration. Since then local Copts have had to commute to distant churches or worship in hiding at one another’s homes.


'Honour' case father guilty of killing Tulay Goren

Tulay Goren

A father has been found guilty of murdering his 15-year-old daughter in a so-called honour killing.

Schoolgirl Tulay Goren disappeared in 1999 after having a relationship with a man who her family disapproved of. 

Informational billboards on Islamic faith are going up

Hoping to encourage interfaith dialogue, an Islamic organization will unveil a pair of billboards in Minneapolis this week.


2 men sentenced for aiding terrorists with videos

FILE - This 2005 file image made from a video provided by the U.S. Attorney's office, shows Ehsanul Islam Sadequee posing in front of the U.S. Capitol. Sadequee was sentenced to 17 years in prison Monday, Dec. 14, 2009 for conspiring to aid terrorists by sending homemade videos of Washington landmarks overseas and trying to meet with a terror group in Bangladesh. (AP Photo/U.S. Attorney's Office, File)

ATLANTA — Two Georgia men were each sentenced to more than 10 years in prison Monday for plotting to aid terrorists by sending homemade videos of Washington landmarks overseas and traveling abroad to try to turn their anti-American rhetoric into action.

Egyptian Christian women forced to marry, convert to Islam, reports say


Coptic Christian women in Egypt are being forced to marry and convert to Islam and that oppression is part of a larger pattern of persecution against Christians facilitated by the Egyptian government, according to two recent reports.

Muslim Scholar Publishes Anti-Christian Book in Egypt


Cairo Christian in Egypt are up in arms this week over a controversial book issued as a free supplement with this month's Al-Azhar magazine, describing Christianity as a Religion of "idolatry" and claiming that the Holy Bible is a misquotation of the original one. The book was published by State-owned corporations that are financed by taxpayers, Christians as well as Muslims.


Briton guilty of plotting 'deadly terror attack' 

From left: Adam Khatib, Nabeel Hussain, Shamin Uddin
The three men have been found guilty of terror charges








A British Muslim has been convicted of conspiring to murder civilians in a "deadly terrorist attack".

BBC Radio, he could have killed hundreds.




British Muslim gets life over terror attack plot 

Adam Khatib 

A British Muslim has been sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of conspiring to murder civilians in a "deadly terrorist attack".

BBC Radio, he could have killed hundreds.




Pakistani police arrest 5 Pakistani Americans with alleged terror ties

- McClatchy Newspapers

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Police on Wednesday arrested five young American men from the Washington, D.C., area who flew to Pakistan last month with the alleged intent of enlisting with an Islamic militant group, Pakistani and U.S. officials said.

BBC Radio: Pakistani American fight America to defend Islam

"Muslims must be defended, we are proud of it" 


Chicago Breaking News 

Chicagoan charged with aiding deadly Mumbai terror attack

One of two Chicago men charged in a planned assault against a Danish newspaper has been officially accused in last year's terror attack in Mumbai, the U.S. attorney's office in Chicago announced today.


Imam father issued death fatwa against son for conversion to Christianity

Graeme Hamilton, National Post

Lamine Yansane, outside Mary Queen of the World Cathedral.

Vincenzo D'Alto/Canwest News Service Lamine Yansane, outside Mary Queen of the World Cathedral.

MONTREAL -- In Lamine Yansané's hometown of Boké in Guinea, his father is a revered imam who sometimes leads Friday prayers. But after Mr. Yansané married a Catholic woman and abandoned Islam for Christianity, his father disowned him, and Friday prayers have featured a call for his death, the Federal Court heard yesterday.


Al-Qaeda 'terrorists' win right to hear secret evidence

Two men, alleged to be al-Qaeda terrorists, have won the right to hear the secret evidence against them or be released.

Abu Qatada smuggling statements out of prison

abu qatada Photo: REUTERS

Both men are in prison but if the government refuses to release the information they would be freed on bail with minimal restrictions.

Egyptian State Security Accused of Cover-up in Muslim Riots

Cairo (AINA)

In an effort to cover up the Muslim mob violence against the Copts which broke out last week in the town of Farshoot and neighboring villages (AINA 11-22-2009, 11-23-2009), and in view of the complete news blackout imposed by the Egyptian government, Egyptian State Security has intensified its pressure on the Coptic Church in Nag Hammadi and the victims of the violence into accepting extrajudicial reconciliation with the perpetrators, and opening their businesses without any compensation.


Fifty lashes for the teenage girl who wore an 'indecent' knee length skirt in Sudan

A girl of 16 was given 50 lashes after a judge ruled her knee length skirt was indecent.

The Omdurman market in Khartoum (file picture), one of the city's many markets. Silva Kashif was arrested as she walked to a market near her home in the Khartoum suburb of Kalatla last week

The Omdurman market in Khartoum (file picture), one of the city's many markets. Silva Kashif was arrested as she walked to a market near her home in the Khartoum suburb of Kalatla last week

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