Feds charge 20 "young Americans" with joining Al-Qaeda-linked Somali jihad group 

Charges Detail Road to Terror for 20 in U.S.

Burhan Hassan of Minnesota was killed in Somalia.

With eight new suspects charged Monday, the authorities have implicated 14 people in the case, one of the most extensive domestic terrorism investigations since the Sept. 11 attacks. Some of them have been arrested; others are at large, including several believed to be still fighting with the Somali group, Al Shabab 

Muslim Anti-Christian Riots Spread in Upper Egypt, Video Shows Looting and Burning
Upper Egypt (AINA)
On Monday November 23, 2009 Muslim rioters looted and burned Coptic Christian businesses in the village of Abou Shousha, which lies 25 KM from Farshoot. The terrorized Coptic inhabitants of Abou Shusha have stayed indoors, their shops are closed and their children are being kept away from school. They fear a repeat in their village of the Muslim violence which engulfed the town of Farshoot less than 36 hours earlier (AINA 11-22-2009).

Egypt Muslims burn Christian shops: police

CAIRO — Hundreds of Muslim protesters on Saturday burnt Christian-owned shops in southern Egypt and attacked a police station where they believed a Christian accused of raping a Muslim girl was being held, a police official said.

Police repelled the demonstrators in the town of Farshut using tear gas and also arrested 60 people during the clashes in which seven Coptic Christian-owned shops were destroyed, the official said.

Muslim Violence Ongoing in Egypt -- Christians Plead For Help

Farshoot, Egypt (AINA)

Since early morning on Saturday, November 21, the Upper Egyptian town of Farshoot, as well as the neighboring villages of Kom Ahmar, Shakiki and Ezbet Waziri, has been the scene of ongoing Muslim mob violence against Coptic Christian inhabitants. The mob looted, vandalized and burnt Coptic property, while Copts hid indoors fearing to venture out. Reuters Cairo reported that a witness said "chaos is overwhelming (in the city)."

British Broadcasting Corporation 

Sears Tower bomb plot leader Narseal Batiste jailed

The Sears Tower - now the Willis Tower - in Chicago
Five men have been jailed for the plot to attack the tower









The leader of a group which plotted to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago has been sentenced to 13-and-a-half years in prison.

Times Online 

Muslims must quit British Forces, says Iranian envoy Abdolhossein Moezi

Ayatollah Abdolhossein Moezi

Ayatollah Abdolhossein Moezi says the death of protesters in Iran was regrettable but unavoidable

The Iranian Supreme Leader’s representative in Britain has told Muslim servicemen and women to quit the Armed Forces, saying that their involvement in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars is forbidden by Islam.

15 Year Old Egyptian Convert to Christianity Sends Plea to Obama
Cairo (AINA)


15-year-old Egyptian girl Dina el-Gowhary, who converted from Islam to Christianity, has sent a plea to President Obama, complaining of mistreatment by the Egyptian Government and asking for his mediation. "Mr President Obama," she writes, "we are a minority in Egypt. We are treated very badly.

Officials worried group in Canada went to join Islamic radicals in Somalia

Stewart Bell, National Post

  • Hardline Islamist fighters from Al-Shabab rally in the streets of Mogadishu, Oct. 30, 2009. 

Mohamed Dahir/AFP/Getty Images Hardline Islamist fighters from Al-Shabab rally in the streets of Mogadishu, Oct. 30, 2009.

TORONTO -- Counterterrorism officials are investigating a group of youths who allegedly left Canada for East Africa two weeks ago, amid concerns they may have gone to join the Somali militant group Al-Shabab.


UK: Albanian "terrorist" caught with bomb-making materials in his home, court hears

An alleged Albanian terrorist was in the middle of downloading a video showing how to make a suicide vest when police raided his home, a court has heard.

By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent
Published: 5:20PM GMT 17 Nov 2009

Krenar Lusha also had 14 mobile phones and a video on his laptop called “mobile detonators” that showed how to turn a mobile phone into a bomb trigger.


Two Egyptian Christians get death sentence for murder

Two Egyptian Christians get death sentence for murder

CAIRO (AFP) – Two Egyptian Christians have been condemned to death for the murder of a Muslim man who married one of their relatives after she converted to Islam, a judicial source said on Sunday.

Times Online 

Irishman wants to kill for Islam

Khalid Kelly, the former leader of al Muhajiroun in Ireland with son Osama

An Irish jihadist living in Pakistan’s Swat valley says he is preparing to wage war against British and allied troops in Afghanistan.

Egyptian Christian Man Attacked By Mob for Frequenting A Muslim Brothel


A state of fear has gripped the Christian inhabitants in the Upper Egyptian town of Mallawi after a Muslim mob tried to kill a Christian man for frequenting a Muslim-run brothel. Christian inhabitants are staying indoors, have closed their businesses, and are keeping their children -- especially girls -- away from schools. They fear wide-scale Muslim violence against them, similar to the violence which took place against Christians in Dairout on October 24,2009. (AINA 10-27-2009).

FOX News.com 

Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club


Practicing Christians in Egypt may now face prison Practicing Christians in Egypt may now face prison

By: Kimberly Ladouceur.

Maurice Salama Sharkawy, 37, has been taken prisoner by Egyptian State Security in his Deir Samalout village home for being a practicing Christian.

Army shooter's mosque run by Muslim Mafia

Islamic center preaches violent jihad, Shariah law

Nidal Malik Hasan in 2003

The suspected Fort Hood terrorist's former mosque in Maryland is controlled by the radical Muslim Brotherhood, a Saudi-funded worldwide jihadist movement which controls many of the mosques in America.

UK: 'Hardcore' Islamist gets top anti-terror post at Home Office


Asim Hafeez.

Asim Hafeez

A “hardcore” Islamist has been given a key Home Office job to tackle terrorism and divert fellow Muslims from the path of violence.


Officials Begin Putting Shooting Pieces Together

Fort Hood shooter taught Koran when he was supposed to be giving a medical lecture

Listen to the Story

As doctors attend to the wounded and funeral plans are made for the deceased, military officials at Fort Hood, Texas, are piecing together why the alleged gunman shot and killed 13 people and wounded 30 others. Among the things they are looking into: Whether Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was disturbed by his deployment orders to go to Iraq.


Some Muslims fear backlash after rampage

In the wake of Fort Hood tragedy, Houston authorities try to assure the faithful steps are being taken to keep followers safe



Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists

Major Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a "spiritual adviser" to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001.

Major Nidal Malik Hasan: Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the sole suspect in the massacre of 13 fellow US soldiers in Texas Photo: GETTY


It's Burkh-ingham Palace: Hate preacher calls for the Queen to wear full Muslim dress

By Sam Greenhill

A poster from Muslim group Al-Muhajiroun showing how they would change Buckingham Palace into a mosque

The Queen forced to wear a burkha and turned into a mosque - that was the vision of Britain under Sharia law proposed by a Muslim firebrand yesterday.

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